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Seen any good Kung-Fu flicks of late?

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    Background: Acquired from a German collector; this looks like a vhs transfer.  It's fullscreen and custom subtitled.  The film is a Taiwane...

    Taiwanese basher, The Death Player (1975)


      13 Assassins - I love samurai movies and I thought this one was particularly excellent. Well shot, good acting, high level of production. Good to see that gone (mostly) was the horrible cgi that for me subtracted from Zatoichi considerably. Deep down I was kinda hoping for some more Lone Wolf type action, but still despite this I thought the battle scenes were well done and had a gritty realism. Overall there was enough action to sustain me.


        Nice, I quite fancy watching that. A lack of CGI is a winner.

        Also watched Tai Chi Shadow Boxing and The Master and the Kid this weekend.


          Watched The Dragon's Vengeance (aka Chinese), 1972, at the weekend. A Barry Chan film, with Doris Lung co-starring.

          Quite a downbeat film, and very similar to the Chinese Connection in many respects. A nice performance by Chan, though, with some solid basher work and a few weapons used. One or two of the deaths are amusingly inventive. There's a shift in balance halfway through the film whereby the previously-unbeatable Chan is attacked by Japanese-for-hire - and owned; forcing a more desperate edge to his actions, as any misjudgements mortally threaten himself and his comrades.

          Quite an entertaining diversion, with Doris Lung being rather good. She's a feisty mare to begin with, but begins to soften to Barry. Here she is defending her bro in the family quarry, before Chan appears and punches his fist through the wall:

          In other news, I've ordered CALL ME DRAGON (1974).

          It's a Ng See Yuen film starring Bruce Liang and Yasuaki Kurata. When I saw this clip, it seemed to be a prototype for Secret Rivals, with the focus on kicking. Not as good, obviously, as the lack of contact is very noticeable, but impressive nevertheless;


            I had Call Me Dragon, I think, but not sure if I ever watched it or even still have it. It's supposed to be pretty good. I had another Kurata flick, but sadly only in Spanish (!) audio, I think it may be Fighting Dragon. I'd really like to see the intro to John Liu's Dragon on Fire (aka....) right now, the voiceover is just great. Was watching 8 Diagram Pole Fighter after years today morning, just watched about an hour. Great film but it affects my mood for some reason.


              Huzzah! This book arrived yesterday:

              Hollywood East: Hong Kong Movies and the People Who Make Them.

              It looks great and pretty humorous, but I'm scared I'm going to add even more titles to my list of films to see!


                I'd like to read that, always looking for decent reading material.


                  Background - HKMDB indicates that there are two films of this name prooduced in the same year.  One starts Lo Lieh and Tien Feng, and is f...

                  Latest watch.


                    Well, I haven't seen owt for a fortnight due to being SKANKED. So it's back on the kung wagon tomorrow for some goddamn bastard shaolin drunken ****.


                      What happened prinny? Did you order something and it didn't come? I'm majorly p1ssed off myself, on an unrelated thing. Sorry, I've been lame, too.


                        Nothing like that (although flk did piss me off with a dvd). Been quite ill and just haven't been arsed to do anything!


                          I'm in the same boat lately, actually. Also, most of the people I associate with offline are either : a. Completely unreliable. Or b. Scumbags. I think I've been in denial. Will probably watch some old school kung fu to cheer myself up, preferably nothing with a grim ending.


                            I really want to see The Raid.
                            Seems like such a long wait for May

                            Anyhoo, last kung-fu related watch for me were a whole load of Jackie Chan outtakes from various films.


                              I recommend Rebellious Reign! Not really.

                              Maybe something like Two on the Road!

                              Sorry to hear about your tribulations. Most people do not follow the chivalric code, and therefore their gung fu is damn lacking.


                                I think QC probably has the release date marked on a calendar. I saw some funny Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao and Sammo TV appearances last year. Couldn't understand a word but they were fun. Outtakes are great. edit- just saw the last post- I follow the Shaolin code it seems but am surrounded by Wu Dang.

