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    I'm hating this series, it's terrible.

    Okay it has the odd good scene but the whole direction they've taken it is dull and frustrating. I've loved the past few seasons but the new flashback (flashsideways?) sequences are, to me, a waste of time and come across as nothing more than the writers trying to put clever spins on established scenes.

    I'll stick it out to the end because I've invested so many hours in the show, but so far I wish they ended it with nothing answered at the end of last season. Although, to the shows credit, it has always delivered in the final episodes of a series, but it is so far a very weak final lap.


      Indeed, i've been very disappointed with this series.

      It's turned into a parody of itself at the moment, and the continuation of introducing new characters isn't helping at all.

      It is like watching a different show to the one we saw in the first season.

      On saying that the latest episode should give us some insight into the islands history.


        I thought it was a great episode, sure the revelations we saw coming but we did need something to confirm them and it was a great episode for it. The episode really explained well what Richard went through, his mind and what his feelings are now. Thought it was nicely done. One of the best this season.


          I agree, best episode of this final season so far.


            I thought it was okay but it didn't confirm a lot that I didn't feel was already heavily hinted at. It was certainly better than last weeks episode though.

            How many episodes are there this season anyway?


              Originally posted by SS004 View Post
              Indeed, i've been very disappointed with this series.

              It's turned into a parody of itself at the moment, and the continuation of introducing new characters isn't helping at all.

              It is like watching a different show to the one we saw in the first season.

              On saying that the latest episode should give us some insight into the islands history.
              Eh? What are you on about? There havent been any new characters introduced this season.


                Samurai and Hippy were this season....


                  i thought this weeks was really good. mainly because it omitted the alternate world flashes, i really dont think they are leading anywhere at all.


                    Originally posted by Fuddle View Post
                    i thought this weeks was really good. mainly because it omitted the alternate world flashes, i really dont think they are leading anywhere at all.
                    In that sense, I definitely agree.


                      Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                      Eh? What are you on about? There havent been any new characters introduced this season.
                      Well Spag mentioned it, but we have had the temple and the people who where in charge of that to contend with - We also see and continue to see multiple new faces appearing in all alt flashes and now also the back flashes.

                      It's all relevant to the finale I guess, but in my opinion lost has lost some of it's originality in what should have been a spectacular series finale.

                      Let's hope it perks up, last night was a start, and next week looks interesting.


                        I am quite enjoying this season (but not as much as seasons 4 and 5) as long as it does not plunge to the depths of crapness that were season 2 and most of season 3 I will happily keep watching.
                        Last edited by rickt; 25-03-2010, 20:48. Reason: spelling


                          I'm still as confused as ever but also still loving it. I think that it sustains my interest while confusing the hell out of me is why I love it so much.

                          So can anyone help me with some questions?

                          1.) Were the numbers just a distraction all along? Have they been mentioned at all this season or last for that matter? Or were they just to do with the bunker and it being a test etc?

                          2.) What was all the talk about fertility in the beginning and people not being able to get pregnant on the island? Why was Claire's baby such a big deal? Incidentally, I've just started studying child psychology and two of the most famous child psychologists are called Rousseau and John Locke!

                          3.) What has happened to Walt? Why was he so important? Another unimportant distraction? What about his 'special abilities'?

                          4.) Was it my imagination or did the man in last night's episode who took Ricardo from the prison say that they would be sailing with Captain El Hanso(spelling?)? Doesn't the doctor on the Dharma initiative films always says something like 'on behalf the Degroot-Al Hanso and the Dharma initiative...etc.?

                          5.) What is/was the Dharma initiative? Another smokescreen?

                          6.) So 'Locke'/Man in Black has been appearing to the inhabitants on the island all along as dead people? So he was Jack's dad, Dave, Mr Ecko's brother Yemi, etc. Is that correct? And is that why he killed Mr Ecko? Because he wouldn't go along with what he wanted him to do?

                          7.) What about the time when Ben said he had a hole/room (?) where he could make anything/anyone appear? He showed Locke that his dad was inside.

                          Just some little points to keep me happy if you can help?
                          Don't look at me, I'm irrelevant.


                            I'm not sure whether I'm enjoying this season or that I love the show so much I'm willing to forgive it a bit of crapness. Alas, I should have known that a lot of the answers would end up being 'magical' and there it does start to lose me.

                            Still I am loving the official ABC recaps - Muppet Lost! -

                            There's one for each episode.


                              Originally posted by figflair View Post
                              1.) Were the numbers just a distraction all along? Have they been mentioned at all this season or last for that matter? Or were they just to do with the bunker and it being a test etc?
                              We've seen (in this series) that there was a large numbered list of possible "candidates" (eventual replacements for Jacob, who seemed to know that his death was inevitable). The six numbers are the last six surviving candidates (Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Sun or Jin, etc).

                              There hasn't been any explanation as to why these numbers needed to entered into the computer at the Swan, or why they were stamped in sheet metal wall at that station.

                              2.) What was all the talk about fertility in the beginning and people not being able to get pregnant on the island?
                              It's just as you say. Juliet was brought in to investigate the causes of this, but she couldn't help. At one point, I think she disdainfully mentions "Ben's obsession with the fertility thing", as if nobody else but Ben really cared much about it. This could have been a possible attempt by the writers to disregard the issue, but no real explanation has been given for it. I suppose, given what we now know about the purpose of the island, it makes a certain kind of sense for the "mystical" forces at work to prevent the island from having any kind of native population.

                              Why was Claire's baby such a big deal?
                              Presumably the "Others" wanted it to maintain their own population? As for the psychic guy who said he mustn't be "raised by another", no explanation, but it's possible he was just a nutcase.

                              3.) What has happened to Walt?
                              He got BIG in the time between series, which was a big reason for the writers to limit his appearances.

                              Why was he so important? Another unimportant distraction? What about his 'special abilities'?
                              No explanation. I could have seen the sense in him being important to the Dharma Initiative, but not sure why the Others wanted him so badly.

                              4.) Was it my imagination or did the man in last night's episode who took Ricardo from the prison say that they would be sailing with Captain El Hanso(spelling?)? Doesn't the doctor on the Dharma initiative films always says something like 'on behalf the Degroot-Al Hanso and the Dharma initiative...etc.?
                              Captain Magnus Hanso, presumably some distant relation of Alvar Hanso, founder of the Dharma Initiative.

                              5.) What is/was the Dharma initiative? Another smokescreen?
                              A scientific community set up in the 1970s to investigate fringe science without interference from governments. Presumably the originators were "brought" to the island by Jacob, as it seems to be impossible to find to the island without his invitation.

                              In the non-canon ARG's, it's revealed that the purpose of the Dharma Initiative is to find some way to alter the fate of the human species, which, according to the thinkings of a scientist named Valenzetti, is on a projected path to certain doom. The "Valenzetti Equation" supposedly had six constants (you can probably guess what they were), and the Dharma Initiative sought to alter these constants by making various scientific breakthroughs, using the "unique properties" of the island.
                              It was an intriguing setup, but as mentioned, not strictly canon, and more than likely never to be mentioned again.

                              6.) So 'Locke'/Man in Black has been appearing to the inhabitants on the island all along as dead people? So he was Jack's dad, Dave, Mr Ecko's brother Yemi, etc. Is that correct? And is that why he killed Mr Ecko? Because he wouldn't go along with what he wanted him to do?
                              It's uncertain whether Smokey was Jack's dad. Claire recently mentioned that she has been helped by "her father, and a friend" ... the "friend" turned out to be SmokeyLocke, suggesting that her somehow-not-dead father was a separate entity. Christian's disappearance in the alt-timeline also suggests he is in some way more important than a mere doppelganger.

                              The appearance of Dave: again, not verified as Smokey, but could potentially be, as he WAS trying to coerce Hurley to do some bad stuff.

                              Yemi was definitely Smokey.

                              7.) What about the time when Ben said he had a hole/room (?) where he could make anything/anyone appear? He showed Locke that his dad was inside.
                              One of those lines that I bet the writers wish they could go back and erase. It's not known what was meant by it, though Ben was quizzed by Locke a couple of times about it, and his responses have suggested that Locke was taking him too literally.


                                Originally posted by peeveen View Post
                                It's uncertain whether Smokey was Jack's dad. Claire recently mentioned that she has been helped by "her father, and a friend" ... the "friend" turned out to be SmokeyLocke, suggesting that her somehow-not-dead father was a separate entity. Christian's disappearance in the alt-timeline also suggests he is in some way more important than a mere doppelganger.

                                The appearance of Dave: again, not verified as Smokey, but could potentially be, as he WAS trying to coerce Hurley to do some bad stuff.

                                Yemi was definitely Smokey.

                                One of those lines that I bet the writers wish they could go back and erase. It's not known what was meant by it, though Ben was quizzed by Locke a couple of times about it, and his responses have suggested that Locke was taking him too literally.
                                The who is Jack's Dad is a good question; as seen here in the Lost Mobisodes which provide answers and information which not very many people have seen; he was the one who sent the dog to wake Jack up in the very first scene where Jack wakes up in the Jungle. My money is on him being a black smoke creation.

                                Can be seen here:
                                Last edited by Miguel007; 01-04-2010, 22:09.

