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    Originally posted by Rossco
    Personal Video Recorders. ie. TIVOs.


      Looking at screengrabs,

      they're images of Eko's brother, of himself and other "priest"-related things...


        I watched the monster bit through in Slow on my DVD player - My girlfriend called me a geek (like she just realised >_<)


          Bloody superb episode. Seeing the

          security system

          properly was very exciting (not to mention

          all the images within it

          ), plus the whole thing surrounding the

          drug running plane and Eko both ending up on the same island

          was chilling. Oh and there's the

          Michael and Walt thing! I wish it hadn't cut away when Walt was telling Michael where he was. All you catch is "You need to come..."

          . Damn you Jack for interupting!
          Last edited by MonkeyWrench; 13-01-2006, 08:27.


            Screen caps of the 'monster' -


              And I thought I was a geek for running a bit in SLOW! Peep what this brer has been up too!!!

              *Start of season 2 Spoiler Warning*

              A big part of me wants to give some props tbh
              Last edited by spagmasterswift; 13-01-2006, 09:58.


                yay, i knew somebody would look though the monster footage so i didnt have to bother....also reminded me of the best line of the show too...
                something like

                are you going to beat me with your jesus stick?

                thats maps very nice too


                  So what are people thoughts on the 'Monster' then?

                  All we can see of it is black smoke, but I'm not feeling that's all its made up of physically, rather the smoke is being expelled from a large invisible machine. Whether it's actually producing the images that Ecko sees? I'm not convinced. Jack has seen his dead father, Kate sees a black horse from her past, many people have seen Walt - could this simply be part of whatever is going on with all of that? Maybe Walt is too blame?

                  I do like that even when a character is stood staring right at one of the islands biggest questions all that they see is smoke and mirrors


                  No doubt next week's episode will have nothing to do with any of this stuff and we wont see it again till the season finale


                    Originally posted by spagmasterswift
                    So what are people thoughts on the 'Monster' then?

                    All we can see of it is black smoke, but I'm not feeling that's all its made up of physically, rather the smoke is being expelled from a large invisible machine. Whether it's actually producing the images that Ecko sees? I'm not convinced. Jack has seen his dead father, Kate sees a black horse from her past, many people have seen Walt - could this simply be part of whatever is going on with all of that? Maybe Walt is too blame?

                    I do like that even when a character is stood staring right at one of the islands biggest questions all that they see is smoke and mirrors


                    No doubt next week's episode will have nothing to do with any of this stuff and we wont see it again till the season finale

                    I think it has to be some kind of nano technology. It's a common theory but also makes sense - nanobots (if they actually existed!) are man made, hence the mechanical noises the creature always makes. They're so small they could enter people's heads, such as Ecko's and show him images of his past. They could also I guess assume different shapes, such as a horse, Jack's father, or Walt.

                    It also ties in with them being the island's 'security system' as Desmond mentioned, and with the idea of the island being a research station where something went wrong. (the nanobots escaped/became self aware or something along those lines)

                    Then again they writers have said the monster isn't nano technology, but they could just be trying to throw people off the trail.


                      I think it's all to do with the electromagnetic radiation and thus a technology capable of projecting people's psyches myself.


                        Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
                        No of course not! A full season in the US is 26 episodes long. This season of Lost has a long way to run yet.
                        Series and season are the same thing innit?
                        Anyhoo. Is this the last season then? I did hear it was gonna be only 2 something.


                          Kotatsu Neko I like your theory, you could be on the money. This all reminds of the book "Prey" by Michael Crichton.


                            Originally posted by Resonance
                            Series and season are the same thing innit?
                            Anyhoo. Is this the last season then? I did hear it was gonna be only 2 something.
                            Yeah, season = series.

                            This isn't the last season at all, this show is going to run a while apparently.

                            But the writers have promised to end it before it goes stale. (whether or not the network will let that happen is another matter of course)


                              I read somewhere that someone on the show said they have material for something crazy like 10 or 20 seasons!

                              If true, that is..


                                I'd rather they'd go up to 4-6 Seasons, and kill some certain people off (such as Jack,kate and Charlie)

