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    Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

    Maybe she was physically unable to have children...

    I proper LOL'ed and the girlfriend gave me one of her looks at that

    numbers bit

    Kate would then have adopted; she took in Aaron well after all.

    OK I'm still thinking about this bloody thing.

    I still don't think the church is the afterlife. Only Christian is moving on, into the light. The rest of the characters have a new chance of happiness. They realise who they are meant to be with, and have two lives.

    Which would mean it is an alternative timeline where they go as a reward for saving the Island / the world?



      Ive had an idea, what if

      Kate adopted Sun's baby?, she would have moved on but still kept the conection to the island, does that please people more?

      Last edited by rmoxon; 25-05-2010, 12:59.


        This might be of interest. It's doing the rounds and is, supposedly, from someone at Bad Robot. Whether it's true or not it pretty much ties in with how I interpreted things.


          Originally posted by Wil View Post
          This might be of interest. It's doing the rounds and is, supposedly, from someone at Bad Robot. Whether it's true or not it pretty much ties in with how I interpreted things.

          Thing that makes me most glad when reading that is how they kept the exact ending they had originaly conceived from the very first episode of the show, I always felt in the minority becuase i had so much faith in the writers vision and didnt just think they were making up stuff as they went along.

          I'm glad to see my faith wasnt misplaced really.


            Good read that, but some inaccuracies that make you wonder if it's genuine. I'd like to think it's real. But

            the writer says the ending, as written after the pilot, had the characters from the first season in it - but what about Juliet, Desmond and Penny? Also saying MiB corrupted Ben to kill Dharma doesn't make sense, as at all times, Richard could commune with Jacob. I can't recall exactly how the Dharma massacre happened, but Richard was in on it - and would only have done so if Jacob had agreed.

            Though saying that, we know Jacob's hut had been abandoned a "long time ago" and if MiB had been influencing Ben.... maybe Richard didn't check in with Jacob that often?

            A few too many holes, but I'd like to think it's accurate.


              I was itching to come into this thread yesterday, as I could see it was busier than usual........ but as I valued my sleep too much on a Sunday, I decided to catch the finale after work on Monday. And boy was it a finale..........

              I think as a conclusion it did more than an adequate job, without holding everyone by the hand to explain each and every facet of the twisting storyline....... I agree with what was said earlier about a general answer being suitable for almost all questions - which is what makes the conclusion so powerful..........

              It was such an emotional episode, and I too felt the pain/anguish/sadness/happiness of all the characters in the series.........

              The ending basically

              summed up what we have all suspected all along in a round about way, with the island being a type of final judgment/purgatory place before 'moving on' to the next plane of existence........

              Stuff I noticed from the last episode that helped explain a lot in the series and some other random bits of info that came to me as I attempted to get some sleep after such an explosive conclusion -

              - Jack and his Dad’s last name being Shepard, like a Shepard guiding the ‘lost’ sheep on their journey

              - All the different symbols in the stained glass window at the church, symbolising the different faiths and religions all being united as one in one place.

              - how Eloise Hawkins firmly told Desmond to not pursue what he was searching for, and in the end was tearful when asking him if he was going to take her son. To which Desmond replied ‘not with me’ Eloise has yet to let go of her son.

              – This basically confirmed that this alternative ‘happier’ existence was the last step between purgatory and the afterlife. Where Desmond is ready to go, Daniel Faraday, Michelle Rodriegez, Charlotte, Miles, etc…….. are still not yet ready to move on……… Like someone pointed out earlier (Rmoxon I think) that Ben refused to go into the church, as he still had unfinished business to get through…….. most probably being his daughter.

              - Aaron I believe was at the church because he was in some form or another a casualty of the same Oceanic Flight 815, be it unborn.

              - As Jack’s Dad said, everyone dies sooner or later, hence why not everybody in the lost universe is sat there at the church, as not all are ready to move on………

              - The white light of the island, is the symbol of the white light which has been well documented by people who have been at deaths door and brought back to the living world. I think it’s a different manifestation of the same thing in this case.

              - Isn’t Jacks lonely demise, like Moses, where he died at heavens gate? But in the end was moses not allowed into heaven after repenting his sins (letting go in this case, just like Jack?)

              - Michael was not at the church because, he has yet to sole issues regarding his son etc and his actions on the island……..

              - The reason why Shannon was there and not Nadia, is because Nadia has already moved on……. And in some way, Shanon is part of the next step for Sayid, and how he has let go of his past and move on to a new love with another. Kinda like when a someone you love dies and you need to realise it and move on with your life……..

              - Boone was not paired off as such, as part of his ‘letting go’ was to do with letting his sister go to be with Sayid, and for him to be able to stand on his own and not rely on someone else to control his life ie Shannon

              - Lockes letting go was always about his legs…….. in which case Jack needed to fix him to help him learn that lesson.

              - Kate needed Jack, a strong dominant male figure to help her let go of her issues with abusive males – if you recall all her issues were based on her step Dad, and always some male figure/s chasing after her – I guess she needed to let that anger go and let the love of Jack into her life without holding back. Her helping Claire deliver her baby is in a way like her mother not being able to give her the support and love she needed in life.

              Like many others, my sleep patterns are out of wack, but only because, when I eventually got round to watching it yesterday, it was like 11.20pm and when it was all done, I had trouble actually getting to sleep, as I was working it all out in my head lol………. Thus is the power of the series……….

              I can understand why some peeps are finding it difficult to like the ending, but I found the end very fitting, and everything more or less is explained – it kind of left me mentally tired, but emotionally satisfied when

              the Lost logo appeared one final time………. And the way they tied up the first thing you see in series 1(being Jacks eye) and the last thing you see in series 6 (again Dr Shepard’s eye) was a very strong defining moment/images,

              just like Mathew Fox said last year when he was on the Jonathan Ross show……..

              I absolutely loved this ultimate episode, and like many of you guys, I can’t wait for the Blu Ray box set, so I can enjoy it all over in HD and surround sound goodness, the way it was always meant to be watched……… Its all come a full circle, and will up to now has been the best TV series I have ever had to pleasure of enjoying………


              ps I wasn't intending to write so much, but I just had to get some of it off my emotional chest
              Last edited by 112; 25-05-2010, 13:46.


                i think this series' ending is an ending for the hearts and not for the minds. it touched me and strangely makes me a little sad. but the latter is because i realize there wont be any more Lost to come and i will miss the characters.

                maybe there's a chance for a spin-off series. i can only hope so.


                  Originally posted by 112 View Post
                  I was itching to come into this thread yesterday, as I could see it was busier than usual........ but as I valued my sleep too much on a Sunday, I decided to catch the finale after work on Monday. And boy was it a finale..........

                  I think as a conclusion it did more than an adequate job, without holding everyone by the hand to explain each and every facet of the twisting storyline....... I agree with what was said earlier about a general answer being suitable for almost all questions - which is what makes the conclusion so powerful..........

                  It was such an emotional episode, and I too felt the pain/anguish/sadness/happiness of all the characters in the series.........

                  The ending basically

                  summed up what we have all suspected all along in a round about way, with the island being a type of final judgment/purgatory place before 'moving on' to the next plane of existence........

                  Stuff I noticed from the last episode that helped explain a lot in the series and some other random bits of info that came to me as I attempted to get some sleep after such an explosive conclusion -

                  - Jack and his Dad’s last name being Shepard, like a Shepard guiding the ‘lost’ sheep on their journey

                  - All the different symbols in the stained glass window at the church, symbolising the different faiths and religions all being united as one in one place.

                  - how Eloise Hawkins firmly told Desmond to not pursue what he was searching for, and in the end was tearful when asking him if he was going to take her son. To which Desmond replied ‘not with me’ Eloise has yet to let go of her son.

                  – This basically confirmed that this alternative ‘happier’ existence was the last step between purgatory and the afterlife. Where Desmond is ready to go, Daniel Faraday, Michelle Rodriegez, Charlotte, Miles, etc…….. are still not yet ready to move on……… Like someone pointed out earlier (Rmoxon I think) that Ben refused to go into the church, as he still had unfinished business to get through…….. most probably being his daughter.

                  - Aaron I believe was at the church because he was in some form or another a casualty of the same Oceanic Flight 815, be it unborn.

                  - As Jack’s Dad said, everyone dies sooner or later, hence why not everybody in the lost universe is sat there at the church, as not all are ready to move on………

                  - The white light of the island, is the symbol of the white light which has been well documented by people who have been at deaths door and brought back to the living world. I think it’s a different manifestation of the same thing in this case.

                  - Isn’t Jacks lonely demise, like Moses, where he died at heavens gate? But in the end was moses not allowed into heaven after repenting his sins (letting go in this case, just like Jack?)

                  - Michael was not at the church because, he has yet to sole issues regarding his son etc and his actions on the island……..

                  - The reason why Shannon was there and not Nadia, is because Nadia has already moved on……. And in some way, Shanon is part of the next step for Sayid, and how he has let go of his past and move on to a new love with another. Kinda like when a someone you love dies and you need to realise it and move on with your life……..

                  - Boone was not paired off as such, as part of his ‘letting go’ was to do with letting his sister go to be with Sayid, and for him to be able to stand on his own and not rely on someone else to control his life ie Shannon

                  - Lockes letting go was always about his legs…….. in which case Jack needed to fix him to help him learn that lesson.

                  - Kate needed Jack, a strong dominant male figure to help her let go of her issues with abusive males – if you recall all her issues were based on her step Dad, and always some male figure/s chasing after her – I guess she needed to let that anger go and let the love of Jack into her life without holding back. Her helping Claire deliver her baby is in a way like her mother not being able to give her the support and love she needed in life.

                  Like many others, my sleep patterns are out of wack, but only because, when I eventually got round to watching it yesterday, it was like 11.20pm and when it was all done, I had trouble actually getting to sleep, as I was working it all out in my head lol………. Thus is the power of the series……….

                  I can understand why some peeps are finding it difficult to like the ending, but I found the end very fitting, and everything more or less is explained – it kind of left me mentally tired, but emotionally satisfied when

                  the Lost logo appeared one final time………. And the way they tied up the first thing you see in series 1(being Jacks eye) and the last thing you see in series 6 (again Dr Shepard’s eye) was a very strong defining moment/images,

                  just like Mathew Fox said last year when he was on the Jonathan Ross show……..

                  I absolutely loved this ultimate episode, and like many of you guys, I can’t wait for the Blu Ray box set, so I can enjoy it all over in HD and surround sound goodness, the way it was always meant to be watched……… Its all come a full circle, and will up to now has been the best TV series I have ever had to pleasure of enjoying………


                  ps I wasn't intending to write so much, but I just had to get some of it off my emotional chest
                  Eh? The island

                  was real, it was only the flash sideways that was purgatory

                  You seem to have completely misunderstood it.
                  Last edited by rmoxon; 25-05-2010, 14:27.


                    Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                    Eh? The island

                    was real, it was only the flash sideways that was purgatory

                    You seem to have completely misunderstood it.
                    I clearly have.......... as im sure many other people have throughout the series. But what a ride...........

                    But the words from one of Brian Mcknights songs, sum up the series quite well........

                    "It's so incredible, the way things work themselves out
                    And all emotional, once you know what it's all about........."

                    Last edited by 112; 25-05-2010, 14:47.


                      Originally posted by 112 View Post
                      I clearly have.......... as im sure many other people have throughout the series. But what a ride...........

                      But the words from one of Brian Mcknights songs, sum up the series quite well........

                      "It's so incredible, the way things work themselves out
                      And all emotional, once you know what it's all about........."

                      lol, ok then.

                      I do like the fact that even though you misunderstood what happened you still loved the finale, it shows how good it was really and how impactful it was on an emotional level.


                        I cannot wait to get the whole series on blu ray! To re-live from series one will be awesome!

                        Just casting back when Lost started....memories....


                          Trying to reconcile everything. How about if in the Sideways Flash, the son is there because he is needed. Jack needs to realise the things he couldn't communicate with his own father, and Juliet needed to have a baby. Still seems means giving them one, and then saying "Only kidding!"



                            Americans have huge dramas with their daddies - check out Locke being mates with his dad in the sideways world too...that guy was a proper turd too


                              Originally posted by jagvirdi View Post
                              I cannot wait to get the whole series on blu ray! To re-live from series one will be awesome!

                              Just casting back when Lost started....memories....
                              I remember not so long ago, you were worried about the ending - glad those worries have been banished and you enjoyed the ending dude! Much like quite a few others on here it seems.........

                              Keeping the faith is good............

                              ................. most of the time But sigh........ no Mr Eko.........

                              Last edited by 112; 25-05-2010, 15:41.


                                Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post

                                Americans have huge dramas with their daddies - check out Locke being mates with his dad in the sideways world too...that guy was a proper turd too
                                he wasn't really

                                mates with his Daddy........ It was Peggy Bunndy looking after the old geezer most of the time........ besides, he was harmless at that point right?

                                BLATES....... lol........


