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The Shield

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    May I believe.


      May you believe what?


        That season six is coming I would have thought.


          Originally posted by Unwell Cat View Post
          That season six is coming I would have thought.
          The last is Season 7, and according to this article is poised for a mid-summer release


            Wow, didn't see this thread re-surface.

            I started watching this a couple of months ago, and I'm currently part-way through the third season, watching on my iPod to-and-from work ... really good stuff, it's basically E.R in a cop shop.

            Laughed out loud on the bus the other day when Shane had to quickly think up a fake name to give the Armenian.


              Yeah, Cletus VanDamme is by far the best name ever.


                My golden run of luck in local Crime Converters continues - not only did I manage to get frist two series of The Wire, on Monday I pop in there and they have 1 & 2 of The Shield - ?5 each!!

                Snapped them up and watched the first four episodes. Very enjoyable stuff. It is a lot faster paced than The Wire which I am currently working my way through - and it is nice to be able to have a bit of hi octane no brainer action rather than having to concentrate of every single utterance and subtle nuance of the Wire's labyrinthine plot.

                I love the top class telly shows America produces. When you look at the dross we get in the UK it makes you wonder why shows like this, Sopranos, Oz and The Wire are buried on C5, FX, etc when they should quite clearly be slap bang in the middle of Prime Time to show the Brits how to operate.

                I have to stop going into Crack Converters because their tv boxset treats are making my life a constant marathon in front of the googlebox.


                  My fave TV show ever. Can't wait for Season 7 due to start on 2/9/2008 in the US.

                  Check out the interviews and S7 behind the scenes at the Official Website.


                    Started the third series of this, and am six episodes in. Enjoying it as much as ever - some shocking scenes though, particularly

                    the fight between Shane and Tavon, and Aceveda being forced to suck that cholo's dick!



                      Yeah, that's one shot you should get used to watching. It's on just about every 'previously on' for, like, ever.


                        And season seven (finally) starts in a couple of weeks. September the 3rd or something...


                          caught a few teaser adds whilst I was in the states. Happy to see this back, but gutted it will be the final season.


                            Starts on Tuesday in America! Cant wait!


                              I'm actually glad it's coming to the end. I'll miss it, but imo every great show needs to wrap up somehow. Last season it was building towards this definitive ending. The pieces are in place now, we'll see Vic knocking everything down - most likely himself as well.

                              Of course I'll miss it, it's a great show, but I applaud the recent movement of shows to end on their own terms, rather than waiting until they've gone crap and been cancelled. The Wire, Lost, Shield, Galactica, all great shows with a strong beginning and ending, the way it should be


                                Just finished season 6 this morning. Loved it, christ knows how 7 will pan out. Heard strong rumours Tavon returns!

