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MCD 2024: Box Office Bingo III

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    Migration box office is now showing as over $295.5m.


      Who rattled your cage?


        QC goes in for the victory high five and Wheela denies!

        Double checked and it actually has tipped Wheelas way by $50K



          $375m - Beecee
          $301m - Wheela​
          $240m - Lebowski
          $201m - Quality Chimp​
          $187m - Current Global Earnings
          $160m - Neon Ignition

          The film moves away from my guess this week as yet another point slips from my grasp. QC takes the lead on this one as the film hits what will potentially be the halfway point in its life at the cinema if it mirrors the length of time it took to get the final earnings result that Afterlfie took. We don't have like-for-like sixth week earnings between the two films, that will have to wait for next week but we do know enough to know that Frozen Empire is beginning to extend its lead between the two films thanks to international takings holding decently.

          I'm thinking there's not much need to keep doing week long entry reopenings as new films come up as so far no-one has used the opportunity so as a final tester:
          If anyone wishes to enter the contest and add their guess for what Furiosa: A Mad Max Story will earn, you can do so for one week starting today



            $375m - Beecee
            $301m - Wheela​
            $240m - Lebowski
            $201m - Quality Chimp​
            $195m - Current Global Earnings
            $160m - Neon Ignition

            Whilst the film is clearly getting toward the end of its life at the cinema, this week it hit $195m whic​h is a figure that is now $13m higher than Afterlife was at when that film had been at the cinema for seven weeks. It took Afterlife a total of 10 weeks to reach the figure Frozen Empire rests at currently, a figure it then took many weeks to nudge up to its final total. We should soon see if this entry can slowly make its way further than the third entry.


              Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post

              $375m - Beecee
              $301m - Wheela​
              $240m - Lebowski
              $201m - Quality Chimp​
              $195m - Current Global Earnings
              $160m - Neon Ignition

              In your face, wheelaa!


                I know the tally for GB isn't set the world on fire figures, as it never is for the franchise, but it's nice that it's in the same ballpark as Afterlife. More studios need to consider consistent business rather than chasing $1bn earners. Given Frozen Empire contained a heavily (overly) expanded cast, more effects work and also carried the cost of building a permanent full scale Firehouse replica studio space I would have thought that being able to now reuse those props and sets for another film should make it easier to produce a sequel with a budget closer to the $70m that Afterlife cost. If that's the case then making a fifth film would be a fairly safe bet for the studio, especially given how much of a cross media, merchandising, streaming etc money maker it is.


                  Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                  it's nice that it's in the same ballpark as Afterlife.
                  Mad that, for all the complaining, the 2016 film did better.


                    Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post

                    Mad that, for all the complaining, the 2016 film did better.
                    It had a big push in marketing, a lot more than afterlife and a lot of hype I think if afterlife had been in its place it would have done similar numbers, but 2016 did a lot of damage to the franchise, in the same way the crystal skull did to the legacy of the 80s indy films.

                    Theirs the other issue a lot of classic 80s Films like Ghostbusters and Back to the Future are coming up to being 40 years old I asked a few of our younger members of staff in the office which iconic 80s movies they had seen, it was a no to, Back to the future 1, Ghost busters 1, Ferris Buellrs day off, the breakfast club, Uncle buck, and countless other 80s classics. So You're in a situation where a large demographic of movie goers haven't seen any of these films, and have no nostalgia for the franchises the other issue is these films are associated with their parents.


                      It's a really odd franchise in that way. It's so rigid in terms of what each entry makes with only the original really breaking off ahead (especially with inflation considered) but I imagine the merchandising angle really plays into it. Like when people have questioned why Pixar put so much into Cars when it was a low earner for them, but the merchandising counts into the billions earned.

                      GB2016 is the highest earning modern era entry which I guess is a mixture of it being the first film in 35 years and the furore attracting attention but then you have the offset of its high production cost and its very low merchandising earnings. Afterlife is the opposite, half the cost to make and better recieved but that 'long awaited return' impact is spent. Supposedly it was huge on home release and there was a ton of toys, merch etc tied to it.

                      It should definitely be a lesson though, I remember the trailer for Empire launching and there being so many comments on how it looks too much like a Marvel film or other summer blockbuster type film. If that's the case then it proved the era of spending $300m plus making those films needs to end.


                        What they should do to Ghostbusters is instead of relying on the legacy of previous films and wheel out the increasingly decrepit stars of the original, is reboot the whole thing and give it a fresh spin so it's not trying to be exactly like the original. Maybe they could make the Ghostbusters women?


                          I've been happy to go along with the current films, they'll be the last we get with anything from the OG cast and the more they're in them the better they work. That being said, I hope something comes from Reitman's early comments when they launched Afterlife where he liked the idea of the films following the model Evil Dead seems to be using now whereby they give different filmmakers a go at it so that you get different interpretations of the concept within the same universe.



                            ROUND FOUR - GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE
                            $375m - Beecee
                            $301m - Wheela​
                            $240m - Lebowski
                            $201m - Quality Chimp​
                            $198m - Current Global Earnings
                            $160m - Neon Ignition

                            Week Eight and it's clear where the point is going but it's become fascinating to follow because watching the final figure slow to a stop has become a bit like watching a long distance golf shot and the ball is slowly rolling toward a hole in one for QC's guess but will it skim the edge at the last second?
                            This weeks tally means the film is incredibly close to matching Afterlife's earnings exactly but that took 13 ​weeks to get a very final total for. In like-for-like comparisons Frozen Empire is currently $7m ahead of its predecessor.



                              ROUND FOUR - GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE
                              $375m - Beecee
                              $301m - Wheela​
                              $240m - Lebowski
                              $201m - Quality Chimp​
                              $198m - Current Global Earnings
                              $160m - Neon Ignition

                              Week Nine and the film climbed by less than $1m keeping it in the same ballpark as the previous film in terms of the arc of its earnings. Afterlife went four weeks without an update as the markets it was playing too were small international markets that took time to report in and Frozen Empire has mirrored that approach. With this weeks total Frozen Empire remains $4m ahead of Afterlife

                              ROUND SIX - FURIOSA
                              $480m - Lebowski
                              $390m - Quality Chimp
                              $301m - Wheela
                              $300m - Neon Ignition
                              $170m - Beecee
                              $0m - Current Global Earnings

                              We're engine revved and raring to go for the next round

                              ROUND SEVEN - KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES
                              $490m - Lebowski
                              $400m - Neon Ignition
                              $310m - Quality Chimp
                              $301m - Wheela
                              $237m - Current Global Earnings
                              $220m - Beecee

                              ​Late to start tracking but we're here with Beecee currently in the lead but next week should see the baton pass to Wheela.

                              Won't be too long till Round Eight begins too



                                ROUND FOUR - GHOSTBUSTERS: FROZEN EMPIRE
                                $375m - Beecee
                                $301m - Wheela​
                                $240m - Lebowski
                                $201m - Quality Chimp​
                                $200m - Current Global Earnings
                                $160m - Neon Ignition

                                Week Tenand and the soft interest in the new releases has helped the films momentum maintain and seen it rise to $200m. At the same point in its lifecycle Afterlife was at $195m though only three more weeks of tracking remains so the time for a bump like that film recieved is narrowing. In terms of delivering our first ever precise guess the film is at the point where the golf ball is teetering on the very edge of QC's Hole 18.

                                ROUND SIX - FURIOSA
                                $480m - Lebowski
                                $390m - Quality Chimp
                                $301m - Wheela
                                $300m - Neon Ignition
                                $170m - Beecee
                                $64m - Current Global Earnings

                                Off the starting line and the soft opening puts big questions on where this will ultimately land with Fury Road's $380m total already looking unlikely.

                                ROUND SEVEN - KINGDOM OF THE PLANET OF THE APES
                                $490m - Lebowski
                                $400m - Neon Ignition
                                $310m - Quality Chimp
                                $301m - Wheela
                                $298m - Current Global Earnings
                                $220m - Beecee

                                As expected, the film is now in touching distance of Wheela's guess and should see QC once again take the lead by the end of the week

