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    Granted with the popcorn comment, seems to have worked though ;-)

    The lazy comments that just say 'good/bad episode' are a waste though, very very few comments are about the actual show. Many about what the show should/could be though.


      Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
      Granted with the popcorn comment, seems to have worked though ;-)

      The lazy comments that just say 'good/bad episode' are a waste though, very very few comments are about the actual show. Many about what the show should/could be though.
      I agree, but then I do believe if someone is going to say "good/bad episode" it'd be nice to find out why.

      As I've said, I think season 3 has been strong so far with the exception of the Sun/Jin episode which was completely filler as far as I'm concerned, and it's far too early for filler after the way we left season 2. I'm normally a fan of the flashbacks because as I mentioned, I think the show is more about the characters than the island stuff, but that flashback served no purpose in my eyes.


        I'm just glad people are still talking about the show. I'm sorry to harp on about Twin Peaks (*entire NTSC-UK forum gets up and leaves the room*) but at about this time in TP's lifespan EVERYONE was pissed at the lack of resolutions. Lost still seems on a 50%/50% split, based on the massively scientific sample that is this particular thread...

        For my five cents I think it is telling a story - compare what we knew when we were two hours in with what we know now for instance - and the characters are changing in interesting ways (something TP never really nailed). Locke's been discussed already so how about if I say that I really don't like Jack anymore? He's being painted in a much darker light than his initial 'jumping over wreckage to save lives' depiction nowadays, acting more selfishly, and the flashbacks are a significant part of this. What's going on with him? I'm still interested.

        And I love the mysteries the show sets up. There's a magnificent article from ages ago in the Guardian that someone wrote about 'ehrfurcht' - a chilling/thrilling sense of awe from seeing something you don't understand. The whole point of ehrfurcht is the mystery itself, and I've always loved that more than the resolution personally, so they can just stroll on as far as I'm concerned.

        Of course, if too many people want answers, Lost may well discover 'theirfurcht'.

        Last edited by Fireproofradiator; 24-10-2006, 16:48. Reason: Added 'Badabom'


          Lost is without a doubt one of the greatest shows that I have watched on TV yet. The first season was great but it left us with many questions, the second imo was even better but still left us with many questions and so far, the third season has been quiet a let down after all the hype but i'm sure that it's going to get better as it goes along.

          By the way, Locke and Sawyer are the best characters on the show


            Originally posted by Jebus
            I'm normally a fan of the flashbacks because as I mentioned, I think the show is more about the characters than the island stuff, but that flashback served no purpose in my eyes.
            as I said to concept - yet. Just because you didn't get a nice little reason all packaged up and easy to digest at the end of the episode doesn't mean there was no reason for the writers to pen that particular flashback. Just like the episode in Babylon 5 where Babylon 4 appears and there's some mysterious guy in a space suit called "The One", that wasn't explained until two seasons later! It's not ****ing CSI where they have to tie it all up at the end, just go with it and see where the show takes you.


              Originally posted by Fireproofradiator
              at about this time in TP's lifespan EVERYONE was pissed at the lack of resolutions.
              About this time in Twin Peak's lifespan, the show was dead. Cancelled. Partly down to the lack of resolutions. But also down to the fact that the viewers they got on day one were the only viewers they'd ever have because it was so beautifully convoluted that nobody could hope to catch up what they missed.

              There was much more actual show in Twin Peaks and, while there were always open questions, the show moved in quite traditional character arcs where there were beginnings, developments and complications and then endings.

              Lost only has beginnings.

              I don't think Lost and Twin Peaks have all that much in common to be honest.


                Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
                Dharma have a number of links to animal experiments and behavioural study, so the cages/zoo is a fair guess for the source of the bears.

                Walt is described as being 'special' and the literary links to 'Island' seem to point to image projection, either from a being or a machine. The visions up to now have been solitary or none invasive, the bear this time around was different. Two characters saw the damage to the boar and the physical fur trail that led to the cave. I'm not convinced it was a real bear, more a metamorphation of one by Locke based on faith/fear.

                Buster, fair comment but the fact that you like punchy fits in with my thowing around the popcorn handle. Lost is different from anything else out there, ebing different has attracted criticism.
                Season3 Episode 2 mentioned them having 2 polar bears on the island.


                  No, they're massively different shows in lots of ways (although pretty similar in others - lots of resounding themes, dual male leads, and an interest in mysticism and madness off the top of my head...) but I was specifically drawing comparison between the way the two shows audience shares changed over time. I think TP was still going after two years even though it only had two seasons. Wasn't there a bigger gap between the two seasons with TP? One thing's for sure, I'm in a pretty defensive mood this evening...

                  I guess you're suggesting it's an unfair comparison though, Dogg Thang. Fair dos. Any thoughts on an alternative?

                  Last edited by Fireproofradiator; 25-10-2006, 16:55.


                    Originally posted by Dogg Thang
                    Lost only has beginnings.

                    I don't think Lost and Twin Peaks have all that much in common to be honest.
                    I agree with that, though in Lost's defence there's time to turn some things around. I suppose that's what keeps certain people watching. The small hope that they will.


                      Dont think this has been posted yet,


                      Lost Scheduling

                      ?Sky One and Sky Two
                      ?Starts 19th November 2006

                      ?Core Episodes: Sky One, Sundays 2200?2300 (opening night 2200-2400)

                      ?NB ? Opening night is likely to see a red button multi start (TBC)
                      ?22 episodes
                      ?Plus peak time repeats on Sky One and Sky Two in the following slots

                      Sky One Tuesdays 2200 - 2300
                      Sky Two Wednesdays 2200 - 2300
                      Sky Two Sunday 2000 - 2100

                      ?Plus one hour special on Sky One and Sky Three ?Lost: A Tale of Survival?

                      ?NB: Lost Series-3 breaks on 17th December 06 and resumes again on 11th February 07. This is due to US ABC Network current scheduling commitment.

                      Just four days behind the US from Febuary


                        Originally posted by Concept
                        I agree with that, though in Lost's defence there's time to turn some things around. I suppose that's what keeps certain people watching. The small hope that they will.
                        Totally agree. I still think Lost has the makings of a great show and could at some stage fulfill the potential offered by those early episodes. The mix of characters is still very strong.


                          Originally posted by Fuddle
                          shame its on sky though, i'll have to carry on downloading it anyway.
                          Bonus it's on Sky for me as it will be in HD


                            Does this mean E4 have lost the rights to it? Not that I would watch it there anyway, just curious.
                            Last edited by charlesr; 26-10-2006, 08:34.


                              There's no way Sky will let E4 show it no (unless it's months after Sky have first shown it etc)


                                A few people's posts edited or deleted by me.

