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    The purgatory thing has been mentioned a few times over the seasons, but I'm sure that's way too much of a cop-out to be true.


      Originally posted by ascender View Post
      The purgatory thing has been mentioned a few times over the seasons, but I'm sure that's way too much of a cop-out to be true.
      especially as they flat out said that wasnt the case back in Season 1


        I knew Mikhail was lying, was pretty obvious.

        From Lostpedia's forums...

        When Mikhail was treating the injured woman, she said something to him. Desmond asked what she said. Mikhail LIED and said "She said thank you".

        She in fact said "I'm not alone"
        Can anyone summarise what's going on with the fertility and conception thing as I've lost track to be honest.


          Can anyone summarise what's going on with the fertility and conception thing as I've lost track to be honest.
          Women who get pregnant on the island mysteriously die six months or so into their pregnancy ... something to do with the foetus "attacking" the mother.

          Juliet, some kind of fertility expert doctor, has been coerced into joining the Others and trying to figure out why this happens, and to try to stop this happening.

          Claire survived cos she got pregnant before she came to island.
          Sun: not so lucky.


            Thanks Peeveen. Is the island also making the men super-fertile? Or did I imagine that?


              Is the island also making the men super-fertile?
              Yeah, that was mentioned by Juliet in the last episode, hence Jin now firing on all cylinders.


                Sawyer and kate to have a sarcastic fugitive baby? I am wondering why they said they wanted austins jizzum


                  Originally posted by Boggy View Post
                  Sawyer and kate to have a sarcastic fugitive baby? I am wondering why they said they wanted austins jizzum
                  Austin produces Jism ?

                  How did that go down between her & Sawyer then ?


                    I thought Kate being spunky ment she was fiesty


                      lol when sagat ran through the bushes i was in stitches! his ears didn't look quite right, so maybe he had simply survived the sonic gate thingy.

                      i was wondering, and this is in addition to the "i'm not alone" bit - when they got her down and it was Naomi not Penny, I figured Desmond's letting Charlie live meant they must've found the wrong girl, and that Penny's still there somewhere.

                      Cos doesn't go according to the plan of the flashbacks, and then they decide to split up and go different ways...

                      I bet Penny's still up in a tree and I wonder what'll happen if/when they find her - will it be too late?

                      Mind you, you'd think she'd have mentioned it when she was talking to Hurley...


                        I'm starting to lose track of everything that's going on.


                          Originally posted by Boggy View Post
                          I agree about Hurleys reaction, it felt like a fan reaction rather than a normal persons reaction.
                          I've always though of Hurley as being the one with the strongest connection to the viewing base. Not always, but often he's used to give everything a more down to earth feeling and the producers use that a few times for little in jokes.

                          A good example is all the fuss made by fans very early on about some bird which vaguely sounded like it was calling Hurley's name. There was tonnes of speculation about that.

                          In a much later episode (might have been the next series) a bird swooped right past his head and Hurley actually says "Did that bird just say my name?"

                          Originally posted by RustyS Badge
                          especially as they flat out said that wasnt the case back in Season 1
                          Yeah but after last nights episode I'd be more willing than ever to bet that it was a double bluff on their part. Or that their original explanation for the island was so rubbish they decided to nick that one and substitute it for what ever was their original idea

                          The way the story twists makes me think a lot of it is being done of the fly so who knows any more?


                            It just seemed odd and over the top for me, ESPECIALLY when it (as mentioned here) has been stated they are NOT dead or in purgatory.


                              Maybe more fun by the writers / producers at the viewers expense?

                              All I know is my brain hurts more than ever from trying to figure it all out and by the end of series it may just melt in my skull and come dribbling out my nose.

                              Between this and Heroes I haven't been glued to a TV series like this for around 10 years


                                In my opinion Heroes is far far better than Lost at present, but it's only on its first season, it'll be interesting to see how it does after it's got a few seasons under its belt.

