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    So far this season all the main characters have seemed a bit

    Lost on the island, just sort of running from place to place with no real purpose - but seeing Jack taking on the Jacob role when talking/writing with Sun was great (in comparison to his emo fit a couple of episodes back)...and Sawyer will no doubt get back to his action man role soon. Can see Said going very evil soon too.


      Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
      I thought the last episode was brilliant, really enjoyed the

      Sun and Jin story line and the pieces being moved into place for some proper epic kickoff later!!

      It just felt like it found its way again.
      The sun and Jin storyline that they didn't bother finishing? What purpose did it serve though? We already knew her dad was a nasty piece of work!

      Having forgotten about the previous episode I thought we'd hone back to flashbacks for a while! So much filler yet they have so few episodes to sort it all out!


        Lets be honest, Dharma is out Jacob is in. Pretty much we could watch this as a stand alone series and there would be NO real tangible connections to previous seasons with decent actual answers, not assumptions. Only reason I'm watching is I V+ it and It's another show to watch to be honest. Lost will not get the story or ending that it deserved at one point. The sooner Lost fans start moaning the better, stop accepting this bull**** spin on what was once an actual cool mystery and show.
        My friend has started watching from series one and just discovered the hatch and he is excited, I remember a time when that was me and the mrs he asked me does it get better? What was I suppose to say?
        Damn you to hell lost


          Hope you guys aren't hoping for any kind of resolution at the end. You realise you're not gonna get one, right?


            Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
            Hope you guys aren't hoping for any kind of resolution at the end. You realise you're not gonna get one, right?
            Realised that a few episodes ago.


              Im still waiting for

              Mr Ecko to make his return with his Jesus Stick. Hell the Rodriegez needs to come back for the sake of gracing us with her pressence

              last week's was a good episode indeed......... Not long now till the finale......... It's finally coming to an end........ or is it.........?



                Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                Hope you guys aren't hoping for any kind of resolution at the end. You realise you're not gonna get one, right?
                I'd be very surprised if it could be wrapped up in such a way to please everyone.
                I think it will be the biggest letdown in TV history so anything less of a disaster will be a bonus.


                  Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                  The sun and Jin storyline that they didn't bother finishing? What purpose did it serve though? We already knew her dad was a nasty piece of work!
                  All of the sideways events are interconnected so their storyline will no doubt continue in another characters sideways section. I liked the bit

                  when Sun was looking at herself in the mirror and she seemed to be remembering something and made a gesture with her ring finger...

                  its building to something AWSUMz!!!111


                    They all wake up and it was just a dream.

                    The End.


                      The last episode of twin peaks wrapped everything up in the last 20 mins when the 1st 20 mins of the ep looked like it was going nowhere


                        Totally weird but compulsive viewing. I can't understand how some of you are beating it down. I think it's great entertainment, and that's what is just is, entertainment!


                          For the first time so far this season I have enjoyed an episode, I have hope that it won't end up being a complete let down after seeing this week's episode, role on next week


                            Good episode this week. Never have I watched a tv show which feels like we are so close yet so far.


                              I start to beat it down when I think about it too much and part of me is beating myself down also.
                              As I said before I just watch it, as for entertainment I watched this weeks ep of Fringe and that just showed me how entertaining a show can get, that doesn't help my 'lost' cause.
                              Suppose as long as people enjoy it that's all that matters.


                                I liked the last 15 minutes of episode 11.

