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    Yes, Torchwood is bad. Didn't bother watching it as Grand Designs pwns it. Doctor Who started off good but the Christmas special was so hammy I really think they should give it a rest for a while. Russel T Davies and the rest of the crew are far too self important now.


      Originally posted by cutmymilk View Post
      Agree with that but a bit of HLA feat. Gwen never goes amiss.
      its crap but watchable crap mainly for Gwen


        I thought it was enjoyable rubbish. Much like Doctor Who, only this one has John Barrowman and no Catherine Tate. See? Indisputable proof that it's better than Doctor Who will be this year.

        I noticed that the swearing had been toned down - they were talking about it on the news that morning, in fact - to get it on BBC Two before the watershed as opposed to BBC Three in the middle of the night, and I think it actually helped. At times the last series was clearly doing it just to be edgy, and it got annoying. I'm no prude, but swearing has to be done properly if you don't want it to come off as childish.

        The fact that anyone will still apparently shag anyone regardless of sex or species is still odd - it was funny and quirky when Jack came into Doctor Who and was said how being exclusively heterosexual was a weird 21st Century thing, but doesn't work when everyone does it - and I'm surprised with how blatant it was given the new slot. Usually we get a moral panic about these things.

        The last series ranged in quality from dire (Cyberwoman) to actually quite good (Out of Time was a good one, and I liked the one with the 'fairies') and I'd expect much the same here. Hopefully when Martha comes in she'll anchor it more with Jack because he's the best thing in it. Please let him come back into Who and replace Donna with Sally Sparrow or something...
        Last edited by NekoFever; 18-01-2008, 23:33.


          I've never watched Torchwood before (big fan of the last three seasons of Doctor Who though) and it was pretty that I didn't like it, nor did I hate it.

          I don't think it was bad but there was absolutely nothing that made me laugh, smile, or feel any kind of emotion for any character. It was so disappointing that even Spike couldn't save it


            Originally posted by NekoFever View Post
            I thought it was enjoyable rubbish. Much like Doctor Who, only this one has John Barrowman and no Catherine Tate. See? Indisputable proof that it's better than Doctor Who will be this year.

            I don't think anyone can argue with that.


              I think it have too many gay stuff for my liking, but if it is girl on girl stuff we wouldn't object.

              But Dr Who will have that mouth (Catherine Tate) I am dreading it.

              So I don't have high hope for either.


                Originally posted by Legendary View Post
                I think it have too many gay stuff for my liking, but if it is girl on girl stuff we wouldn't object.
                I agree that the gay stuff is overdone. We know that RTD is gay and clearly likes to make sexuality a theme - one of the main character tenets with Jack is that he comes from the future and people there don't define themselves as strictly hetero or homosexual, which IIRC is something they talk about in the second Who episode that he appears in - making the point that it will one day be as accepted as anything else.

                It's not a bad point to make and I like it as an interesting quirk of this interpretation of the future, but he can certainly be heavy-handed with it. Is there a single character in Torchwood who isn't at least bisexual? It's overdoing things a bit, I think.

                Frankly I'm amazed that we haven't had some massive, media-fuelled moral panic about it. Maybe it's a sign that RTD is right. Or maybe they're just waiting until Wednesday when the first episode, complete with passionate gay kiss followed by drunken bar brawl, gets repeated at 7pm on BBC Two. I'll be amazed if the show isn't heavily edited with a slot like that.

                ...unless of course they're doing it for the controversy...


                  Originally posted by Legendary View Post
                  I think it have too many gay stuff for my liking, but if it is girl on girl stuff we wouldn't object.
                  I disagree, girl on girl sticks out just as akwardly as man on man, it seems to happen for little or no reason most of the time.


                    I like it I prefer it to the doctor whos now (Im a fan of the old whos) looks fantastic on BBC HD


                      New series started tonight, five episodes all shown this week. I hated Torchwood before but I actually quite enjoyed that episode!


                        In the good old days I used to hide behind the sofa from the scary monsters.

                        Torchwood makes me want to hide behind the sofa from all the scary gay kissing...

                        I really liked the way they alluded to Captain Jack's sexuality when dancing in the Tardis and when he asks to cut in, The Doctor says "ah, but who's he talking to?". I don't like the way adult=bisexual bedhopping in Torchwood.

                        I might give this week's show a chance, but I've already heard there's boy-on-boy action in the first episode. *sigh* way to labour a point, RTD!


                          Enjoyed it more than other episodes. Will probably watch the rest.


                            "If that's anti-terrorist I'd like to be uncle." Genius. (And true.)


                              Another pretty good episode, the format works so much better than the Story of the Week in Doctor Who. This actually has some tension in it and I still have no idea where it is going.

                              This episode has made television history too by showing the single most useless Special Forces team ever put together followed by the worst explosion of all time. It was comedy genius.
                              Last edited by PeteJ; 07-07-2009, 21:15.


                                Got to love Torchwood, blackmail the alien with bad publicity!! That'll work!

                                in the next episode of Torchwooooood, Jack and the Alien fight to the death in a greased up topless death match written by gay erotica writer extrodinary russel t davis
                                Last edited by Largo; 09-07-2009, 20:50.

