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    Yup another top notch episode with a very surreal ending.


      It was another excellant episode last night.It's really opened up how the season will end.Just 3 more to go this year.But if it ends like i suspect it will then a few of the regulars may not make it to the last season! Edit! when i said 3 more to go i ment 1 regular episode then the double finale!!
      Last edited by bagpuss66; 30-04-2009, 16:18.


        I was REALLY hoping they wouldn't just change everything so none of the story happened - absolutely hate crap like that. So for that reason I am happy with the ending. Providing they don't find a way to still do it.


          Interesting and fab episode, got some real answers about a few things.

          Unless I'm missing something, one thing that was poor is the fact

          If energy cannot be created or destroyed, what effect would the hydrogen bomb have on that pocket of energy?

          Or am I looking too much into it


            Originally posted by KIT786 View Post
            Interesting and fab episode, got some real answers about a few things.

            Unless I'm missing something, one thing that was poor is the fact

            If energy cannot be created or destroyed, what effect would the hydrogen bomb have on that pocket of energy?

            Or am I looking too much into it
            I think it's just a bit of pseudo-science implying that using one would somehow wipe out the power of the other. In a similar way to how they use explosions to stop oil-rig fires.

            The main thing about the show now is just how completely entertaining it is. I still don't think there's anyway they can have a satisfactory ultimate conclusion but in a way it doesn't matter as long as they keep producing such high-quality episodes. My other former favourite umissable show was Battlestar Galactica. But that not only had a completely unsatisfactory conclusion, that pretty much answered nothing, but also became incredibly dull and the final season was a complete slog that I only stuck with for completion purposes. Something that LOST has thankfully avoided.

            To me it's like a movie that you know has a twist at the end: if it doesn't engage you then you spend all your time trying to figure it out and will probably guess what's going to happen before it does. But if the film is really entertaining then you are so caught up in it that you don't think about what might happen and are usually surprised.
            Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


              A satisfactory ending is surely them getting to current time and setting up a life on the island in harmony. Maybe have the means to bring people in when they need new specialists (teachers, doctors etc)


                That was an awesome episode, in fact this is by far the best thing on TV at the moment. I was close to giving up in season three and I'm so glad I didn't!


                  I'm quite shocked nobody has mentioned the fact that

                  Jimbo Robinson is Daniel's father



                    heh thing is with Lost is that there's so much going on at any one time with shocking plot reveals you're kinda not surprised by it.

                    You come to expect it with Lost, and instead of a surprise/shock, you take it as a piece of the jigsaw coming together.

                    I loved how they're looping back onto themselves, all from that pocket of energy which Faraday is trying to prevent from breaking loose, which would stop the hatch from being the button room to stop the plane from crashing. It's just madness, you want it to work but the more Ithink about it the more my head caves in slightly


                      Does the fact that Widmore is

                      Daniel's father

                      mean that Old Lady Farrady is also

                      Penny's mother?

                      Just something that occurred to me given that they tell us nothing about how long they were together and that the two "children" are of similar age and also because she seemed quite emotional when talking to her!


                        nice theory Jebus - id buy that


                          Whats happens now with the whole 'constant' thing or does that only matter when on the island?


                            Widmore got

                            banished,by Ben, because of a relationship and child, he had with an "outsider". What with Eloise being an "other", Penny's mother

                            must be someone else ?


                            she (Eloise) got kicked of soon

                            after ?

                            Last edited by wonderboy; 06-05-2009, 16:37.


                              I personally hope it doesnt end to the way I think its going as to me going down that road would be 6series of a waste of time as I feel it would be a cop out.

                              I just hope Sundays episode on Sky stops as the constant with him being shot and hopefully killed and nothing is altered thru a new time line thats is proven you cannot alter time. IF it ends the way I think its going and he is brought back to life like Ben was alters time and the timeline is looped over and it ends that none of this ever happened than I will put it down to meh waste of time. I think though that Desmond would get brought back to finish that though.

                              I want to know about the islanders more and what the smoke monster actually is and so on. Just getting worried that its more about the island correcting itself from a chain of events that shouldnt have happened with one of the others leaving etc.. and its created its own reason for the plane etc.. to crash for everyone to go back and forth to alter this back to it never happening.

                              I hope and pray that Im wrong with it again and that its just a red herring episode and it gets back to Locke etc.. and its JJs way of giving us 2 fingers to make us think its a sugar coated they all lived happy ever after as it never happened story.

                              Last edited by Guest; 07-05-2009, 14:54.


                                Apologies if this has been asked but I don't wanna read earlier in the thread to avoid spoilers - can someone explain why there is an episode 13 and an episode numbered 13.5 available to download from the torrent sites?

