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What films have you watched this week?

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    I watched the remake/reimagining/reboot or whatever the hell it was of A Nightmare On Elm Street. It wasn't a bad film, just pointless. It didn't add anything to the 80's film, and for my money the Freddy Krueger was far less efective than Robert Englunds iconic performance was. It didn't feel as scary, and Kruegar had far less presence than I felt he should have.

    As I said it was decent enough, but ultimatly it should be stored under "unnecessary" along with the remakes of The Omen and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

    3 Skulls out of 5


      Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
      I watched the remake/reimagining/reboot or whatever the hell it was of A Nightmare On Elm Street. It wasn't a bad film, just pointless. It didn't add anything to the 80's film, and for my money the Freddy Krueger was far less efective than Robert Englunds iconic performance was. It didn't feel as scary, and Kruegar had far less presence than I felt he should have.

      As I said it was decent enough, but ultimatly it should be stored under "unnecessary" along with the remakes of The Omen and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

      3 Skulls out of 5
      I watched this last night too. Decent enough I quite liked the lead characters, however I'm with you utterly pointless I assume Fright Night will be too...


        I have it saved on the hard drive so may watch it tonight although I'm not sure if I can be bothered as like say...tis rather pointless. With all the CGI stuff they can do these days they could make an amazing dreamworld for dreamers to get hacked up in, just bring back Robert and call it Nightmare on Elm Street 8 (I believe there are 7 existing ones including New Nightmare right?)

        I still enjoy Freddy Vs Jason for it's silly gore and fun

        Edit - Forgot to add, did this reboot Nightmare on Elm Street show up on your Sky Anytime? It didn't for me whereas the other premiere at the time (think it was Salt) did show up.


          saw tucker and dale vs evil was suprisingly entertaining


            Today I watched Scott Pilgram vs The World. Being a huge fan of videogames I was told countless amounts of times by friends I'd love this film. They were wrong.

            Cera was the same as he is in every film, the script was beyond poor, and the videogame references felt forced, much like a hipster wearing a triforce belt buckle. I found most of the characters annoying and it seemed to be edited by someone who had overdosed on Red Bull and Pro Plus.

            To be fair I don't think at 33 I am the intended target audience, but I can't even imagine a 15 year old me enjoying it.


              Watched ("Jake West's") Evil Aliens yesterday. Assumes it's in the same league as Braindead, Bad Taste or Evil Dead 2 but is actually a protracted, messy, over-edited borefest that shoots itself in the thigh by setting most of the film in darkness (so, you can hear all this gore but can barely see it). Emily Booth *is* hot, mind, but not hot enough to make this worth watching.

              Didn't help but I'd Sky+d it from The Horror Channel and the aspect ratio was all to cock, no amount of meddling could sort it. If you really, really need to see this, get it on DVD.


                Similar to above only the film I watched is a classic.
                Ripley kicking some ass in Alien never gets old The sound effects and general tone of that film are excellent.
                Only thing better is the sequel.

                Stay frosty.


                  Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
                  Ripley kicking some ass in Alien never gets old The sound effects and general tone of that film are excellent.
                  Only thing better is the sequel.

                  Stay frosty.

                  I saw Evil Aliens thanks to the ever-generous Soundwave and thought it was good fun! It was a little long, but had some great ideas and the ever lovely Boof in it. I prefer Bad Taste, but it's nice to see a homegrown effort achieve some fun sequences.

                  JazzFunk, you'll be pleased to know I've been listening to Goblin most of the week. Love the faster stuff and some of it was pretty spooky!

                  Has anybody seen World of the Dead: Zombie Diaries 2? Looks OK from the trailer, but we've all fallen for that trick before!

                  Finally, has anybody heard much about Don't Be Afraid of the Dark?


                    ^_^ I don't remember that bit from the film :P

                    Yesterday I watched:
                    The A-Team - Enjoyable enough. Audio was a bit muffled so was hard to gather what they were saying at times, esp with BA. Great casting for Hannibal, Face and Murdock but I felt the guy playing BA didn't fit the role properly like the others.

                    Salt - Better than the A-Team by a long shot with action scenes that weren't all choppy. And well, it had Lara Croft and Sabretooth in it so you can't lose really :P


                      Wicked wicked wild wild, west.

                      It?s utter ****e.


                        Watched Drive Angry on Blu last night.

                        Utterly ridiculous in every way. Cage's acting, the violence, the cars, Amber Heard's short-shorts!!

                        William Fichtner steals the film tough. That guy is awesome!!


                          Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                          Watched Drive Angry on Blu last night.

                          Utterly ridiculous in every way. Cage's acting, the violence, the cars, Amber Heard's short-shorts!!

                          William Fichtner steals the film tough. That guy is awesome!!
                          So just to confirm you liked it right?


                            Just watched Drive Angry myself, its a a tits out stupid, stupid film, but in a good enjoyable way.


                              I watched Zombieland. I'd never heard of it and was only pure luck as I was flicking through the movie channels and it caught my eye.

                              Very funny in parts, Woody as usual, is great. I really enjoyed it - love being pleasantly surprised by movies nowadays.


                                I liked when he dropped the keys at the beginning. That cracked me up so much for some reason.

                                I saw Never Let Me Go over the weekend. It really upset me, even more than the book I think

                                Should be seeing Tree of Life on Sunday. Looks interesting...

