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    REMINDER! Last 2 episodes of Lost Season 1 are on tonight...

    Channel 4 will be showing the last 2 episodes (parts 2+3 of 3) of this great series tonight (Wednesday 11th January) - don't miss them!!!!!!!!


      "Its time for answers"


        wonder when channel 4 is planning on doing season 2

        Will need to be pretty quick so people dont forget everything

        Oh and next week is the start of the season 2 stuff


          Next week! Aww man! I thought it was this week.

          Oh well, it's more exciting waiting for the show to air than the actual show itself at the moment. ^ ^


            Lost starts up again tonight in the US, hopefully it will be back on form


              It's definitely tonight? I hope you're right, watching the last episode of season 1 again is making me really, really want the next episode.


                Originally posted by oblivion_6
                wonder when channel 4 is planning on doing season 2

                Will need to be pretty quick so people dont forget everything
                The end of tonight's double bill said it's starting in Spring.

                I'll be buggered if I can wait that long though, when's the Region 1 box set of Series Two out?


                  Series Two Release date TBC:

                  It's not finished screening in the US yet, not even half way through yet in fact.


                    Not even half way through? Boo!

                    Hopefully it'll be out before it starts on C4. The teaser for Season 2 at the end of tonights two parter had me chomping at the bit for more.


                      Series 1 finally concluded on C4. I have to say, it was a bit of an anti-climax. That episode wasn't really any different from the few that preceeded it, I expected it to go out on a big one.. not just 'opening the hatch'. Thought it was turning into Ico at one stage ^^


                        How did the final episode end again? Did they see inside the hatch? I cant remember, just so I know how much I can talk about with work mates tomorrow.

                        Whatever the episode was where

                        it starts off inside the hatch and the guy is going about what seems an everyday life then its suddenly revealed he's in the hatch

                        . That was cooool.

                        I was just like "Wowwwwwwww" .

                        Need to watch episode 9 again to get me back in the mood for 10 tomorrow! I cant wait!
                        Last edited by MartyG; 12-01-2006, 08:22.


                          The only thing that was interesting that come out of the last episode which is making me want to watch the second season.

                          Is WTF was going on with that boat scene, who are the people that jacked the kid


                            I missed pretty much the whole first series of this, catching the last 5 episodes I think.
                            I'm feel so annoyed now that I missed out on so much.

                            I've had friends tell me the very basics of the story, and I'm gonna have to grab the freakin' DVD now (split into two sets!! - money grabbing bastards) after watching that ending. So many questions. The bit that's really gripped me though -

                            who the **** are them hobo lookin' kiddie snatchers?


                              Grab the R1 release - full set for ?30 :

                              Everyone has a multi-region player these days don't they?


                                Gonna watch it in about 90 mins ... can't wait! I got severe chills at the pre-Xmas cliffhanger:

                                the message on the screen when Mike is messing around with the computer, immediately after the "do not attempt to communicate" warning.

                                Last edited by MartyG; 12-01-2006, 15:09.

