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    Originally posted by Gerry Helmet
    All speculation, nothing really has been confirmed by the show you can Hazard a guess like you did and most likley you're right, but its not confirmed so you can stick your theories, I already have my own !!

    I want the show to answer them ! not a Hint, not a 2 second clip of something a ****ing answer !!
    to be fair, quite a bit of what yoshimax wrote there isnt just speculation on his part....its what we've been told by characters throughout the show, whether you decide to beleive them or not is up to the viewer.

    but if your expecting somebody to pop up and tell you exactly whats going on without you having to think about it at all, then i think you (not specifically you gerry, everyone who gets annoyed by the show) should stop watching it now, as i dont think it will ever be explained that straight forwardly.

    as dirty sanchez says, the whole point seems to be to make everybody think about whats going on and discuss their theries. i dont understand why people keep watching it just to complain theres no point and go wishing the show was different, its been the same the whole way through,


      Making connections is easy. It's having any relevance or reason that seems to be the tricky part for the writers.


        for me the last two episodes have been quite good you get to see just how unstable jack became after his marriage break up and it added quite a bit to the charicter you know how he has this thing about trying to fix things and it showed just how ****ed he had made a situation due to this, for someone who was the dependable leader hes pretty unstable and had quite a turn arround.

        As for the sun back story i found it quite intresting, and it made me wonder if she had something to do with the death of her lover, when he landed on the car he was holding the necklace he had tried to give to sun, she new he was going to die and her husband would have to murder him, mabe she followed jin and new he wouldent do it, in the episode she also shot one of the others while they were saying we know your not a killer, there seemed to be a lot of emphasis put on this.

        Your are also getting a lot more info on the others the small town they have the relationships ect they were built up as some sort of stealth savages and now there shown as haveing there own town with links to the outside world.


          Originally posted by Fuddle
          as dirty sanchez says, the whole point seems to be to make everybody think about whats going on and discuss their theries. i dont understand why people keep watching it just to complain theres no point and go wishing the show was different, its been the same the whole way through,

          If you mean the same the whole way through then I agree as that's the shows biggest problem, its not moving on.
          I've already said I enjoyed the first season infact I couldnt wait for season 2 so I think I do have the right to complain as this show has a lot of potential more so than others but its just not realising any of it, when it eventually does it could be too late. Pacing is where this show repeatedly fails.
          I've invested a lot of time into this show and the reason I watch it is to see if it will pay off, am I now being told that I might have to watch it for another 3 seasons to get some answers?
          Lets just say I used to look forward to having the next episode of this show but other shows are now capturing my attention much more at the moment.


            Actually most of what Yoshi wrote hasn't been confirmed by anyone other than viewers some of them I guessed already, what I was getting it is the list of growing questions which gets bigger and bigger with very little explained.

            We're in season 3 now, it still feels like the opening series with so much **** we dont have any clue about too many loose ends which will no doubt be swept under the carpet when a UFO crash lands with a predator in it and suddenly the lost folk and the others have to join up to survive and escape the island


              Originally posted by Gerry Helmet
              Actually most of what Yoshi wrote hasn't been confirmed by anyone other than viewers some of them I guessed already, what I was getting it is the list of growing questions which gets bigger and bigger with very little explained.
              what viewers have said come on dude have you even been watching this program, one example of the things you say hasent been explained is the crash, Desmond actualy says i think "i crashed your aeroplane" as the day he killed his partner he failed to enter the code in time and casused a magnetic overload just as the areoplane was flying overhead, its not what viewers have been saying its in the ****ing program.


                I seem to remember lots of similar posts last season too....

                To be honest, I've forgotten a lot of the questions and open plot lines, so it is a bit difficult for me to know the full story. I remember someone linked to a website a while back which listed all the questions raised and then ticked off and explained them as they were answered. When I looked at it there were pages of unanswered questions.

                Maybe the producers like the idea that its a show where you need to play the mini games on the website, go back and watch previous episodes to spot characters in flashbacks and the like. Maybe that is how they wanted the thing to to pan out with a lot of audience interacion.

                But, at the moment its the same as last season, where we seem to be getting flashbacks which don't really tell us anything new. In fact its quite contradictory. You are left in the dark so much about what's going on, making you guess what's happening and link it all together, when on the other hand they devote a show to a flashback like Ep2 which tells you nothing most of us hadn't worked out already.

                I've said all along that its a fantastic premise but that the pacing is all wrong and i still stand by that. There was a huge lull in the middle of S2 where it seemed like you learned nothing of any consequence for weeks on end and the episodes really dragged, I really hope that doesn't happen again.


                  well it was written for one or two seasons and when it got popular they told the writters to string it out for ten so im sure they only really had two seasons worth of story which is why they seem to be all these filler episodes where they focus on people and not story progression.


                    Plus they didn't start the Internet mini games they just got involved when they saw how popular it was.


                      Originally posted by Lebowski
                      what viewers have said come on dude have you even been watching this program, one example of the things you say hasent been explained is the crash, Desmond actualy says i think "i crashed your aeroplane" as the day he killed his partner he failed to enter the code in time and casused a magnetic overload just as the areoplane was flying overhead, its not what viewers have been saying its in the ****ing program.
                      Most of what he wrote, I know the plane crashed because of the magnet I guessed that as soon as Jacks chain was pulled toward it when he first went into the hatch.

                      The point is theres too many questions still unanswered
                      Last edited by Gerry Helmet; 17-10-2006, 15:20.


                        A collection of all the Solved Mysteries of the hit TV Show Lost

                        a website dedicated to lost answers, obviously not gonna tell you the story but general q's about the show. Quite a good read.

                        Tip: if you haven't seen S3E3 yet, dont click on easter eggs. Quite a few screencaps on there.
                        Last edited by Dezm0nd; 19-10-2006, 08:14.


                          NOW THATS MORE LIKE IT!

                          Liked that episode, wrapped up a few things regarding island life and lets us know where the next section of the series is going. Good stuff.


                            Aye must admit it was a good un, you cannie go wrong with locke and mr eko mind you

                            Was impressed by the whole

                            locke runs a drug den flashback, interesting to see how this pans out, also locke was quick to judge charlie on his habit but hes a bit two faced considering he cultivated the ****

                            I wonder if desmond isnt letting everyone know everything, for a second i thought maybe it was some sort of time travel thing as a result of the hatch blowing up.


                              That was a fairly enjoyable episode, the time flew by while watching it, so that's a good sign.

                              So, what about Desmond, how did he know about the speech Locke was going to give? Sounds like another major piece of the plot to tease us with til the end of season 3.

                              I'm assuming this might be linked to the fact that they all made it out of the hatch relatively unharmed.
                              Last edited by ascender; 19-10-2006, 12:45.


                                Didn't really like that episode at all, i hate the way they do that, where they just suddenly don't link in with the last episode

