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    Also, for a bit of repetitive fun, try keeping track of how often the word lucid and myopic is used, it's like the writers had just learned a couple of new words and were dead excited to use them


      he used discombobliate or whatever it is a few times as well. He reminds me of Vincent Price so it doesnt bother me about some of the weak script.


        Lolol the worst was when Pacey figuritively referred to his dad as myopic instead of short-sighted. It felt like Dawson's Creek all over again


          Anybody still watching this? I'M totally hooked!


            yup, think its great.

            love the fact that theres a proper big story behind it all, and we get less xfiles style single episodes.

            i wonder if we'll ever get to see the war? unless we already did, and the other side are losing badly.


              Yeah it's quite well done, it gives you a taste of the overall story then makes you watch an episode that appears to be unrelated. There have been some awesome cliffhangers though


                I am also very much enjoy.

                (When I'm not pondering the colour of Olivias bush. )


                  By the way its going I wouldnt be suprised to see powers coming from Olive etc.. and it moving down that line with the fight. Everythings already connected what with that bald bloke that saved Peter as a child.


                    He is some kind of other dimensional being "not unlike ourselves" and I take it that the bald child was one too, hence the "we have found another one".

                    I'm looking forward to seeing the next episode after realising who was playing William Bell.
                    Do we think that Walter or William wrote the ZFT?


                      Oooh er it's all going really crazy now,

                      did they transport olivia to the other alternate reality in that lift>


                        Holy crap!!!

                        Just finished this (watched 7 episodes today) and it does all come together amazingly well. I drifted away from this as I didn't think it would go anywhere but having finished House, Bones and Lie to Me I needed something to watch.

                        Very glad I did return to this.

                        It's been renewed for a second season too which is good as there are plenty of interesting directions they can take this.


                          It was pretty awesome, I was alittle suprised by

                          That DR Jones guy being killed so easily

                          , but I guess "there is more than 1 of everything"

                          The lift thinwas very cool, seem Massive Dynamic had been keeping more under their hat than they let on.


                            OMG, I saw

                            alternate Peter

                            coming a mile off but

                            Leonard Nimoy. Twin towers.

                            Awesome ending

                            Its utter nonsense but its so intriguing and well produced it's become one of my favourite shows.


                              I really enjoy this. Glad it moved away from xfiles style the further it progressed and its now more Sliders than that


                                Just started watching series 2. A bit of an odd start, I feel like I've missed an episode

