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    Was it me or did Alt Locke's alarm clock sound like the warning siren from the hatch?


      I think Smokie wants to end the world, but can't do it himself - hence killing off Jacob and his followers who are trying to stop him and recruiting people to do things he cannot.


        If we weren't paying for Sky HD I'd probably watch the latest episode by "other means" straight after it had aired in the US.

        Instead I've gotta watch those juicy looking blocks of spoilered text for three days without being able to click on them! Hurry up Friday!!!


          Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
          If we weren't paying for Sky HD I'd probably watch the latest episode by "other means" straight after it had aired in the US.

          Instead I've gotta watch those juicy looking blocks of spoilered text for three days without being able to click on them! Hurry up Friday!!!

          Yeah, Must be annoying lol


            Originally posted by Rick View Post

            Yeah, Must be annoying lol


              Should have seen that coming


                Another **** episode in my opinion, again nothing happens and nothing is really explained!


                  When that Lockalike was talking to the (possibly) Boy Jacob, he came out with something along the lines of "Don't tell me what I can or can't do!", which is what Locke himself used to say quite frequently when he was alive. I wonder if there are still elements of Locke in there even though he's taken his body?


                    Originally posted by Matt View Post

                    And hopefully tonight's episode has ended the "bomb didn't go off" debate. We see the alt timeline has characters in quite different situations (ie Locke speaking to his dad) - ie. Jacob wasn't around after 1977 to "influence" them.

                    Jacob never influenced the fact that Locke was speaking to his dad, jacob brought locke back alive after his dad had pushed him out the window, as far as we know thats the only contact jacob had previously had with locke. So sorry, I do personally think the bomb went off, but I dont think that proves it.


                      I don't think it settles the bomb issue at all and after tonight's episode I'm now even more convinced than ever that my ending theory from last week was pretty spot on.

                      So I think it's going to play out that

                      Jacob and the other guy couldn't leave the island unless they decided to go together. Jacob wouldn't leave as he saw the island as being in need of protection, unless he could find a candidate to replace him.

                      I'm guessing he didn't find anyone suitable and the Losties probably wouldn't have been suitable either. The `other guy` got fed up of waiting for Jacob to stop messing about with a replacement so devised his own plan to get off the island - which we saw with him becoming Locke.

                      Dunno if Sawyer will actually take the `job` that Jacob fulfilled (I'm guessing he will and therefore we won't see a flash forward for him) but the bomb clearly didn't work as they thought. All it did was put them back in the right time frame - probably what Juliet meant when she said it worked.

                      The ending of the series will be that whoever takes the role of Jacob won't leave the island. I'm guessing that `the other guy` is still not telling the truth and them leaving will cause the death of someone the chosen candidate cares about (which, if it's Sawyer, will probably mean Kate).

                      In the end the candidate (Sawyer) will battle the other guy and win. Because he'll kill him that'll mean he can't ever leave the island and so he'll use his new powers as island protector to set everyone back to before the plane crashed and then sink the island so it can never be found again.

                      *dusts hands*


                        Some random quick thoughts on last night's episode:

                        I think we'll eventually find out that the scenario of Jacob being killed and Smokie trying to escape the island has happened many many times of the past few thousand years. I think whoever is the current Jacob always ends up getting killed and burned, which is why they use circles of ash to protect themselves from smokie: they're the ashes of all the previous Jacobs / island protectors.

                        I think the little kid we saw will probably end up having something to do with Aaron. Not got any idea how, or why, but I think they'll be linked When he said to Smokie that "You know the rules, you can't kill him," was he talking about Sawyer? Maybe he can't kill him because he's a candidate? If that's the reason, then possibly MIB will capture Kate and use her to try and force the candidates to do what he wants, because as a non-candidate he could harm her.

                        Or maybe he meant that he couldn't really kill Jacob, because eventually one of the candidates will replace the dead Jacob.

                        I'm undecided on whether Smokie or Jacob is the real bad guy yet. I'm leaning towards it being the obvious (for once!) with Smokie being the true bad guy. We've already seen him manipulate Ben into killing Jacob while making Ben think he was doing it for his own reasons, and I think he's doing the same with Sawyer.

                        From what Smokie said to Richard, about how he couldn't believe that they followed Jacobs orders without knowing why they were doing it, and that he would never do that, was to show that the followers of Jacob are "men of faith", and Smokie can appeal to and manipulate those who can't do things based just on faith (men of science). He tried to tempt Richard with the offer of "telling him everything" and has done the same with Sawyer, trying to tempt those who can't do things on faith alone.

                        I thought it was a good episode and while it didn't give us any exact or definite answers, I do feel like we've moved a bit closer to finding out.


                          I just thought it was yet another meandering episode that didn't really reveal anything important whatsoever. Jack, Kate, etc are important? Gee, I'd never have guessed that having watched the show over the years, watching them drawn back to it. Here was me assuming it was all just coincidence eh? Wow.

                          I could cope with that, but the "alternate" stuff is grating on me something rotten. We've spent 5 full seasons doing flashbacks and flash forwards getting to know the ins an outs of everything about these characters and now, when we're supposed to be getting answers, some finality, we're getting to see "what if's" and yet more development on characters.

                          I feel as though they knew they didn't have enough ideas left to fill the show with things we wanted and they are using the "alternate" stuff as a way of keeping the cut-aways in.

                          Every time it cut-away at the end of an island bit and I realised it was an off-island bit I sighed quite loudly.


                            Originally posted by rmoxon View Post

                            Jacob never influenced the fact that Locke was speaking to his dad, jacob brought locke back alive after his dad had pushed him out the window, as far as we know thats the only contact jacob had previously had with locke. So sorry, I do personally think the bomb went off, but I dont think that proves it.

                            there is NO way Locke would be chatting and asking daddy to his wedding if he was the one responsible for pushing Locke out of the window. Jacob influenced the dad, see. Maybe

                            Actually pretty sure it goes back before the kids - ie Jacob influenced everyone's father to be a knobhead, so the kids in turn (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, etc) were more easily influenced.


                              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                              Every time it cut-away at the end of an island bit and I realised it was an off-island bit I sighed quite loudly.
                              You should just stop watching it. Surely that's the best thing if you're not enjoying a TV show.


                                Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                                Every time it cut-away at the end of an island bit and I realised it was an off-island bit I sighed quite loudly.

