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The Official 'Transformers' Live Action Movie Thread

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    Why do the robots transform?


      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
      Why do the robots transform?
      I guess its meant to be a stealth thing? But from the trailer it would seem they could just turn up as big robots and Earth would be just as screwed - was that what you getting at?


        Well yeah - the trailer brought that home but I guess, for the Decepticons, it was always a relevant question but I just never thought of it before.

        In the trailer they just sort of rampage around. Yeah, there's that scene with the helicopter which shows it can help them get in close to their targets but it seems like they'd be just as much of a threat as a plain old giant robot. And thinking back to the Transformers of old, I can't see a massive point in the Decepticons having the ability to transform either. They were happy enough to wander around and fly in robot form. Which made me wonder - is there a reason I'm missing?


          Probably best not to look to deeply into it


            Good advice.


              Originally posted by Leon
              I just think some colour, cartoon ambience etc... would make for something more fitting, and ultimately exciting
              You mean like Thunderbirds?

              I really like the way people get all warm and fuzzy when they talk about the original TF cartoon series. If you go back and watch them now, they're terrible. The animation is poor (painfully so on season 3) and the plots are mostly bad - every episode ends with Megatron escaping before Prime can kick his ass, characters are introduced purely to sell toys and it has about as much depth as a puddle.

              For me, the 1986 movie is where is all starts. It introduced depth to the characters, it had drama and sadness and people actually got hurt, unlike the TV show, where lazer bolts would just knock the robots over and they'd get back up again. They used the movie to introduce a load more toys but we'll let them off there.

              The comic books (esp the UK ones) added layers and layers of detail and backstory, and for me that is the best place to look if you want to really get into the world of TF. The original cartoon series is best left to memory.


                Well I think the Transformers movie looks pretty sweet.

                I was born in America, and some of my earliest memories are of watching the cartoon on TV, and owning a number of the original toys (still have a few lying around somewhere). So yeah, it's from my childhood, and yeah, this live-action CGI-fest looks pretty different from the Transformers I remember, but I don't feel like I've somehow been let down by the producers or anything.

                Perhaps I'm not as hardcore as some fans, but I still consider myself a fan, and I have been getting positive vibes from everything I've seen so far. It certainly won't be the best film I've ever seen, but I'll end up watching it at the cinema. Mind you, I'm easy to please when it comes to film.

                Just thought I needed to voice the opinion of a TF fan who does like where the film is going.


                  Originally posted by revlob View Post
                  Just thought I needed to voice the opinion of a TF fan who does like where the film is going.
                  BURN HIM!!!


                    Japanese trailer has some brief extra shots:

                    Merrick here YouTube has posted a Japanese promo for the TRANSFORMERS movie. It's extremely similar to the trailer we got a few weeks ago, except there's a fleeting new image or two of robots in actionsnotably Scorponok (wasn't Scorponok...


                      Been there on the previous page


                        Was chatting to one of our editors last night and discovered that Simon Furman has written the Prequel to the movie which will produced in comic form. Also that there is a bit in the movie where Prime talks about the past allowing for a Terminator style flashback of their home world. They are working on teh sequel already and its set to be a total robotfest!


                          Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                          Probably best not to look to deeply into it
                          lol that's how i've been treating the film in general - just not reading too deeply into it. i used to watch the cartoons, had a bunch of the toys (although big bro got optimus prime ), and got the 80's film on dvd recently, and i always moan a bit when i find out a gem of my past is being remade, but i just let them get on with it as i know i'll watch it anyway - it was the same with that rubbish rubbish Thunderbirds film.

                          the trailer's got me all fidgety and i can't wait for july to arrive!

                          MICHAEL BAY DESU!


                            I was pleasantly surprised by the latest trailer. I still think it'll turn out to be crap, just now I think I'll enjoy some of the eye candy. Despite what our memories might be, Transformers was hardly intelligent back in the day (how many undiscovered types of crystal with energy-storing capabilities did Megatron find, again?) and as long as this doesn't dump on everything too much, it should be trashy fun. At least they're courting the fans by getting Peter Cullen on board.

                            Now I know he's not down to be in the movie (he's a rumour for the sequel, though), but that one that came out of the pool at the end reminds me of Shockwave. He was my immediate thought when I saw the single eye, and the paintwork on his feet looked sort of purple-ish. If they're planning on sticking to the canon, though, I guess he can't show up until they get back to Cybertron. Fingers crossed for that and Unicron in the second one.

                            Oh, and I can't help but think that the trailer would have been infinitely better if the sound they had as evidence was the old school transforming sound.


                              yeah but it woulda sounded really silly if you think about it:

                              "the only lead we have is this sound:"

                              chee chaa chuu chuu cho!

                              (crowd gasps)

                              *has an idea*

                              maybe someone should get the trailer, put the sound effect in and stick it on youtube?

                              Last edited by randombs; 09-01-2007, 20:53. Reason: youtube


                                Originally posted by Duddyroar View Post
                                The comic books (esp the UK ones) added layers and layers of detail and backstory, and for me that is the best place to look if you want to really get into the world of TF. The original cartoon series is best left to memory.
                                A bit back I found a brilliant site with almost every UK TF comic scanned into it. Used to loose hours upon hours of working time rereading the old stories and reminiscing......

                                Frelled if I can remember the webby address though.......

                                Edit -A nice run down of the issues but not the site I was referring too sadly.....

                                Last edited by Guest; 10-01-2007, 12:13.

