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What films have you watched this week?

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    unwittingly i had a Jason Statham day today

    Expendables 2
    yeah ended up being exactly what i expected which was 90 minutes of A W E S O M E.
    Just like the original it took me back to how i felt when i first saw all those action movies when i was younger, loved the catchphrases thrown around by different action stars but maybe not enough Jet Li - enjoyed it

    Never heard of it before so i kinda thought it was a mish mash of individual stories but they all merged quite nicely, in the end a pretty decent enough action flick with a sort of decent storyline, loads of great fighting and loads of good action


      double post
      Last edited by buster_broon; 05-09-2012, 23:03.


        currently watching cabin in the woods and so far its a pleasant take on teen horror

        loved the betting board with

        angry molesting tree & the deadites were bet to appear by the story department

        also love that the house is identical to the evil dead expected to see the necrnomicon in the basement lol

        seems Joss Whedon likes his regular actors - so many from Dollhouse


          The Watch.

          It had its moments but generally it was like typical recent comedies and I didn't find a lot of it funny. I dunno who writes these things but I swear it's the same person.


            Drive - Christ knows what all the fuss was about this one. It was watchable enough, but not something I think i'd ever be inclined to watch again. Passed the time for a bit I guess.


              The King of Kong - Really enjoyed this. Great story about a rivalry I knew nothnig about, and a revealing peek into the world of competitive gaming.


                Snow white and the Huntsman thought it was meh...felt like snow white meets lord of the rings Charlize Theron was pretty good as was chris hemsworth but i find kristen stewart just awful and bland has no emotion at all and when she trys it looks really forced (thinking it would have been better if she played the queen and theron as snow white


                  King of Kong made me cry. I'm not ashamed to say that at all because it's about games and not a Disney film.


                    men in black 3
                    Pretty decent fair and laughed a fair few times through it - nice to see a couple of sights from previous movies, some dodgy special effects at some points but I did watch it in 2D and those bits may have looked decent in IMAX 3D

                    But overall I enjoyed it

                    what to expect when you are expecting
                    Better than I thought to be honest and brought a couple of memories back to me of what happened to my partner late last year (miscarriage) so I welled up probably when I shouldn't have, but some funny moments and some great characters made it alright

                    Phil watch chasing ghosts if you can, not as good as king of kong but decent enough


                      Cabin In The Woods

                      I really quite enjoyed this, and it was a right laugh throughout.....the merman bit, thats all i'm saying.



                        The Dark Knight Returns Part 1

                        Just saw this and have to say its not really worth watching if you're a fan of the graphic novel, they change some bits around and try to keep the original style whilst updating other stuff and it doesnt really work for me. Peter Weller does an ok voice for the old batman but it should have been an epic 3 hour movie rather than split into 2 parts. I would've liked for some of Batmans thought bubbles to have been given a voiceover too as he doesnt really say a lot otherwise. I hope part 2 is better but so far more miss than hit for me.



                          Wasnt expecting much from this as I always liked the mysteriousness of the "Engineers" or Space jockeys and thought it was a mistake to explore their origins. Unfortunately this was average at best and raised more questions then it answered. The performances and casting are great but the action and pacing is all over the place and the plot and twists just didnt really do anything or go anywhere interesting enough. I think it a bit cheeky to deliberately leave answers to be given in a sequel and disagree this movie stands up on its own. A real wasted opportunity for me, as a big Alien(s) fan I have to say this film will just fade away and not stand the test of time like Ridleys other Sci Fi classics. I love me some Space truckers too and didnt like the high fashion look of the crew, it just doesnt fit as a prequel, much like the star wars prequel where everything looks round and smooth compared to the Empires 70's squared off architechture. It just screams out the decade in which the movies were made in rather than fit in nicely into the stories universe and timeline.


                            Hostel. Had been dreading seeing this for eons. Somehow got the sense it was some super-bleak, depressing, excessively graphic, nigh-on unwatchable dose of super-sickness, one which might actually make me feel a bit funny after watching it.

                            How f*cking TAME is this ****e????!!! F*ck me, what a clumsy huge great big warm babba of a movie! WHAT is going on in this??? This is total pap...Pan's Labyrinth babs all over this in terms of 'crunch', and that was a ruddy 15. It's just stupidity, it's all inane. Utter bab in a bap.

                            I've got number two to watch, and I pray it's better. That Thanksgiving trailer is seriously one of the best things I've ever seen, but I found Cabin Fever pretty average, and this film pretty much a sack of warm, orange babs, giving off bad steam.

                            Please do better.


                              I saw The Last Boy Scout recently, which I hadn't seen since it was first released. I enjoyed it far more this time, probably as I can relate better to an older, bitter lead character a bit better now. I thought everything about the film was good, with Willis and Wayans making a great team. The bit with with the hand puppet blasting bullets seemed surreal. I'd watch this at least once a year until I got sick of it. Not a fan of Halle Berry at all, that's all my mate was bothered about.


                                Was made to watch the Hunger Games last night. I'm getting tired of these really piss poor films wasting large portions of my life. Yet another illogical mess of nonsensical storylines, ugly, laughable designs, and utterly nauseating camera work and editing. Go back to film school, you hacks!

