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Last night's Top Gear

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    Originally posted by Red Hogg View Post
    Pics or gtfo.
    +1 (or at least a detailed description or hand drawing of said boobage)

    Yeah, I thought it was a decent episode. It's nice to have a mix of cars not just all supercars/£60k plus motors. Still think SIARP car should go and the awards ceremony 'joke' of naming nominees then giving the award to something completely different wore thin the second time they did it.


      Are you really suggesting guys that I would have taken pictures of her?

      Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
      +1 (or at least a detailed description or hand drawing of said boobage)
      Unfortunately/fortunately for you I can't draw. Description = nice. Don't let my wife find out though OK


        There's some olympics special edition on tonight at 7:30. Not sure if it's a repeat or what? Don't think it is?


          Its a repeat unforunately


            but a good episode nonetheless, if its the one i think it is with the rocket mini


              Back on Sunday, I live in hope that they have real challenges and less set up crap.
              Oh and I hope they show some GT5


                Interested to see what this is like given the frank admission by the producer (I think) at the end of last season that it was all a bit turgid. Fingers crossed.


                  So who saw the new show? Just finished watching it here. I thought it was a good show. I had a good few laughs at it. The Star in a Reasonably Priced Car section wasn't so good but the rest of it was well worth watching. Still the best car show on TV.



                    They didn't actually change much about it I thought. Anyone else? I did like the photography and the cuts to the boxer in the Bentley Continental SuperSports review and they stated some real actual figures. However, the rest was same old. I mean they've done the SIARP car bonanza before and it was practically identical. Who cares if there are few people on the board to start with. Still think that segment should go as I don't care about celebs.

                    Also, the Reliant Robin stuff was typical over the top staged boredom and it went on for aaaaaages.


                      That it might have been, but every time the Robin toppled I couldn't help but laugh


                        I thought it was OK, better than recent seasons.

                        I actually don't mind them re-doing old laughs that worked before, in some ways its like a band playing their greatest hits, a couple of years of semi regurgited but newly filmed material is preferable to them trying to get 'wackier' or topping old stuff.

                        If series contnues like that I'll be happy, was a good ep.


                          It was the same old format, but for me its still good entertainment.

                          The ITV HD piss take was funny and the Reliant Robin bit was classic Clarkson twatting about.


                            the format is the same but I'm happier if they go back to the tone and approach of 4-5 series ago and before, last few have been watchable but just got too silly & scripted.

                            I'd happily watch old challenges slightly changed and redone rather than them going to some of the more stupid extremes of recent series to do something new.


                              Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                              That it might have been, but every time the Robin toppled I couldn't help but laugh
                              Same here. You can tell it was staged but still entertaining enough. May e it did drag on too long though.


                                for where shazzam just won't do due to voiceovers

                                really bugging me as there's a lovely little bit of laid back hammond organ at 28:52 in the episode and its not been ID'd yet, anybody got any ideas ?

