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Battle of the Ports

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    ZUNTATA vs. Sega Sound Team vs. Capcom's Alph-Lyla.

    Now THAT would be one epic videogames Battle of the Bands, no?
    Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 12-10-2014, 16:39.


      It sure as hell would but I suspect Capcom would come 3rd place


        Originally posted by baad bwoy View Post
        Yeah Space Harrier was amazing in the arcade...think PC Engine captured the arcade spirit the best even though they dispensed with the chequered floor. Is Space Harrier included in the Battle of the ports series Yakumo?
        Yep, it was the very first show I did and because of that it's missing a few versions. You can find it on my YouTube Channel or my site.

        Channel -


          Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
          It sure as hell would but I suspect Capcom would come 3rd place
          I'm not so sure about that. I'm not saying they'd win but they would definitely hold their own.

          Alph-Lyra's CPS-1 and CPS-2 soundtrack catalogue can stand alongside anything that ZUNTATA and S.S.T. have done, and that's before you look past the obviously iconic SF2 OST.
          Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 12-10-2014, 19:37.


            Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
            Yeah, I agree. I also love the Space Harrier music. Space Harrier was the game that really got me in to gaming way back in Alton Towns in 1985! Oh man, I can still remember the full size cab in the mini arcade next to the Corkscrew rollercoaster.
            When it sinks in that Space Harrier is 30 years old next year, it really reminds you how incredible is must have looked brand new compared to anything else available in the arcades at the time… So I'm not surprised that so many veteran gamers cite it as a 'gateway drug'.


              When it sinks in that Space Harrier is 30 years old next year, it really reminds you how incredible is must have looked brand new compared to anything else available in the arcades at the time
              I still remember it well too . The games audio and speech sambles just drew you to the Arcade unti and then to play the full Hydraulic unti in 1986 down in Porthcawl with those amazing visuals was the machine that got me into Arcade gaming in a Huge way and also helped to me become a SEGA fan . So so sad to see Arcade gaming and also SEGA Japan die pretty much a death in the West .

              Staying on Topic I have to say that I was always impressed with Night Striker on the Mega CD and it was just a shame the game was so low res as otherwise it was a really impressive port and pretty much spot on, plus the high quailty colour scan on the Mega CD game disc still to this day looks so cool .


                All Japanese Mega CD games were in colour There's quite a few colour Saturn discs too but these days you don't really see them I have maybe 5 or so 360 games with colour disc print but that's about it.


                  All Japanese Mega CD games were in colour There's quite a few colour Saturn discs too
                  Yes I know , but Night Striker just looked ace as does the colour scan to Switch. I love the colour scans to Virtual Fighter, Panzer and Astal too . Shame they were dropped for cost cutting meassures after a year or so


                    Yeah, it's quite rare to see a colour printed CD these days but back in the early 90's they were quite common over a variety of formats.


                      Battle of the Ports - The Ninja Warriors


                        Ha! For the first time, you know the aspect ratio is wrong because of the ridiculous triple-screen cab!

                        I wonder if it's still running anywhere? It's an impressive sight to behold!

                        Nice work, as ever, Yakumo!


                          Have to say I thought the game was **** , but the music in the Mega CD version is ace


                            Terrible game no matter what version.


                              I love the SFC sequel though!


                                Yeah, The Ninja Warriors isn't a very good game but as people have said, great music. The SFC is pretty good though.

