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The Official 'Transformers' Live Action Movie Thread

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    Is Isabel Lucas the munter trying it on with Le Bouf?


      My IMAX trip fell thro, any impressions from
      anyone ? Esp the IMAX shot scenes
      Last edited by dvdmike; 20-06-2009, 19:12.


        saw it tonight , loved it , amazing action , a little confusing with what was going on sometimes with so much going on, and it had 1 or too annoying characters , id rate it 8/10 and would see it again and deffo buy it on blue ray

        i would rate the 1st movie 8.5

        any reviews on the game tie in yet? i would love a decent new transformers game unlike the last tie in,
        Last edited by yesteryeargames; 21-06-2009, 10:27.


          The multiplayer and controls are great, anyone stay thro the credits ?I didn't for the first one and didn't find out for ages what happened to starscream
          Last edited by dvdmike; 21-06-2009, 16:56.


            I really liked the first film, but this! Yawnfest 2009, I'm sure they kept forgetting what the plot was as they edited it.



              worst blockbuster film i've seen in a long time. The witwickys need eliminated stat. The Mum eating a dope cake was horrible. The stupid Ja-Ja Bink twins where absolutley atrocious, at what point did the folks designing the robots think it was a good Idea to give them not only big jakey teeth but a big gold jakey tooth bad enough giving prime lips, I mean ffs. Jet fire looked like he was modeled on Jack f'ing sparrow with a god dam walking stick......

              The terminator decepticon wtf?

              And Megatron being someone's apprentice? are you ****ting me?

              Prime & Bumblee were decent enough the effects were excellent but as allot of folk have said the way they have designed all the robots means its difficult to identify who's pummeling who.

              What movie was this excactly

              Pish absolute Pish.
              Last edited by Gerry Helmet; 21-06-2009, 22:52.


                Thanks for the spoilers there mate


                  Its that Michael Bay editing at work again, its just such a mess. Oh yeah and spoilers! as for the

                  terminator robot, the concept is purely transformers (pretenders, robots in human or beast looking shells) but executed badly


                    Saw this last night and thought it was a blast, enjoyed every second of it and the time whizzed by, easily a better film than the first one. I am a fan of Bays incredibly shallow style though so I'm not really surprised I enjoyed it.

                    The one thing that stood out a mile was how much better the action was directed in this one compared to the first. I'm not talking about editing but the cameras stay reasonably still (as still as Bay lets them anyway) and you can make out all the action clearly and follow it really well, probably more so than any other film he's made. He's definitely listened to complaints about the action of the original.

                    Lots more robot action and it was so great to see a hard as nails Optimus Prime rather than the bit too easily slapped around Prime of the original. I admit I smiled like a loon during his scenes.

                    Don't really understand the whole 'pornifying' argument I've read about either. Yes the females are essentially there for the males to look at but I didn't find it any worse in general than the token pretty female in other action films. Apart from the camera lusting over Megan Fox at the very start and the slo mo bouncing breasts after the first 30mins or so

                    and the pretty girl Decepticon section

                    it is more or less pure robots fighting. It just comes across as a bit of over dramatic ranting by certain critics. I did find it strange to hear a few swear words from the robots but as a film aimed at 12 - 14 year olds thought it was perfectly fine.

                    The stuff I did dislike was the family comedy which was a bit cringeworthy and made me want the film to move on quickly. Thankfully it didn't last long and quickly moved along. It's funny though as the silly robot humour made me laugh

                    Shall be seeing this again today with my sister and brother in law and look forward to it a lot. I'll be interested in seeing how I feel about it after seeing it again as, I was just so happy to see Prime kick some ass at last

                    The good:

                    Optimus Prime - 'I'll take you ALL ON!'
                    More Robots fighting
                    Seeing Bumblebee kick some ass.
                    Seeing Shockwave even if it was only as a satellite
                    Starscream and Megatron squabbling
                    Optimus Prime - 'I'll take your FACE'
                    Megan Fox looking fine
                    Better directed action compared to the first films

                    The bad

                    The Fallen was lame, why didn't they just have Megatron being the main bad guy ?
                    Some lame family comedy at the start
                    Female Decepticon - are you ******* kidding me ?
                    Lame roommate who should have just been removed from the film. I didn't find him annoying or anything but he was there just to get Sams to John Turturros character.


                      Originally posted by mr_woo View Post
                      The bad

                      Female Decepticon - are you ******* kidding me ?
                      I read online that its name was called pretender and it actually exists

                      now i guess it was just made for the movie


                        I saw it at the IMAX on Friday

                        It was awesome!

                        The good -> Slight veer back to some of the animated Transformers canon which is a plus although in my view not essential.

                        Optimus Prime in that first fight was kicking! It was sweet seeing him really kick ass. Bumblebee too, he looked way cool fighting with his helmet on!

                        I agree that the Fallen was a bit lame and I think they changed the story, in the prequel book it has a splinter cell of Decepticon's trying to raise Megatron and Star Scream knows nothing about itand The Fallen was more of an entity than an actual Robot. I think this would have been better.

                        I think some of the new robot's could have done with more airtime but can't see how they could do that with the script and it was a long film

                        I agree with the point above that more should have been made of Optimus' Death I also think that they've made it to easy to kill and resurect the characters which for me lost some of the emotional buy in to the film. Bumblebee was more sad abotu Sam dying than OP and that doesn't make sense to me, esp if he was the last Prime. I _loved_ the fact that the TF had been in the world for a long time with some of them retired in museums etc.

                        Has Megan Fox had Botox in her lips? she looked better in the first film.


                          Saw it enjoyed it, knew what to expect. The missus enjoyed it too even if it was just big robots hitting each other to her . I do sometimes find it weird though things like

                          2 RCs and the twins strange

                          . Why they can`t stick with the well known Transformers I don`t know. Dinobots anyone they`d be awesome.

                          Kermode laying into it is quite funny

                          Last edited by JU!; 23-06-2009, 16:02.


                            Saw it at imax today. I couldn't really grasp what was going on during most of the action scenes, but this may have been more to do with the size of the imax screen. I preferred the long, drawn-out transformations in the first film but as this is a sequel I think it was a given that they'd tone them down a bit (in length if not complexity).

                            There were hardly any imax bits but when they were on they were gorgeous - my jaw was mostly on the floor during the Devastator bits. I don't care if metal's easier to render than other stuff, I absolutely love how the real the Transformers look, and the green forest bit made a nice change from mostly American sunset/Arab desert scenes.

                            It's the most consistently believable CGI I've seen since Jurassic Park (ILM again, I see a pattern emerging...). Optimus was stupidly cool in this although they gave him a few cheesy lines but it was no big deal I guess. Still more pandering to the kids with the jokes and the random robot farts. Also I thought Shockwave looked wicked, like some freaky metallic archangel, I wish they'd had a few more shots of his winged form floating high above the Earth like that.

                            Oh, and as for Shia LeBoeuf's screaming in the dorms after that bit, I haven't heard a better scream since Marv getting electrocuted in Home Alone 2

                            By the way,

                            does anyone know what the point of the Shanghai intro was? Was it just about that big robot suddenly appearing?

                            Last edited by randombs; 23-06-2009, 21:42.


                              Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post

                              By the way,

                              does anyone know what the point of the Shanghai intro was? Was it just about that big robot suddenly appearing?
                              It was

                              an intro to show that they had been on earth for a little while and had now joined up with the army to take on and get rid of any decepticons that remained on earth, hence them hunting down a few at the start of the film. More or a less an action filled intro to show what Optimus and the gang are now doing, and Optimus being as cool as ever


                                Ah cheers. My mate was asking afterwards and I wasn't sure if it was some kind of opener involving

                                the shard(s) or something like that. I really wish they'd imaxed it up like they did for the Dark Knight intro, though!

                                Oh by the way,

                                was the French mime who jumped Sam's parents Michael Bay? Looked like him to me, although I dunno if Bay's the type to do something silly like that in his films

                                :edit: Ok no it wasn't. It was this guy:

                                Last edited by randombs; 23-06-2009, 22:23.

