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    Ahh yeah of course. Completley forgot about her!


      So was out drinking with work last night and managed to steer the conversation towards lost.

      Comedy drunken skinny:

      The editor and designer of the mag have had characters named after them. The boy in the cage is called Karl and gets a good bumming off Sawyer in episode 6, now renamed episode Sex.

      Slightly more believable skinny:

      In the script for Episode one of Season three it ends with the camera panning through the jungle revealing Locke hanging from a tree. He looks down and sees Desmond running below him naked. He shouts out to him but they seem to both have damaged hearing

      Just skinny:

      There is a very, very fit new character coming into it called Nicky. One of the flashbacks will feature a main character in Prison. A main character is going to die who you wont believe they could possibly kill off and they go out in a wicked way.

      Well it all sounded more exciting in the pub anyways >_<


        Good episode, thought the whole jin & sun thing was quite cool. Gave it a new interesting twist, personally the bit with Ben & Jack talking about the red socks was cack, shouldnt have tried to make it funny, but i guess that's an 'American Thing' like if a british show took the piss out of a football team.


          Second episode wasn't bad I suppose, do wonder where there are going to Jack next (the scriptwriters, not The Others)
          Last edited by VR46; 15-10-2006, 08:30.


            I think season 3 has been excellent so far, the pacing is just right and they are revealing NEARLY enough to make it worthwhile. It does seem they are concentrating very much on the others and not the island now, maybe the islands secrets (forgotten from series 1/2) will be revealed in series 19 though.

            I actually really liked the red socks bit, that really re-humanised (word?) the characters again, from this intense situation where nobody trusts anyone, they are all human.

            There is one underlying thing though that is bothering me a HUGE amount.

            WHY do the others not trust Jack & co...WHY are they kidnapping and holding them prisoner...(and now) WHY the bloody hell are they making 2 of them work on a chain gang environment whilst Jack sits in a prison?

            These are things that need to be addressed VERY quickly in this season or I fear I may get too frustrated and turn off. There is no logical reason why the others would treat people this way, they are all human beings and given the others have been there a while AND that they SAW the plane fall apart in the sky, they know that Jack and Co aren't there by choice and are just making the best of a bad situation. The difference is that the survivors of the crash are scared, don't have a clue what is going on and have had polar bears attack them!! The others know what is going on, they live there! The survivors have every right to be paranoid and act the way they did, the others...not.

            Unless they know something of course, but the writers need to reveal what this is sooner rather than later because I find the things I listed in the above paragraph bordering on the ridiculous.

            I just don't buy that they'd treat people like that for no reason, and if there is a reason, as I say, we need to know even if they don't let Jack and co know, WE need to know.
            Last edited by Jebus; 15-10-2006, 08:15.


              Well said, its turning into too much of a guessing game and its not going to be fun for much longer until they start telling us why things are happening.


                WHY do the others not trust Jack & co...WHY are they kidnapping and holding them prisoner...(and now) WHY the bloody hell are they making 2 of them work on a chain gang environment whilst Jack sits in a prison?
                Maybe they're treating Kate & Sawyer like criminals because they ARE criminals? We know the Others have some kind of concept of "good people" and "bad people".


                  Jebus I think we DO know that something is off-kilter with the "others" (this name seems wrong now) - You can tell by all the little interactions they have when not in the presence of Jack etc (Ben & Muffin Woman in the corridor).

                  I'd rather know why Muffin Woman looked on the verge of a mental breakdown at the start of episode 1 and why she didn't fly off the handle at Ben when he effectively trapped her & Jack in the flooding rooms - Was that whole thing a setup to make Jack trust her more ? Doubtful as she then knocked him out


                    Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                    Jebus I think we DO know that something is off-kilter with the "others"

                    I always call them the "Udders", blame Jin.


                      Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                      Jebus I think we DO know that something is off-kilter with the "others" (this name seems wrong now) - You can tell by all the little interactions they have when not in the presence of Jack etc (Ben & Muffin Woman in the corridor).
                      I'm not debating that at all, in fact I agree. But WHAT? It's been hinted at for ages they there is something different about the others, something that makes them act this way towards Jack etc. It's dragged for a whole season and now we finally have them interacting, we still know NOTHING.

                      I'm not saying they should tell Jack, but the writers should allow US to know what the **** is going on just a little bit, because it's getting mightily frustrated to be as in the dark as Jack is.


                        Originally posted by Jebus
                        It's been hinted at for ages they there is something different about the others,
                        I get the feeling that you have it twisted mate. The Others are the normal good guys (its only the peeps off the plane that are the ones who have killed)!
                        Last edited by spagmasterswift; 16-10-2006, 12:46.


                          I'm more interested at how they explain the little kids wandering the jungle carrying teddy bears and barefoot in the mad "others" costumes !!!!


                            Originally posted by Yoshimax-UK
                            I'm more interested at how they explain the little kids wandering the jungle carrying teddy bears and barefoot in the mad "others" costumes !!!!
                            Actually thats a good point, notice that you didnt see any children at all in this new place?
                            Maybe the children have started their own colony or been banished or something....who knows it's Lost.
                            Im hearing we will get an explantion on why the lad was locked up with sawyer by the end of episode 6.


                              Things we know

                              Plane Crashed
                              They?re on an Island
                              There?s a Hatch
                              There is some kind of Monster
                              There?s a big magnet thing linked into the hatch
                              The whole thing links to the Dharma folk
                              There are others

                              Things we dont know

                              What the monster is
                              Where the polar bear came from
                              What?s with the Kids?
                              Who are the others?
                              Who is Dharma?
                              What is the Magnet thing?
                              Why did the plane crash?
                              Why do some people start tripping every now and again?
                              How long have the others been on that Island?
                              Why are they on that Island?
                              How is the monster controlled?
                              How can Locke walk all of a sudden?
                              Have Walt and Michael escaped yet
                              Who is the father of Suns child?
                              Why did the others want that boat so bad?
                              Why is Hurley still Fat
                              Why did they want Clare?s Baby?
                              When did Russo get there?
                              What?s with Russo?s Kid?
                              Where do the others get Books from?
                              Who is the Leader of the others?
                              Why is Desmonds Missus looking for Magnetic Anomalies?
                              Where is Desmond?
                              Is Locke Dead?
                              Is Eko Dead?

                              + What about that Shark where did it come from?

                              WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON !!

                              Obviously there is theory behind allot of this stuff which is fine but unless the show has stated it there just theories and we still dont know, Im not interested in some fanfare interweb over hyped hypothesis
                              Last edited by Gerry Helmet; 16-10-2006, 15:34.


                                Tut, tut.

                                Originally posted by Gerry Helmet

                                Things we dont know

                                What the monster is
                                Where the polar bear came from - The zoo or more specifically one of the cages Sawyer/Kate are in.

                                What?s with the Kids? I think this is more relevant than we're being led to believe

                                Who are the others? The children of the people who were on the island carrying out the dharma experiment who either decided or were forced to remain on the island.

                                Who is Dharma? Wack-A-Day Philanthropic Organisationi

                                What is the Magnet thing? It's like a volcano for geo-magnetic build-ups.

                                Why did the plane crash? The magnet pulled it out the sky when Desmond failed to enter the numbers on 22/09/04.

                                Why do some people start tripping every now and again? Acid in the coconuts ? "Others" could be putting the vaxine in their food to be serious - We dunno what that stuff in the bottles with the numbers on does yet.

                                How long have the others been on that Island? All their lives

                                Why are they on that Island? See Above

                                How is the monster controlled? dunno

                                How can Locke walk all of a sudden? Something to do with the island 'innit - same as how Sun is pregnant and that black lady was cured of whatever (cancer?) was wrong with her

                                Have Walt and Michael escaped yet Dunno but if they pop up in the middle of the arctic they're ****ed

                                Who is the father of Suns child? That'll be me

                                Why did the others want that boat so bad? Dunno because last week one made a comment about them sailing "round and round" in the yacht so they're not that worried about them getting away in a boat anyway ???

                                Why is Hurley still Fat ? He's eating all the dharma supplies

                                Why did they want Clare?s Baby? Dunno

                                When did Russo get there? Need to watch Season 1 again (or some of it)

                                What?s with Russo?s Kid? Dunno - suspect because she's not a "true" other (i.e she was already born) that she's treated as a bit of an outcast same as the wee guy caged with Sawyer initially.

                                Where do the others get Books from? The real world - Now established they can dip in & out at will - Plus books have been a very recurring theme throughout this show.

                                Who is the Leader of the others? Ben aka Henry Gale aka "Him"

                                Why is Desmonds Missus looking for Magnetic Anomalies? Because she's looking for him and she knows more than us Probably because her Dad's involved in some way or another (put Desmond there to keep him away from her)

                                Where is Desmond? Under the room where the computer is where he was last seen turning the override key

                                Is Locke Dead? No

                                Is Eko Dead? No

                                WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON !!
                                I'm tired now
                                Last edited by Yoshimax; 16-10-2006, 15:48.

