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The Amazing Spiderman

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    Saw it at the weekend and it was better than the first trailers suggested, in fact I'd go as far to say it was alright. Garfield was excellent and he has turned into a pretty reliable actor who managed to carry the film through some rather iffy scenes. The cast alround did a good job, actually.

    The spider-bite story was really daft. Where was the security?

    Also the story was very convenient, particularly with Gwen who just happened to be in all the right places at the right time. Likewise a couple of the minor side characters...all this made the city feel very small.

    It wasn't as joyous as Avengers or as intense as Batman, but it was harmless enough. Around the same quality as Thor or Captain America, not as good as Iron Man, better than Spiderman 3.


      Originally posted by PeteJ View Post
      Also the story was very convenient, particularly with Gwen who just happened to be in all the right places at the right time. Likewise a couple of the minor side characters...all this made the city feel very small.
      Heh, yeah! I had to laugh when we discover that of all the girls in the school, let alone the city, he ends up dating the one

      with the Dad who has a major bee in his bonnet about Spider-Man!


        Just got back from seeing this, and although the story felt somewhat stitched together, I thoroughly enjoy it.


        that has to be the best Stan Lee cameo ever!?

        just incredible.

        Andrew Garfield did a smashing job of being Spidey (the cocky comments, the body language) I thought he was spot on. The way he becomes Spidey though; the origin story, felt a little hurried along - I think the way Sam Raimi told the story was slightly better.

        One of my favourite moments was when

        he creates the spider web in the sewers to track down Doctor Connors.

        Also really enjoyed when the camera switched to first person mode and you saw the web-swinging through Spider-mans eyes.

        I do have a question though.

        Right at the very end Connors is talking to someone in his cell? who was that meant to be?

