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    They're smart... the more they introduce, the longer it takes to tie them all up = more episodes / seasons = $$$$


      Originally posted by peo
      I've still got faith that they will tie it all together (or at least the major things). I heard an interview with them and they said they never introduce a new thing (for example the foot statue) unless they have a clear idea of what it is and what the payoff will be.
      I know what you are saying but I just believe there is now FAR too much for it to be resolved in a satisfying way. I just don't believe it can all be linked, maybe if they resolve it as 2/3 seperate threads but otherwise, it'll just be too much of a "Oh **** right off" moment when they try to make us believe whatever the end may be.

      I mean, sometimes I feel parts of it are too obvious, now I'm only guessing but it seems to me that Sawyer and Kate will

      end up together along with Jack and that new woman who I just got that vibe from


      But other parts are too muddy, I mean it seems obvious now that

      the others are pretty normal people who may have even ended up there the same way the newcomers (Jack, Kate etc) did, so why on earth would they act this way toward them. It's taken TWO entire series' for them to meet and converse, yet when they do and it's revealed they AREN'T monsters, they are normal, they kidnap them and lock them up!!

      I guess that's why I like it, it makes you think about it. It's not a brainless TV program, you actually go away and type things like this in an internet forum about it.


        You're probably right, but at least they've got some definite plans for it - it's not like the X Files where they literally just made the mythology up as they went along, which worked for a bit but then got extremely messy. But I still enjoyed that right to the end (even bits of season 9, god help me), so whether it all gets totally tied up or not, its got smart writers, and should still be damn good tv.


          TBH if you think back, there's no way your average fan will remember half the unanswered questions anyway, so as long as they tie up the major ones, that will be enough. The latest development with the Others is very strange though and quite contradictory in some ways, so I can honestly say I have no idea where its all heading.


            Out of interest, did any of you guys get involved in the "Lost Experience" cross media/online game type affair? I hadn't heard anything about it, but having read up on it, it actually fleshed out all sorts of background info (and obviously generated loads more questions too).

            There's a good summary on here :

            For Lost Experience clues detailed in-depth, see The Lost Experience clues The Lost Experience (aka TLE) was an alternate reality game (ARG) designed by the writers and producers of Lost to engage fans and expand the storyline of the show during the hiatus between Season 2 and Season 3. It was the first Lost ARG, although it was preceded by the launch of ABC marketing department's viral marketing website The Lost Experience began in May 2006, during the broadcast of the last few

            Lostpedia is a cool site, lots of interesting info and theories.


              Season 3 starts soon and it has been ages since I finished Season 2. I need to refresh my memory.


                Originally posted by MJ
                Season 3 starts soon and it has been ages since I finished Season 2. I need to refresh my memory.
                Open your eyes!!! season 3 has been out for a couple of weeks now


                  Originally posted by MJ
                  Season 3 starts soon and it has been ages since I finished Season 2. I need to refresh my memory.
                  They did a recap episode summarising the story so far a few weeks back. Then came Ep 1 & 2...


                    theres some cool stuff there.
                    this video is nice too
                    From the fragments of hansoexposed.comThe complete video! I'm uploading this in as high quality as I can get, but remember this is from a pretty crappy sourc...

                    explains just what dharma and the numbers are


                      That video is cool, but it seems mad that things which are quite major plot points (although not critical in enjoying the program) are in this obscure online thing that 95% of people who watch Lost will probably never see!


                        Just finished watching episode 2...nothing majorly exciting happened, but good episode never-the-less. Now I'm off to to find out all the stuff I missed


                          No spoiler tags? OK.

                          Season 3 Ep 2.
                          I thought it was interesting to learn that Ben had been on the island all his life, and that they do indeed have a connection with the outside world. I thought perhaps that really they aren't all that bad, and maybe they just want to be left alone etc, but they don't know how to deal with people, so that's why they appear to be the enemy.

                          I dunno.

                          Also, that boy who was in the cage previously, and the girl asking after him, was she the girl from Season 2 from when Libby was kidnapped? I think its her.


                            Originally posted by dc-arena
                            No spoiler tags? OK.

                            Season 3 Ep 2.
                            I thought it was interesting to learn that Ben had been on the island all his life, and that they do indeed have a connection with the outside world. I thought perhaps that really they aren't all that bad, and maybe they just want to be left alone etc, but they don't know how to deal with people, so that's why they appear to be the enemy.

                            I dunno.

                            Also, that boy who was in the cage previously, and the girl asking after him, was she the girl from Season 2 from when Libby was kidnapped? I think its her.
                            Its Russo's daughter


                              Whois Russo? The dude with the fake beard?


                                LOL no its the crazy french woman

