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Ultra Street Fighter ® IV Retrospective

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    I think once a series goes 3d it won't have major jumps in style like 2d did.


      It’s my favourite in the series.
      It also changed fighting games forever IMO. It brought fighting games back to life and the level of depth people took this game too was unfounded.

      He game isn’t perfect, the last version needs some balance changes, mainly to Elena and some option selects were a bit too strong but generally it’s a great game.

      SFV is built on all the wrong ideas. They dumbed a lot of it down to try and attract new, less skilled players. They took the idea of action and come back waaaaay to far, to the point where the game is so overly aggressive people die in 10-15s.


        The incremental iteration of SFII to SFII Turbo TO SSFIITNC to ALPHA then SFIII 3rd Strike paved the wave for the greatest fighting game of its generation in SFIV. The artworks are "digital watercolors". Nintendo paved the wave and CAPCOM perfected it on X360 and PS4 but restricted SFV to PS5 was a massive increase user base.

        SFVI = Coin Op First and Capcom Esports World Cicrcuit....

        Last edited by CAPCOM; 07-11-2020, 15:51.


          I have a soft spot for Alpha 3. I bought Zero 3 from ChipShop2000 for PS1 for £59.99. Ah memories.

          I got a lot of single player time out of it thanks to the World Tour mode.
          Last edited by hudson; 07-11-2020, 15:56.


            Esports and the Capcom Cup are where the new challengers play...


              I love this because it's so replete with characters, it's a fun 2P dip in, dip out kinda smorgasbord of a game.

              I echo Dogg Thang's sentiments on the thwacky, impacty feel of fighting games and I *do* think the polygonal hit takes away everso slightly from the 2D jazzybollocks. It just feels floatier, no matter what they say. But I reckon it's the visuals that make the brain feel like that. It's deffo not an unresponsive game.

              But what polygons it has, what superb gameplay, what inspired visual design, what amplitude of content and quality. It's still a really bloody brilliant game and the craft and effort contained within it is humbling.

              I'm pleased to report that the Ultra update to the old 360 arcade edition is now proper BC and works, now. As is LAIR OF THE SHADOW BROKER for MASS EFFECT 2.

              It's taken me aaaaaaages to get that back, it vanished into the gaming ether for a very long time!


                Super/Ultra SFIV is the best street fighter ever - in multiplayer mode. The focus system is just genius and the game has that and other moves that really reduces the emphasis on projectile spamming/zoning. There are just so many options and ways of fighting.

                I've heard SF5 is very good but takes a step backwards by losing the focus system. It's a much more offensive whirlwind game at a high level

                For some reason I don't enjoy single player on SF4 so much and I think it's because so much of the game is out-thinking your opponent rather than spamming combos. So it's just not as satisfying in 1 player mode.

                SF3 is best single player SF game. for me


                  I agree...

