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The EuroVision Thread

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    I sat there last night, admittedly I was a bit drunk, and watched agahst for the first few minutes. But then I found mysefl going along with it. It was definelty a victory for energy over talent, but it was more fun then most of the turgid efforts.


      Originally posted by wonderboy View Post
      It's a bit bad the "big" five (France, Spain, UK, Germany and Italy) get through automatically !? Shouldn't it be just the winner/host ?
      I think those countries are responsible for a significant amount of the funding. I know we put a lot of money in, for some reason...


        Originally posted by wonderboy View Post
        . It's a bit bad the "big" five (France, Spain, UK, Germany and Italy) get through automatically !? Shouldn't it be just the winner/host ?
        The benefits of funding the show

        The album is now up on iTunes so I previewed Germany's entry from Lena... after last years it's very disappointing. As for our entry, we know it can't win but I'd be willing to say it's a decent entry which is the stance we all should take... showing solidarity against the vile evil that is JEDWARD. If we place higher than them I'll consider us to have won this years contest


          On Saturday, 25 countries will compete in the 56th Eurovision Song Contest. Here are 10 significiant numbers from the 2011 competition.

          Some stats for this years show


            oh ok, didn't know they all chipped in for funding. I always though it was the host country that paid. Why Ireland never tried very hard of late. I guess i keep thinking of Father Ted's my lovely horse !

            Are lot more countries singing in english this year, or is it me ? I thought the girl from Austria has good voice, the song sounded like a disney tune. The guys for Iceland done well getting to the final, sad their friend died. I heard France's song earlier, wow very cultured, but is that a bit toooo serious for the Eurovision ? Azerbaijan's song, i keep thinking they're singing, "running up the stairs"...

            Georgia are Evanescence-esque, but not as catchy. Greece what is it with those rap bits, bah, i guess i'm to old-school, that guy is no Grandmaster Flash ! Lena's song for Germany is ok, feels so different to everyone else's. Russia's is weak. Slovenia is ok (the singer's nicer !), powerful voice though. Shame Serbia's isn't english, it might have been more appealing. Switzerland's is a bit bland, "naaa na na naaa, na na". Moldova is still funny, yeah it's crap really, but makes me laugh ! Lithuania is another disney/Llyod webber-esque song...

            I'm missing a good few and i haven't heard Italy (how cool would a all girl group, similar to that AKB 48 singing, "bunga, bunga!" been !), Spain properly and i can't remember Blue's UK song (is that bad ?). I won't mention the J word, i think there beyond comment...

            I get this feeling Sweden will win though with that song, "Popular", it's so damm repetitive...? Very futurama's brain slug... Any thoughts, or favourites for final..?

            Also, i can't help thinking maybe the UK would have a better chance. If the Eurovision had AV voting !


              For those who understand it better than I do, bookies odds. They list France as a favourite


                They *always* list France as a favourite though. I don't know how you can ever set odds for this, it's always compeltely random.

                I do think Jedward will get 12 from the UK though, simply because of the 'hey, I know them' factor.

                Going in totally blind this year, not heard a peep of any of the entries so far. Can I assume our usual running commentary posts will be in here? Or should I perhaps join the IRC channel this evening?


                  Weird double posting thing there. Hmm.


                    Looking forward to tonight.

                    I think Jedward have a much better chance than our lot thats for sure, it has euro appeal.


                      And we're off!!

                      Out of the gate I don't get why it's so hard for one of the hosts to do a slick professional job. Why are they always weird poor comedy gigs, lol

                      Aah, Eurovision


                        Because anyone worth a dime would cost too much, remember that they have to be bilingual too (rules say they have to do the scoring bit in French and English).


                          We almost had a Lena knicker shot so I suddenyl feel like forgiving them, lol. Best Eurovision in years just for that!


                            GET on with IT. Hehe...


                              I'm doing the annual commentary over here: - join me for the finals, this one was left over from the previous Eurovision.


                                Aww, we used this thread for the last TWO. Ah well, over we go.

