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Retro|Spective 202: Arcade Lightgun Shooters

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    You haven't heard it before because I just made it up!


      Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
      Pretty sure I have your copy, Chaz!
      Pritty shure yoo don't.


        It would be rude to wait longer...

        Game 08 - Time Crisis
        Largely a lightgun experience in the same mould as Virtua Cop, Time Crisis was distinct in its use of a foot pedal that would duck the player under cover allowing them to reload. The use of cover would need consideration though as whilst you were protected you were also using up seconds of time as the clock counted down. The game grew its recognition not just via its well recieved arcade units but also from its home port that brought to gamers the Guncon. It performed well enough to recieve a PS1 only direct sequel in Project Titan that introduced the ability to relocate during cover, a feature that the mainline entries wouldn't bring in till the fourth game.

        How much Time did you have for this Crisis?


          Yeah, Time Crisis is amazing.
          Such a brilliant arcade experience.
          Am I right in thinking it's the first game with a gun that has the recoil effect?

          Trying to go Virtua Cop afterwards was impossible.
          No duck? Shoot off-screen to reload? Pah!

          The foot pedal to allow you to reload and dodge was a masterstroke.

          The likes of House of the Dead where you'd turn a corner and get hit seemed so cheap in comparison.
          Yes, there are moments when you get shot at by a red guy quickly, but you can dodge them and the game begs replay, so you get to learn when they come up.

          Also, colour-coding the enemies was really useful to know who to prioritise.

          I also loved how there were little things to look out for like enemies running away in the distance, plus the shortcuts on the missions like shooting the forklift truck to make it explode and take out the enemies behind it.

          I think I can get to the ninjas with daggers before needing to continue.
          I can't remember completing it, but must've at some point.
          I might try and rectify that at somewhere like Arcade Club.

          If I'm honest, I think the simplicity of this game actually helps it.
          In TC2, I like the 2-player idea, but it doesn't feel like you're playing the same game together a lot of the time, if I'm honest.
          TC3 introduces extra weapons and you find yourself faffing around swapping weapons whilst the timer counts down.
          Crisis Zone has the joy of the uzi from TC3, but just makes all the enemies bullet sponges, robbing it of any satisfaction.

          I thought the PS1 version was decent as well, with the use of the pad as the pedal (shoes off, accurate big toe needed!).
          It also had a whole new section to play through for that "better than the arcade!" feel like MD Golden Axe.

          So, at my parents' house, we had a summer house down the end of the garden and my dad had got power and light down there and I'd set up the PlayStation down there for some epic summer hols gaming, including link-up Doom!
          Anyway, a friend popped over to see me, but I'd gone swimming.
          Although my Mom knew I wouldn't be back for a while, she let my friend just spend the day playing Time Crisis in our summer house, occasionally checking on him and bringing him drinks and snacks, so me and my mate have fond memories of this game, even though we weren't playing it together!


            To this day I still get nervous in crowds when I see a man dressed in a red jumpsuit.


              Originally posted by fuse View Post
              To this day I still get nervous in crowds when I see a man dressed in a red jumpsuit.
              New pants for Fuse!


                In retrospect, the Slipknot meet and greet was a bad idea.


                  I would really like to play Project Titan. I remember that coming out but I didn't get a GunCon till the GunCon 2 (which, irritatingly, didn't work with PS1 lightgun games as it used USB).


                    I plugged my G-Con 45 in recently and fired up some Point Blank and had a blast. I also discovered two other Namco shooters in a similar vein by the names of Ghoul Panic/Oh! Bakyuuun and Rescue Shot/Rescue Shot Bubibo - both of which are different but interesting in their own way. Sadly neither was released in the States so I've been playing the Japanese versions but I'd really recommend trying them if you have the means.

                    I think the GunCon 2 and 3 are expensive now because of the MiSTer project. Dang it!


                      I remember Ghoul Panic. That always looked like fun, too, although I only read about it in magazines. I'm envious of your PS1/CRT/GunCon setup!


                        I have the grey PAL gun and the cool black Japanese one too.

                        It is a shame it was only localised to Europe, and the same for Rescue Shot. I guess they considered Europe more accepting of cutesy things back then. Another game I really need to try is Elemental Gearbolt - which has a super cool name but I'm not sure has gameplay to match.


                          At the very last hour I ended up cancelling my Sinden order. I've been looking up a ton of info and reviews and they're an expensive outlay for something with the amount of technical considerations involved and the gamble that once in your set up they might not work as you'd hope. Ordering a single Aimtrak is much, much cheaper but even then a flawed solution.

                          Simply using a mouse is the easy route but it's not the same experience. Madness that this is so difficult to do.




                              I clocked a Time Crisis 4 + G-Con set in a shop yesterday ... almost buckled but the lack of G-Con 3 compatible titles really puts me off. Shame it was so under-utilised.


                                Game 09 - Lethal Enforcers
                                Konami's shooter was another common arcade presence using digitised images of actors and locations to create its action scenes. At the time there was some attention brought to the game as questions arose regarding the ability to shoot what looked like real people but that just spread the games name around more. Playing as Chicago cops, you blasted away the enemies in the classic 80's/90's era style Hollywood was famous for showing.

                                Did you find the experience justified when delivering justice with your justifier?

