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V For Vendetta & Watchmen Movie Thread (mostly Watchmen now)

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    Moore only started getting very arsey about the film thing when he got dragged into the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen plagiarism case (which, if you read the specifics, is absolutely hilarious - the suit suggested WB had hired Moore to write the original comics because they had a script they wanted to pilfer and needed an "original" source to adapt), which wound him up rather a lot.


      Oops - double post.
      Last edited by Eps; 20-07-2008, 18:53.


        I saw this trailer on the IMAX screening of Dark Knight here in town -- amazing! I then rushed onto NTSC-UK as soon as I could get interwebs back (cable's been out) to see if you boys and girls had seen it. Of course, it made its way onto the internets right away. I'm glad I saw it on the big screen first, though... it really makes me have faith in the finished product. I can't believe they kept the bit where

        Dr. Manhattan creates a structure by turning Martian sand into glass

        -- and it looks even better than the comic, if anything! High hopes for this one
        Last edited by Eps; 20-07-2008, 18:57.


          Originally posted by Chain View Post
          There may have been some specific trailer shots in there, but I fear the action will be "stylised" like "300". That will be a shame imo. This needs to be a gritty film, it needs to be earnest. Not flash.
          Every shot in the trailer was either in slowmo or had a speed drop, true they could have selected these moments, but I'm more inclined to believe the pacing has been messed with to give the trailer a dreamlike flow and mix with the music track. I'm pretty sure the trailer has been made too feel more like 300 to try and give it something that audiences can connect with, as no doubt they will never have seen the characters before or be able to understand what the story is about. Of course, if it is all like this then fitting the GN into a film that plays in slowmo will be an amazing achievement...


            I know nowt about this (like I didnt with Hellboy) watched the trailer and cant wait for my birthday next year when its released


              Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
              Every shot in the trailer was either in slowmo or had a speed drop, true they could have selected these moments, but I'm more inclined to believe the pacing has been messed with to give the trailer a dreamlike flow and mix with the music track. I'm pretty sure the trailer has been made too feel more like 300 to try and give it something that audiences can connect with, as no doubt they will never have seen the characters before or be able to understand what the story is about. Of course, if it is all like this then fitting the GN into a film that plays in slowmo will be an amazing achievement...
              Yeah the trailer is all slow mo shots. But the slow mo and additional speed drops suggest this is how that footage will be presented in the final film. If you shoot at 24fps, you can't then make these shots slow mo for a trailer and keep the movement smooth. These were shot in slow mo, so unless they're being sped up / frame merged for the film itself, looks like speed drops are the order of the day for the action.

              Slow mo can work wonderfully. Some slow mo stuff in Watchmen would add to the film, no doubt. The slow mo -> speed drop action sequence, I believe, doesn't have it's place in this movie. It may work brilliantly, and capture the comic book feel. Or it may be a repetition of the 300 style-over-substance. Watchmen is all substance

              I really really hope I'm wrong. The trailer has great composition and lighting. I can't wait to see the final picture, and if the speed drop adds to the movie, I'll be the first to applaud it


                I think the window one works really well, but agree that it looks too much like 300 on the swinging attack. But if thats the directors 'style' I guess we like it or lump it.


                  Yeah you're right. Some times it works really well. It's difficult to judge without seeing the fully assembled film of course. I think the fact this is the guy who done 300, and you see those speed drops in a trailer for a film that isn't about action, it's made me panic. Because a lot of what is shown in the trailer is perfect.

                  When the BR comes out I'll put it through a filter on the PC to add grain and desaturate the image (except blues of course!), that will solve my other concerns

                  Full credit to the guy to even get the ****er made! 20 years they've been trying!! At one stage Arnie was favourite to play the Doc, which would have hurt.

                  Now, wasn't I not speaking to you because you've seen TDK a full week before the rest of us mere mortals!


                    That right, you did say that...PULL THEEE STRIINNNGGGGSSSS!!!!1


                      For someone who hasn't seen 300 but is a fan of the Watchmen graphic novel, I just assumed the slo-mo was for the trailer. I agree with comments on how it shouldn't be overly stylish ... only time will tell whether it is or isn't, whether it works or doesn't. For now, I think it looks awesome.

                      The biggest thing the film has going against it is also it's greatest strength; the story. Not a great problem for those familiar with the source material, but I wonder how those going in cold will respond (it's not the most accessable story, even in print, where it's obviously more fleshed out). Depends how they condense it I suppose. Maybe they'll pull it off and do a Batman Begins, pleasing fans and newcomers alike. I hope so. If anything had gigantic flop written all over it it's a film version of The Watchmen. And given how much effort they're putting into getting it so right, that would be a great shame. So far it's looking like the best possible treatment I can imagine.


                        I'm 99% convinced that the slow mo is just for the trailer. Something tells me, particularly with the choice of musci track, that he was intentionally going for that brooding, slow look to lap up the style.

                        Put it this way, Snyder's apparently battling (as we speak) to get the film down from a three hour runtime, so if he knows what's good for him he'll make every second count.


                          Im sure the slo mo will be in the final movie, after all it was well over used by the same director in 300. Plus check out the emphasis on the glass splinters when The comedian is thrown out of his window. This pantomime is gonna be full of it!


                            There are HD WMV versions of the trailer here for anyone wanting to play it on their 360.


                              Comicon Poster Photographs



                                Awesome posters, apart from that line ... the word 'visionary' just makes me think of Garth Marenghi

