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The Shield

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    Great opener to the new season.

    Ronnie entering the darkside and Shane witnessing it. It's going to get messy no doubt.

    Last edited by Richard.John; 04-09-2008, 01:09.


      Awesome as always, so awesome in fact my pc broke just before I was going to watch it! It must have known it couldn't cope with such levels of win


        It's been 18 months but it's like it has never left our screens. Truly the greatest TV show in the world, along side Top Gear of course.


          It felt weird watching it at first, but after 15 minutes it felt as if they had never left. I love, it, far, far too much. In true 'Shield' fashion they drop you in at the deep end right from the start, so it took me a while to remember even half of what was going on. It's bloody marvellous though.


            Its back! Totally forgot about this!

            Will watch this later today. All I need now is Dexter Season 3 to begin and life is complete


              Going back a season or two, was thinking the other night - Forest Whitaker's Kavanaugh has to be one of the creepiest, disturbing characters I have ever come across on a television show. The series was really lifted by his appearance (and prior to that Glenn Close).


                I agree. Was slightly sad

                to see him fall the way he did. But was glad Mackey got away again.



                  Maybe he will return. I doubt it though.


                    I think its his lazy eye what does it Big S He was a fantastic character in it though I was on the edge of me bed all the way thru panicking for Mackie.


                      Kavanaugh was probably the best character I've ever seen in a TV show, the performance by Whitaker was incredible and I can't believe he went without award.

                      Just seen Episode 1 of Season 7 and it looks like it is shaping up to be another unforgettable ride.


                        Just seem the new episode! Starts off with a bang! No idea how this season will pan out.


                          Watching first two episodes as we speak. Jesus, this show just does not let up. So tense, so well paced. Thank goodness for the light relief provided by Billings. Watched the last few episodes of season 5 again last night. The scene when Kavanaugh loses it in front of the chief, in the Captain's office, just incredible.


                            So we are half way in or so of season 7 and maybe it's just me but I am not feeling the love anymore. The show peaked in season 5 I feel.


                            To be fair, I made my comment about S5 considering that it's been over two years since the end of that season but I do apologise if I let the cat out of the bag.
                            Last edited by Richard.John; 03-10-2008, 01:27.


                              I feel the same way - the end of Season 5 was incredible (the whole Kavanugh storyline was excellent) and since then it's just felt like one big letdown. I really thought they would have made more of

                              Shane killing Lem

                              and perhaps they still might, but so far it's almost as if it's forgotten about. Only Ronny seems genuinely upset over it.

                              This is the last season (I think it's 13 episodes and we've had 5 so far) - I'm wondering how they'll end it. Surely they wouldn't kill Vic off?


                                You might want to hide the spoiler of what happened Richard as thats a massive spoiler for those that aint seen that far. Im personally waiting for the last series to finish then will watch em back to back. I really cant see em killing Vic off I think it will either end with him being arrested or he just gets let go on his contract to leave it open. Funnily enough I watched Face/Off for first time last night on blueray and not seen it in a few years and noticed CCH Pounder in it. Noticed actress what plays Vics wife popped up in The Shield as well in series 2 which isnt suprising seeing as he also co produces it (Shawn Ryan).
                                Last edited by Guest; 02-10-2008, 14:58.

