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    What's the other half?


      To entertain.


        No, it's to bring in as much ad-revenue as possible.


          The only thing more boring is the constant carping about the show. if you don't like it, watch something else. Everytime anything of interest is raised there is a stunning silence round these parts.


            Exactly. I can't understand why people who don't like the show bother posting in this thread. Sure, people are entitled to thier opinions, but what is the point in saying "I don't like it, it is boring" -it adds nothing to the thread.

            Lost, for me, is about the characters, the setting (watching the Island makes me feel warm) and the crazy plot. I don't it is probably never going to end properly, but after Twin Peaks, I've been resigned to all programs never having a proper ending.

            This, Heroes and Jericho are the only TV I'm watching at the moment.


              Holliss has been wearing his troll hat for the last week. You're supposed to be policing that kind of ****, not creating it.


                Is it me or can anyone else see Sawyer ultimately be used as a device to bring Kate and Jack together? I can see him being killed off, which is a shame as hes one of the more interesting characters on the island (or was, he appears in most episodes in some way or form, but they don't really bother going into explaining his background as much as they do with Jack).


                  That'd be all well and good if people who were being negative about the show were actually saying "I don't like, it is boring". Several reasons have been provided.


                    Im no troll myself, what i've personally said is because I feel its become boring not because it is boring itself, ive already said what I have to say anyway I didnt just say it was boring end of thread i gave my reasons.
                    I will still watch lost just not with as much enthusiasm as i used to, that saddens me a wee bit.


                      Originally posted by Soi
                      Exactly. I can't understand why people who don't like the show bother posting in this thread. Sure, people are entitled to thier opinions, but what is the point in saying "I don't like it, it is boring" -it adds nothing to the thread.
                      i know for every 3 filler episodes there will be 1 classic and so far i'm liking it, but season 2 was pretty dire, so much so i didnt buy the boxed set

                      and opinion always adds something to a thread - you like it others dont, why not start a thread for fanboys only maybe the people that question the writers may avoid that thread

                      Battlestar Galactica and Nip tuck are the best things on TV at the moment, but i've never watched Heroes but i've heard great things about it

                      24 which is the best thing on TV returns shortly - which can only be a good thing

                      just downloading 10 programmes a week and with 1meg broadband its a bit of a nightmare


                        Originally posted by buster_broon
                        24 which is the best thing on TV returns shortly - which can only be a good thing
                        Which just goes to show all of these things are totally subjective and a matter of taste - I'm halfway through the DVDs of 24 season 1, and I'm finding it really hard work. There's just something quite soulless about it.


                          Originally posted by Concept
                          That'd be all well and good if people who were being negative about the show were actually saying "I don't like, it is boring". Several reasons have been provided.
                          Most of those reasons are that it's not the usual tripe that is rolled out that is neatly wrapped up in a 1 hour episode.

                          Very little discussion takes place about the themes, the literary links, the red herrings. No, it's all about pace and answers.


                            Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
                            Very little discussion takes place about the themes, the literary links, the red herrings. No, it's all about pace and answers.
                            Which is quite revealing when it comes to what's wrong with the show.


                              Originally posted by peo
                              Which just goes to show all of these things are totally subjective and a matter of taste.
                              my point exactly


                                Originally posted by buster_broon
                                Battlestar Galactica and Nip tuck are the best things on TV at the moment, but i've never watched Heroes but i've heard great things about it
                                Heroes is excellent. My wife and I are really loving it so far. Great characters and a fantastic premise. It airs Mondays.

