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    I think the reason some people are disapointed is becuase the producers keep saying we are gonna get answers, but we just get more questions really, and yeah jacobs mom said much the same thing in a wink and a nod to the audience, but it didnt make her any less annoying for saying it. Mind you, she just came across as a horrible and selfish woman full stop really.

    Anyway one thing i did find intresting this episode is that at the end when

    Jacob throws his brother in the well of light, his brother dies and his bones are still there years later so whoever smokie is, hes not Jacobs brother. I'm presuming that hes actualy the "light" of the world and hes really angry for being trapped, he wants to escape but jacob cant let him becuase he knows (or at least hes been told) it will be the end of mankind.

    I really do hope they explain some things in the finale though, otherwise it wont feel like the finale at all.
    Last edited by rmoxon; 13-05-2010, 11:53.


      It just gave you more questions than any sort of answer really. It just didn't really go anywhere, it was oddly paced. By the time it got interesting it was nearly over. Which is why in my opinion its the worst episode in the series. The new woman came across totally unlikable and horrid and i don't think the writers wanted this to happen. MiB was great though, but he always is.
      Last edited by SuperBeatBoy; 13-05-2010, 12:43.


        Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
        Anyway one thing i did find intresting this episode is that at the end when

        Jacob throws his brother in the well of light, his brother dies and his bones are still there years later so whoever smokie is, hes not Jacobs brother. I'm presuming that hes actualy the "light" of the world and hes really angry for being trapped, he wants to escape but jacob cant let him becuase he knows (or at least hes been told) it will be the end of mankind.

        The mother told Jacob that going into the cave would be "worse than death" so what I think happened is the "light" in the cave absorbed all the light of MIB's spirit and left him with only the "dark", which manifests itself as the Smoke Monster. Still existing but only as the "dark side" of yourself could be considered worse than death.

        It's also why Jacob refers to him as being pure evil (or some such phrase) because only the dark part of him remains.


          "Every question you ask will just pose more questions"

          Translation : "We know we really can't explain any of this ****, so we're not going to fall into the same traps as before by pretending we can"

          Just a full on cop out for me.


            This show better deliver in the 2.5 hour final ! ! !

            Iam getting so angry watching the show and i think its getting good....then flash back/flash forward/alternate universe ect...cut and copy this over and over, I just want answers thats all i want and if i dont get them after 6 years of watching and supporting this show iam going to be horribly disappointed.

            Enough of the faffing about !
            Last edited by Richie_uk; 13-05-2010, 13:27.


              Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post

              The mother told Jacob that going into the cave would be "worse than death" so what I think happened is the "light" in the cave absorbed all the light of MIB's spirit and left him with only the "dark", which manifests itself as the Smoke Monster. Still existing but only as the "dark side" of yourself could be considered worse than death.

              It's also why Jacob refers to him as being pure evil (or some such phrase) because only the dark part of him remains.
              Yeah you could be right, the only reason that I thought

              that the light changed into the smoke was becuase the light seemed to have disapeared when the black smoke came out.


                Based on this ep it would appear that Jacob's brother has actually been dead for a long time, and that his body entering the cave resulted in the smoke monster being released and taking his form.

                Just my opinion though.


                  Well it could be that everything will indeed be answered in the finale. It's certainly long enough at two and a half hours to tell us everything. But I just don't see it as that's not what the show has been about all along. For me it has always been about the journey (if you will forgive me for using that awful expression!). It has kept me thoroughly entertained for 6 years and no show in history has ever engendered even one tenth of the same amount of debate over the years as Lost has. Just look at this thread as an example. It has never lost its intrigue for me and I think the reason it constantly throws up more questions that it answers is precisely because it is so complex.

                  Look at last nights episode as an example with an explicit reference to the very first series. It shows that the writers have been weaving the story from the very beginning rather than just making it up as they go along.

                  Would you really be happy if every single question you have is nice and neatly answered next week? So let's say that the island is the original garden of eden that man was thrown out of and the light in the cave is god and Mib is Satan and Jacob is the Archangel Gabriel and that everyone who comes to the island is in essence fighting to save their souls. If all that came to pass, would you sit there and just go, "oh OK, that's that sorted then"?

                  I personally probably will be more disappointed if everything is answered.

                  Then again, it could all just crumble under the weight of it's own bollox, like Battlestar Galactica.
                  Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                    Originally posted by figflair View Post
                    Well it could be that everything will indeed be answered in the finale. It's certainly long enough at two and a half hours to tell us everything. But I just don't see it as that's not what the show has been about all along. For me it has always been about the journey (if you will forgive me for using that awful expression!). It has kept me thoroughly entertained for 6 years and no show in history has ever engendered even one tenth of the same amount of debate over the years as Lost has. Just look at this thread as an example. It has never lost its intrigue for me and I think the reason it constantly throws up more questions that it answers is precisely because it is so complex.

                    Look at last nights episode as an example with an explicit reference to the very first series. It shows that the writers have been weaving the story from the very beginning rather than just making it up as they go along.

                    Would you really be happy if every single question you have is nice and neatly answered next week? So let's say that the island is the original garden of eden that man was thrown out of and the light in the cave is god and Mib is Satan and Jacob is the Archangel Gabriel and that everyone who comes to the island is in essence fighting to save their souls. If all that came to pass, would you sit there and just go, "oh OK, that's that sorted then"?

                    I personally probably will be more disappointed if everything is answered.

                    Then again, it could all just crumble under the weight of it's own bollox, like Battlestar Galactica.
                    Well, I wouldnt like the ending you described, but if they could actualy write a good one I'd like an explination for most things. The thing is there isnt much of importantance that really needs explaining now beyond what the light is, if you explain what the light is exactly (beyond saying its "EVERYTHING!" I mean) and why its so important then you dont need to explain much else. Though I would like to know why Jacob chose who he did as candidates too actualy....

                    The thing thats more importnat than any of that though is ending the story of the main characters in a sucsessful way.


                      I just want to know what the numbers mean. Or was that already explained? Sometimes I lose track a bit .


                        The numbers relate to the 6 possible candidates as we saw when Jack visited the lighthouse... I'm not sure why they helped Hurley win the lottery or are on the hatch.... to be honest Ive given up hope on an explination about them really.


                          Decent ish episode this week......... But is everyone sure that next weeks episode is the last one/s? Jus checked the TV Episode guides and

                          there is an episode call 'what they died for' to be aired next week, and then two episodes called 'the end' which is aired on the 23rd (which is a Sunday?) And apparently there is another re-cap episode

                          So it might be on for a couple of weeks yet from the sounds of things..........

                          Oh and STILL no sign of the Eko himself.......... /me shakes fist!



                            There is one more 'normal' episode next Tuesday (US) and Friday (UK) and then the finale on Sunday 23rd (US). I'm not sure if Sky are changing the UK date for 'The End'.

                            I thought Across The Sea was pretty good and I'm, once again, hyped for next few weeks. They won't answer all the questions and I'm glad of that. In fact I hope they end the whole thing on a big twist and then... thud!


                              I'm up to date on this now, but just too exhausted to throw ideas and theories around. Very glad it's coming to an end, and I'm glad they won't be answering everything - ambiguity is better for all concerned, trust me.

                              I know some people haven't enjoyed this season much, but I think it's been great. What is often overlooked is the huge arc the show has had. Pretty much every other show starts out in one direction and sticks with it, there's weekly repetition and no real shifts. Compare that to Lost, and look how much the show has changed over 6 years. Who could have predicted where it would be now, when it started? It's a huge accomplishment, taking an audience on this journey.


                                Agree with the above, echoes my sentiments exactly, I've enjoyed the whole thing including this season. I don't watch much telly but I put Lost up there as one of the best things I've ever watched.

                                They definitely don't need to explain everything, and I think a lot of stuff I wanted answered has been explained anyway.

                                I was reading... some article... where someone gave a good example of why giving a concrete explanation for things isn't always the best idea. Did Star Wars become any better by giving some weird scientific explanation for "The Force" in the prequels, instead of leaving it as some ambiguous, unexplained power, as it was in the first three films? Trying to explain it just completely took away the mysticism and wonder.

