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    Well, they are both tag belts.

    Morrison and Punk have just had a 3 match series and as good as they are I don't think we need more at the moment!

    I do think we'll see Jeff get hurt somehow (in storyline terms) at Summerslam to explain his upcoming hiatus.


      Good Night Sweet Prince

      This article was originally on a blog post platform and may be missing photos, graphics or links.


        Do the mario, no more


          Yeah I heard about Captain Lou yesterday on JR's blog. Such a shame.

          Anyone keep up with current stuff on here? If enough of us do we could keep a thread going!

          Personally, I am getting a bit sick of this PG rubbish, especially when they promote a Hell In A Cell PPV and don't allow blood. The wrestling has been ok but you need the violent matches in wrestling now and again but they have been missing.

          I am really looking forward to Bragging Rights, particularly the Orton vs Cena iron man match. Those 2 always have excellent matches together and I personally really enjoy Iron Man even though overall they seem to do really badly with ratings.


            I watch Impact every week and their PPVs but TNA don't seem to be too popular so I'm not sure how many people would wanna discuss it

            Even before they moved to a PG rating, it'd been years since WWE had put on a Hell in a Cell match that actually needed the cell!

            My favourite Iron Man match was Lesnar vs Angle on Smackdown back in 03. I thought the idea of Lesnar smashing up Angle with the chair, losing one fall for the DQ, but then quickly pinning Angle several times in a row because he was out of it from the chair shots was really well done.


              Yeah that match was great. I watched the highlight package on the Best of Smackdown DVD the other day. As good as it is, there's just too many pinfalls, though. The original Shawn v Bret match is still the best in my eyes, though. Brilliantly paced match, that.

              I don't watch TNA that much as I just don't like the 'feel' of the show. Looks too sterile. It was great in 2003 and I watched a few PPVs from that year recently but they have gone backwards since imo.


                I only watch TNA these days. I cannot stand any of the WWE shows at the moment. Its not just there PG friendly stance either. Its the whole product. TNA is just so much better at the moment. Better in ring work. Better characters and better skits.


                  Same here, that's exactly how I feel.


                    ...but way less atmosphere. There's something about the WWE production that blows TNA out of the water. I guess TNA uses the Attitude era formula which is great in theory but stuff like the Main Event Mafia just makes me cringe.

                    They are introducing big changes soon so will see how that pans out.


                      I'm sure I read TNA Impact is going to be airing on a Friday night on Virgin1 at 9.00pm - which is brilliant as Virgin1 is on Freeview.


                        So its happened! Hogan has signed a deal with TNA. It could be the signing they need to break through or it could be a horrible mistake. Be very interesting to see how he is used over the upcoming months. Especially with their new focus on building new stars.


                          Just reading about this now. Bischoff involved at all? That would be interesting.


                            Yes Bishoff is heavily involved. He was responsible for signing the deal. Jay Lethal and Hogan as the Mega Powers? Could be good for one match.


                              Bischoff as the on screen boss would have me watching.


                                It's intriguing but I mean how old is Hogan now? I hope he doesn't just bulldoze through all their young talent that they've been trying to build for the last couple of years. [Hulks up, leg drop, 1...2...3...]

