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    Last nights ep was a cracker,some great moments there.
    Next weeks looks to be interesting with locke discovering a major character....
    Oh and a main character's death...


      I enjoyed the latest episode for what it was. I'm not going to complain or anything, it was just good entertainment. Getting frustrated at the show but continuing to watch it is a waste of time, so I'll just try and enjoy it while not thinking too much about it.


        Just watched the latest ep, very enjoyable. At least we don't have to hunt down literary references as it was given to us on a plate A few things came to light that was quite interesting, such as

        the others talking about their comms equipment being out following the sky turning purple as if they didn't know what it was, but when they had the guys on the jetty at the end of season two they didn't bat and eye?

        Also as their on a

        different island that Hydra hatch isn't part of the six mentioned in the orientation video

        . It was good to see some more of Desmond's

        new found powers in action

        . Just downloading the promo for the next episode, from what I've heard it looks like a good 'un!


          new promo = eye eye captain :P


            You do wonder though if the writers were sitting round the table, scratching their heads when they were trying to come up with ideas for Season 4.

            I know, how about another island!



              i didnt really care for last weeks episode, but this one was great. i'm more interested in seeing more of the others, and last weeks was centered too much on the survivors i thought without much progression.

              there were loads of little clues about the others, and i do like the way jack seems to be messing with the doctor woman a bit too. i seem to sway form liking /hating jack every other episode.

              and a pretty cool backstory too...although it was very obvious what was happening.
              the end almost looks like they're trying to initiate sawyer into them, in quite a weird way though.

              great start to this series so far i think


                Has anyone got a link to a preview of next weeks episode?


                  Hold on to your undies! It looks like a cracker!

                  Looks like the guy with the patch might Radzinski, the guy that manned the button pushing duties with Kelvin before Desmond arrived. Remember in season one where they found the second hatch along with the cut segments of the orientation reel? They found a glass eye with it! Furthermore there's talk that the gang go to the Pearl hatch to view what happened to the Swan hatch during the implosion, quite possibily it was the patched-eye guy that saved them all from the hatch. Also there could possibly be some kind of Eko doppelganger thing going on. A black guy that looks pretty much like Eko, throws the hatchet at Eko's head?!?!? Pause the video and see what you think.


                    What's with Locke being a mute, I didn't get that.


                      Originally posted by Garny
                      Has anyone got a link to a preview of next weeks episode?
                      Here is the promo for next weeks show. (Note: There was no Canadian Promo this week) Source: txvoodoo


                        Thanks for the link! I'll check it out as soon as my connection stops being gay


                          I swear I must've watched a different promo !!


                            Thanks for the links, its looking good


                              Stunning ep I just watched (ep4) now next week we get this !!! my pacemaker will bunny No8 me all over the cage


                                Originally posted by ascender
                                You do wonder though if the writers were sitting round the table, scratching their heads when they were trying to come up with ideas for Season 4.

                                I know, how about another island!

                                I thought that

                                they were going to come up with more of a twist, and Henry/Ben was going to say to Sawyer that they were staring at the same island they were on, only it was the other side (in other words, there was a space distortion on the island explaining why no one could escape).

                                Apart from that somewhat anti-climatic revelation, it was a good episode and focusing more on The Others, a character I'm interested in (as with the Locke episode) made it less annoying than usual.

