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    They're both good friends (JJ and Greg Grunberg). He was in Alias, Mission Impossible, Lost, and did a voice for Cloverfield.


      The latest episode was pretty rubbish imo -

      magic mirrors? and why have all the blokes turned into pussies this season - Jin went out like a sucker this week and whats up with emo Jack? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeet!


        another crap episode this week.

        More bloomin questions and no answers. Still not clear whether

        Jacob is good or evil? I mean if Jacob is the good guy why only talk to hugo? why not tell his followers what needs to be done etc. The lighthouse thing was cool though. I think another theme which has some part to play is whether people are destined to do things or whether they have choices. Locke always believed in destiny and Jack believed in choices (well he did until locke convinced him to go back to the island) What seems more likely is that Jack is being primed as the next Jacob. And the reason why Jack, Kate, Hugo, Sun and Sayid came back was because they were candidates?


          Jacob only talks to Hurley because Jacob is dead and Hurley can talk to the dead.

          To me it's clear that Jacob represents faith while Locke/Smokie represents only believing what you see. Smokie always appears physically when he's trying to get people to do what he wants, often offering the promise of revealing all so people know why they're doing what they're doing.

          I think all the time people have had dreams on the island, showing them things and trying to get them to take a certain path, it's Jacob. Jacob isn't allowed to give / promise to give answers, and has to get people to follow him on faith and gut instinct alone (probably part of the rules).

          Following Smokie seems to be the easy option, whereas following Jacob is the tough option because you're just relying on faith and no promise you'll ever get any answers.

          Not sure what's gonna happen with that alternate universe though! Alternative Jack has an appendix scar but doesn't remember ever having them taken out... Juliet operated on original Jack's appendix on the island... which means... something


            Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post

            Jacob only talks to Hurley because Jacob is dead and Hurley can talk to the dead.

            To me it's clear that Jacob represents faith while Locke/Smokie represents only believing what you see. Smokie always appears physically when he's trying to get people to do what he wants, often offering the promise of revealing all so people know why they're doing what they're doing.

            I think all the time people have had dreams on the island, showing them things and trying to get them to take a certain path, it's Jacob. Jacob isn't allowed to give / promise to give answers, and has to get people to follow him on faith and gut instinct alone (probably part of the rules).

            Following Smokie seems to be the easy option, whereas following Jacob is the tough option because you're just relying on faith and no promise you'll ever get any answers.

            Not sure what's gonna happen with that alternate universe though! Alternative Jack has an appendix scar but doesn't remember ever having them taken out... Juliet operated on original Jack's appendix on the island... which means... something
            That actually makes a lot of sense

            re faith. Ooo just remembered something. I think the alternate universe, I think its goto be fake or the losties got plonked their or something. Firstly, cause of Jack's scar which he doesnt really remember when he had his appendix out. Also, when asked how long his son had played the piano he couldn't remember.

            I think its quite a good role reversal for Jack. He intially didnt have faith. It was Locke who always used to believe that. Now Jack is beggining to believe in destiny/fate and Locke (although he is now evil smoke monster dude) is for certainty. I think Jack will become the Islands protector eventually. Jacob just wants him to want it for the right reason.


              I still reckon

              that this 'alternate' time line we are watching is really the conclusion to the series. In effect we are watching the begining of the story and the end of the story in unison. Whatever happens in the end, I reckon the losties will get off the island and return back to their world not remembering much about thier travels.......... The random footage of the lost members back home are like jigsaw puzzles to the end.

              I quite enjoyed the last episode, but felt it was more stall tactics till they give a bigger reveal of the plot. Oh and how good is it to be able to say that its on again tomorrow!



                Still don't get this Sayid and Claire infection. Both seem alright to me.


                  Originally posted by 112 View Post
                  I still reckon

                  that this 'alternate' time line we are watching is really the conclusion to the series. In effect we are watching the begining of the story and the end of the story in unison. Whatever happens in the end, I reckon the losties will get off the island and return back to their world not remembering much about thier travels.......... The random footage of the lost members back home are like jigsaw puzzles to the end.

                  That would make sense


                    Latest episode is a good 'un. Lots of progress towards forthcoming answers but no actual answers. Action packed episode all round. I love the way old characters keep popping up in the flash-sideways.


                      I'm really missing this, with the building work I'm doing at home I have no access to the TV or satellite so going to have to wait a few more weeks then catch up. Best stay out of here in case a spoiler tag is missed actually....


                        Originally posted by jezzace View Post
                        Latest episode is a good 'un. Lots of progress towards forthcoming answers but no actual answers. Action packed episode all round. I love the way old characters keep popping up in the flash-sideways.
                        Aye, now that

                        the SmokeLockester has put his group of followers together it looks like we're heading for a meatier and more action packed part of the season


                        Have to say that I really have enjoyed Sayid's character and story over the past six seasons. His struggles with trying to leave his torturer past behind and fighting to stop others dragging him back into to doing "bad stuff" has been very well done.


                          Originally posted by 112 View Post
                          I still reckon

                          that this 'alternate' time line we are watching is really the conclusion to the series. In effect we are watching the begining of the story and the end of the story in unison. Whatever happens in the end, I reckon the losties will get off the island and return back to their world not remembering much about thier travels.......... The random footage of the lost members back home are like jigsaw puzzles to the end.
                          That argument has merit, but I don't think so.

                          There are too many occasions where the action in LA mirrors what's happening on the island, and the connections still seem to be happening. I think both timelines are happening, and at some point they will come together, fusing the two into one somehow.


                            Walter Peck has aged quite a bit since Ghostbusters.


                              latest episode a bit boring. No major reveals, just small ones like

                              Richard confirming he came to the Island on the black rock and Jacob made him immortal. Most of us already sussed that though. Also seems Charles Widmore was the person Jacob wanted hurley to help find the Island. Is he supposed to save the day? Although a bit boring, it seems that its building up to be some major action when Evil Locke tries to leave

                              the island.


                                Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
                                Walter Peck has aged quite a bit since Ghostbusters.
                                Thank you, I knew I had seen him somewhere before. Its been bugging me all week.

