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    Not only that, but he seemed at pains to stress that point, just in case anyone missed it.

    I'm actually quite sad it's finished now. It's not helping that I'm listening to Ludovico Einaudi stuff while I'm revising, but I feel like it finished and I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I sound like


      loved it.

      so glad that they didnt spell everything out, i dont want to know what the island/light is, how it all works etc. just leave it as being some crazy mysterious place. thats fine with me. i imagine theres going to be a lot of pissed off people, but they were never going to explain everything.

      only thing now is... i really want to see the adventures of hurley and ben!


        I watched up til series 3 then started to get the feeling this would turn out not so good (or get cancelled), after reading about the finale i'm glad i stopped when i did. Enjoy the inevitable 'Lost 2' within the next 5 years...


          I certainly don't think there will be a Lost 2, that would be a stupid decision.


            I know the writers don't want to do it but I thought the rights to the 'Lost' brand were owned by someone else so it is entirely possible. Plus where there is money to be made anything is possible.


              It's owned by Disney, isn't it? I heard that somewhere, probably The Geekbox.


                I thought it might be Disney as well. If I could put £10 on there being another Lost being made within the next 5 years then I would.


                  They should make The (Mis)Adventures of Ben and Hurley as a Saturday morning cartoon like they did with Back To The Future. Vincent would be the talking, wisecracking doggy sidekick and Desmond would still be around to wear a kilt and shout his catchphrase "I'm-a-pushin' the button, brotha!".


                    Been a watcher from the beginning before it was on UK tv and well what a letdown. Pointless...

                    Would not recommend to anyone after that. Was tempted by the blu ray but it goes no where. :/


                      Just finished watching the finale, and there is just one part that bugs me.

                      I don't buy it that Sawyer, Kate, and Claire didn't move on after leaving the island and live the rest of their lives. IE: Falling in love, etc.

                      Sure, it was really sweet and touching to see the couples get back together (especially Sawyer and Juliette) and be together at the church, but I just don't buy that part.

                      Now, maybe none of them did move on with their lives, or they died before having the opportunity (they let us decide), but I doubt the 3 original survivors lived the rest of their lives not being able to move on because they're hung up on Jack, Juliette, and Charlie.

                      Last edited by elaniel; 24-05-2010, 20:55.


                        Hmm. I reckon

                        they (Sawyer, Kate and Claire) obviously tried to move once they got off the Island, but just couldn't. That is why they end up in this "alternate afterlife" (which I think is set-up by Hurley) where they meet the other Oceanic 815 people that died and finally get an opportunity to truly move on.


                          Yeah, that's probably

                          the best way to interpret why they didn't move on with their lives. I totally understand why they did it that way, otherwise that show wouldn't have much closure with the characters.

                          Also, we never really found out what happened to Cindy and the kids. Maybe on the DVD/Blu-ray with that bonus footage?

                          Last edited by elaniel; 24-05-2010, 21:08.


                            I enjoyed watching it but the more I think about it the more I feel disappointed. As a whole the last season was a let down for me although the finale was much better than the rest of the season.

                            If the sideways universe was a form of purgatory or stage before heaven/hell why is Claire still pregnant there? Same with Sun, surely they had their children before they died-we know they did. Also agree with the above post about the survivors not meeting other people later on in their lives.

                            Also I thought Saeed was really in love with the other bird (OK I just wanted to see her again, too).


                              Also, I still feel it was completely pointless to

                              kill Jin and Sun off so close to the end for no reason except for shock value.


                                Just watched it.


                                A big fat meh.

                                With sprinkles on.

                                So if they were all so important and bound together, why weren't

                                Ecko, Michael, Walt and Anna Lucia there right at the very end? Or Vincent for that matter?

                                This whole season just smacks of them writing themselves into a dead end several series ago, but being forced to stretch it out until it ran well out of road and crashed into a ditch.

                                Shame, Lost has provided me with a lot of entertainment over the years but I'm glad it's done now.

