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Firefly / Serenity

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    Originally posted by Nijo
    Made me think about whether the Gap series could be made into a movie (or three), but I guess those books are just too dark.
    Oh we can but hope.



      Originally posted by Nijo
      If I were to criticise anything it would be the sound quality. Some of the things they said were very hard to make out, partly due to the accents but also because of the muffled reproduction.
      That was my main criticism too, it's also not made clear that Chinese is a second language and that all of the characters randomly curse in it.


        It's pretty obvious about the Chinese part though, if you can't understand that they're not speaking English, you need your ears checking.


          I knew about it from watching the series, I was offering it as a possible explanation for why some of the dialogue was hard to make out. It's never made clear why they do it (none of the characters are Chinese) and I thought that might cause some confusion.


            Nah, as somebody else said the Chinese is clear (as in it's clearly Chinese). It's the English that caused problems.


              Originally posted by Nijo
              Made me think about whether the Gap series could be made into a movie (or three), but I guess those books are just too dark.
              Originally posted by PeteJ
              Oh we can but hope.

              THANK GOD!!!

              At last, people who have actually read these fantastic books. I thought I was the only person in existence to have bought them!!

              I have tried to get so many people into the Gap series explaining the sheer brilliance of Donaldsons use of narrative, but none can get past the first book.

              There is no way they would be made into a film, unless they were really toned down... and I'm not sure I'd want to see ALL of it anyway.


                At last, people who have actually read these fantastic books. I thought I was the only person in existence to have bought them!!
                Add me to that list. They were a great read. I threw a sicky from school to finish reading "Forbidden Knowledge", and visited Waterstones every week for months, checking their "upcoming releases" list for the last one. I've given away most of the novels I accumulated over the years, but still have these five.


                  Originally posted by Edame
                  I knew about it from watching the series, I was offering it as a possible explanation for why some of the dialogue was hard to make out. It's never made clear why they do it (none of the characters are Chinese) and I thought that might cause some confusion.
                  I thought that was blatantly obvious too - the Chinese are the fastest growing economy at the moment, and are the most important at the moment in terms of growth and prosperity, so they'll have had a big effect on the future, and this is it.


                    I watched it last week...loved it One of my favourite films of the year I expected to like it but I never expected it to be this good!


                      I didnt even know this was out in the Cinema over here the other day, havent seen a single poster or advert for it anywhere in the oxford area...not happy about that!

                      Loved the film to bits, almost brought a tear to my eye when my two favourite characters died. Glad they managed to keep the original cast and humour etc for the film.

                      I was hoping for some insight into Book's past, he's Mysterious ooooo.

                      I was thinking that they could do a series set just after episode 14 and then up to the start of the film as theres supposed to be a year in between, least then they could explain some of the stuff we missed out on. Hell or even some books would be nice. Maybe Sci-Fi can twist Joss' arm into doing another series.


                        There are three comic books that deal with the time from the end of the series to the start of the movie. They were done by Darkhorse.


                          Really? Neat.

                          Do you know if they are in stores in uk? Or am I gonna have to scrounge the internet for em hehe


                            Forbidden Planet has them, if there's one near you.


                              Hmm never heard of that store before, all I know that we have near me is a Borders and a shop called "The Comic shop" heh. I'll see if they have it


                                They prolly will. It's a fairly big/sought-after title.

