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Green Lantern Movie Trailer

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    Oh dear, I was quite looking forward to this.

    Most the reviews are saying it's bad. Not "Jonah Hex" bad, but hard work.

    Might just read some of the comics instead...


      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      The trailer looked a mess and Ryan Renolds seemed entirely the wrong person to cast for it.
      Reynolds is the right person for the role IMO. the UK trailer makes this look like its really serious in tone for its entierity for some reason, the first US trailer was lighter in tone but still didnt give you an idea of the character. The character, if done right, should have plenty of one liners and stuff, but can also be serious too, so Reynolds is a good choice as he can actualy do both those things pretty well really.
      Last edited by rmoxon; 16-06-2011, 12:04.


        Well I'm hoping to see it tomorrow regardless of the reviews, which on the whole, appear to be none too positive.

        I've read this film had a really hefty budget. If it struggles to match the outlay, will other characters, with the potential to make it on the big screen, miss out completely if GL bombs?


          I imagine so, a lot of DC characters make for awkward translations so they might do the Justice League film as a launch pad for them


            Fark, this might mean Reynolds will pull out of Deadpool if this doesnt do well

            He was flipping born to play Wade Wilson, not Hal Jordan FFS! Its like giving Bruce Wayne to Tom Cruise.


              I can't wait to see this, it looks like a silly CGI fest. Might go and watch it laters actually.


                Going tomorrow to see this, I've only seen one decent review. I tend to find public opinion with comic based films broadly works like:



                So I'm aiming for a middle ground, I've found the criticisms to be fairly weak so hopefully it's fun enough to entertain


                  I'm going to see it tonight

                  IN 3D

                  I'm not sure where I should aim. I'm expecting it to be awful, but I've done that before and the film was ok and my emotions were confused.


                    This was meant to have had very good early word. Sounds like the director didn't get his own way, some DC guy had the final say on just about everything. Not a good sign. 2/5 from Empire and something like 21% on RT. A month back, with early word, I thought this could be the break out hit of the summer. I'm guessing not. Big weekend, then a huge death as word of mouth hits.


                      It was alright! the 3D worked well, really makes space feel big!
                      I didn't think it was any worse than Thor.
                      A little bit of dodgy CG/Poor design.
                      Last edited by EvilBoris; 18-06-2011, 16:50.


                        Yeah, I'm gonna say screw the reviews and say I quite enjoyed this. It's not perfect and there are some story strands that would have benefitted from more screen time but I found most of the complaints to be pure BS. Hal spends a fair bit of time reluctant to commit to the ring but the reviews made out you never see him as the Lantern when in fact you see it loads. They also complain about how little space time there is when really there's plenty, must be around 50/50. If it was lighter and more silly like many have wished for it would have veered too much towards being like the Fantastic Four films, this feels grounded enough to not go OTT and Reynolds does a really good job at taking lead in it.

                        I love how he always imagines something functional and slightly random rather than the ideal object for a situation. Hopfully we'll get a sequel as with the ground work out the way (and in the tradition of comic films) the sequel could be a pretty cool action fest


                          Why did they only send 12 Lanterns?

                          THERE IS A WHOLE FECKING CAVERN OF THEM


                            It was probably a Bank Holiday, lol


                              Watched it today.

                              Not as good as Thor for me, tho' I don't think its as bad as some of the reviews are making out, 6/10.

                              One thing that kinda puzzled me, and perhaps it sets up GL2 is [HIDE]what does Sinestro do with the yellow ring that the immortals give him?[/HIDE]

                              If FF got a sequel, I see no reason why this can't do the same, but at the end of the day, its all about the $.


                                Your puzzle:

                                He puts it on in the post credits sequence and turns yellow in a power rush

