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    Just come back from seeing it.

    Enjoyed it but I enjoyed the visuals. The plot was standard "look at a different culture that is much better than ours and completely lacking in any flaws" but the world it's set in is beautiful enough to keep you watching. It's less preachy than say, Fern Gulley but it's got about the same level of depth.

    Best CGI I've seen but it slips up on a few things. The vehicles were too cartoony and it was a huge mistake making one of the avatars actually look like sigourny weaver. She's so distinctive and known that every time you see the avatar modelled after here, uncanny valley sets in.

    Also, comic buy guy nerd time: how do they stay linked in the area that makes electrical communication impossible? Why not nuke the site from orbit

    it's the only way to be sure

    or use supersonic jets? But meh, artistic licence.

    It's great to watch at the cinema and a technical marvel but it's not going to hold up when you watch it a second time at home


      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      It's great to watch at the cinema and a technical marvel but it's not going to hold up when you watch it a second time at home
      I think this is spot on. You should some film forums out there, people saying, "Best film EVER!!" Bet they won't be saying that when they watch it at home in 2D.

      As a cinema experience, it is amazing. I'm going to watch it again this week


        I think the movie was spoilt in the adverts to be honest. My first 3D experience was a glass shattering on screen followed by the new Cadbury's advert, and both looked absolutely amazing. When the glass shattered I almost wanted to reach out to it, I'm completely flawed at how impressive the tech is.

        And then I spent the first half of the movie watching and waiting for another "jump out of the screen" moment, which sadly never came. The movie would have been exactly the same in 2D in my opinion, there were only a handful of nice uses that gave the scenes extra depth. I appreciate that it's trying to be subtle, which they succeeded with, but nothing in the film was impressive as advert that played before the film so I have come away disappointed.

        The special effects are outstanding though, the two leads were wonderfully realised and a massive leap forward. I agree that Weaver and the other avatar pilot had less impressive characters but for the first time I didn't get the uncanny valley feeling with the leads. The planet was also amazing to look at, one of the most colourful films I've ever seen.

        The plot was very average but it didn't need to do much more. It's an experience film and it did the job for the most part.


          I watched it last night and loved it.

          I could forgive the preachy mother nature stuff and the obvious terrorism references for what it was... Lets face it the Abyss is no different in it's message, especially if you watch the special edition (which goes a bit too far IMO).

          Outside of that it's basically a western set in an alternate universe and I felt the pacing was spot on and did an admirable job of pulling you into the Na'vi culture. Not once did I think it was dragging along or meandering away from the obvious conclusion.

          Likewise I really appreciated the 3D and the fact that it wasnt pushed down your throat. There were some noticeable segments in the movie where the 3D played a major part but it wasnt overdone as a mechanic just for the sake of it being 3D and that for me was fine. I should point out we didnt get any 3D adverts beforehand so the movie was the only 3D we got to saw so perhaps that made it better?

          Finally... I really liked the special effects work and adored the fact the avatars were so facially similar to their human counterparts. In fact I think this is the first film where every CGI character looked different, faciall unique with their own personality. This has really pushed the benchmark up to the next level and its about time TBH...

          So yeh as you can tell I loved it, can take it for what it was and I am sure repeated viewing may diminish the first experience of seeing it in 3D but it's definitely a decent film underneath. Gets two thumbs up from me.


            Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
            I think the movie was spoilt in the adverts to be honest. My first 3D experience was a glass shattering on screen followed by the new Cadbury's advert, and both looked absolutely amazing. When the glass shattered I almost wanted to reach out to it, I'm completely flawed at how impressive the tech is.

            And then I spent the first half of the movie watching and waiting for another "jump out of the screen" moment, which sadly never came. The movie would have been exactly the same in 2D in my opinion, there were only a handful of nice uses that gave the scenes extra depth. I appreciate that it's trying to be subtle, which they succeeded with, but nothing in the film was impressive as advert that played before the film so I have come away disappointed.

            The special effects are outstanding though, the two leads were wonderfully realised and a massive leap forward. I agree that Weaver and the other avatar pilot had less impressive characters but for the first time I didn't get the uncanny valley feeling with the leads. The planet was also amazing to look at, one of the most colourful films I've ever seen.

            The plot was very average but it didn't need to do much more. It's an experience film and it did the job for the most part.
            When you've seen a few more 3D films Pete, you'll appreciate just what Avatar done in that regard. To date, all 3D films have been silly arrows flying into screen type of gimmicks. It soon gets boring, and it's not actually a good use of the medium as the effect breaks down when "close" to the viewer. Cameron was very clever with his use, adding depth to the screens.

            There are certain ways you shoot 3D, such as imagining three planes and working with that. No-one has come close to truly making it work though. Until now


              Watched this in a normal screen now and not only did it not break down but the 3D worked as well!

              Watching 2D from now on is going to be cack.

              I love looking at the perspex and glass.


                This has made $73m in the US, becoming Cameron's highest grossing first weekend film since T2 made $31m in its opening weekend. Interestingly Titanic only made around $28m in its opening weekend and then went on to become the biggest grossing movie to date and running for 10 months in the cinema. I wonder how Avatar's cinema run will work out.


                  I saw Avatar in 3D on Friday and thought it was brilliant.

                  I genuinely thought the film is more of an experience, overwhelming with its visual flair and astounding to watch.

                  The story has taken a pounding by some people but I was enthralled by it, serving its basic purpose but surprisingly emotional. However the main flaw was the commander of the troops, he was one dimensional and used far too many lazy archetypes of someone who did not give a **** and likewise all you could do was hate him. If they gave him some more emotion, like the other marines, then it would have added to his dogged sense of duty for the corporation wanting to mine Pandora.

                  After the weekend to reflect on it, I can safely say it used the most astounding visual effects I have ever seen, creating a world that is believable yet alien and characters who look real despite the art design not being exactly my cup of tea.

                  It's the film the critics did not want it to be and the best James Cameron film in a long time, beautiful, emotional, visual effects that look real and the best action direction since The Dark Knight.

                  I think I may watch it again in my week off work.


                    I liked the Commander. Some of the lines he came out with made me chuckle.


                      So its actually turned out ok then


                        Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                        So its actually turned out ok then
                        Go and watch it in 3D.


                          Originally posted by Zero9X View Post
                          I liked the Commander. Some of the lines he came out with made me chuckle.
                          With mug of coffee in hand... I thought he was brilliant. Just his general dismissal of a diplomatic solution as being something the natives would wants. Lets face it he was right on the money...


                            I just got back from the IMAX watching this. I've seen a few 3D films and this by far blows them out of the water.

                            I had to literally drag my friend to see it. He thought it would be gimmecky, wearing red & blue glasses, and just turn out crap, and he came out unable to speak! He did say some parts (like the running) made him feel a bit dizzy, but I didn't find that myself. Maybe quick movements in video games stopped it bothering me

                            I did think the

                            mechs looked like the ones in Lost Planet, same with the Hornets


                            I really loved this and can't wait until I can get a 3D TV and get the 3D Blu-Ray!

                            If you want to show someone a 3D movie, this is the one to show them.

                            I especially loved the little touch with

                            Trudy with her honorary Na'vi look. I'm a big fan of Michelle Rodriguez.


                              I agree about the 1D military character and the plot being a bit thin. I was not expecting it to be particularly deep and just switched my brain off and tried to enjoy it, which I did immensely. Very predictable, but fun and well executed. And those 9-ft

                              bare-breasted aliens

                              got me wanting to don my space suit and get me some intergallactic pu$$y

                              Great film. The character animation was completely flawless. I was half way in to the movie before I remembered that the characters were CG.


                                Saw it again today. Knowing what to expect going in / not having a load of impossible-to-achieve hype in my head [Cameron's fault for over-hyping it] I really enjoyed it, and for different reasons than my first visit.

                                I saw it in a regular Cineworld with Digital 3D - no where near imax 3D, and the imax 3D glasses I took in didn't work so I had to quickly run out to get a regular pair (I'd no idea they'd be using different 3D systems). The 3D was a lot less spectacular this time, which is a shame. Guess a lot of my "Best 3D EVER!" raving was due to imax rather than this film. Cameron still uses it better than anyone else though

                                Oh, and the screen went black literally ten mins before the end during the climax of the end battle! Took them AGES to get it back. On the plus side, they showed the whole end battle again, so I've now seen it 3 times. It helped me appreciate how much is going on in those shots.

                                I enjoyed the story more this time. Yes it's been done before, several times. By "Game Changer" I imagined they'd crafted a new story structure as well, which may explain my original disappointment with that element. However, I enjoyed it, and more so this time. The pacing felt better, the journey flowed more.

                                There are still some areas I feel could have been better. Yes, the Military are 1D. The Trudy character is seriously under-developed,

                                and her death makes no sense give she could have sat behind the big aircraft shooting it, rather than flying in front of it - yes I know she was "protecting Jake" but she could have blown the **** out of it instead

                                . I wish Cameron held some shots for longer. There are some magnificient compositions in there, and he actually underplays them. Particularly the shot of the

                                4 guys running over the "bridge" between the floating mountains, with the gas giant and moon behind them, and during the end battle with the slow-mo horse running while on fire

                                . Both could have been held for twice as long, and I think doing so there and in other places would have enhanced the "epic" feel of the film.

