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Green Lantern Movie Trailer

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    FFS!, I never thought about waiting for post credits.

    Was it a long scene and did it have any other characters?

    Whoever initially thought of this post credit nonsense needs a kick in the nether regions.


      Nope that's all it shows, must be about 10 seconds at best


        Originally posted by Super Grover View Post
        Watched it today.

        Not as good as Thor for me, tho' I don't think its as bad as some of the reviews are making out, 6/10.

        One thing that kinda puzzled me, and perhaps it sets up GL2 is [HIDE]what does Sinestro do with the yellow ring that the immortals give him?[/HIDE]

        If FF got a sequel, I see no reason why this can't do the same, but at the end of the day, its all about the $.
        I actualy really enjoyed the first fantastic Four movie, It was a bit light weight but I still thought it was a nice set up for a franchise.... Then they made the second one, which also seemed like a nice set up for a franchise and I pretty much went to myself "what the hell, didnt I already watch this?"

        I guess some people dont really know when they are on to a good thing.
        Last edited by rmoxon; 18-06-2011, 23:45.


          Originally posted by Super Grover View Post
          Whoever initially thought of this post credit nonsense needs a kick in the nether regions.
          Absolutely agree. They're a stupid idea, and pander to geekdom, the "oh aren't we clever not only did we know there was a post credit sequence, but we also got the geek-centric reference in it about a sequel!" Because I'm sure that's what it's there for.

          However, the film has bombed with a drop off from Friday to Saturday, which just shouldn't happen on a big budget opening weekend. Word of mouth and reviews appear to be that bad

          I'm still going to see it this week, but then I'm a sucker for big budget effects movies



            $52m opening, a shame as the reviews are way off base with what they say. The super high budget wasn't going to help either though its interesting that there's only $4m between it and FC's opening, maybe apathy is setting in with US audiences for these things too.
            Last edited by Neon Ignition; 19-06-2011, 20:55.


              Its not so much from proper critics, but youd be suprised how much faith the general public puts into reviews from scources that dont really know anything about films (and have reviews that somtimes read like they havent even seen the film).

              One of my work mates loves comic book movies but hes decided not to see this becuase the Metro, a paper thats free on the bus, said it was rubbish.

              Thats how the general public work unfortunatley.


                Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                Its not so much from proper critics, but youd be suprised how much faith the general public puts into reviews from scources that dont really know anything about films (and have reviews that somtimes read like they havent even seen the film).

                One of my work mates loves comic book movies but hes decided not to see this becuase the Metro, a paper thats free on the bus, said it was rubbish.

                Thats how the general public work unfortunatley.
                You seem to have made a few posts recently basically calling the "public" stupid. Sorry man, but of course the general public will take notice of reviews and use that as a basis of what to see and what to avoid. That's the point of reviews, and just because Metro is not a specialist film magazine and is "free on the bus" does not make that reviewer's opinion any less valid than, say, yours. In fact, as it's presumably their paid job, I'd of said their opinion is more valid. They should be an expert in cinema and have a great understanding of it. Not that I've read any of Metro's reviews, lol, they could be done by a moron, but hopefully not

                This movie has been given bad press across the board. 21% on Rotten Tomatoes last I heard. So it seems it deserves to bomb.

                First Class has a much higher score on RT, though I didn't rate that high myself I seem to be in the minority as everyone I know who has seen it really enjoyed it.

                I think CTN may be correct and there's an apathy about superhero movies. In fact, this summer, all big budget action movies released so far have been superhero movies. I can only think of Fast 5 as being something different, and that wasn't a huge SFX budget movie and I think it may have done better business than Thor. I think the audience can stomach one, maybe 2 big superhero films every summer, but this year there are what, 4? Hopefully they'll die down in numbers, though next summer is looking busy

                We're also getting third string characters. I mean, everyone knows who Superman, Spiderman and Batman are, but Green Lantern? That's pushing things. Trying to franchise the **** out of every possible character isn't smart and would always backfire. We need a return to more traditional action movies imo.

                $52m opening and that drop off, it may not even get to $100m domestic. That's gonna hurt.


                  It's unlikely as it doesn't even have a built in audience but it'll be interesting to see what the international numbers are like, lately they've been carrying a few films which have underperformed domestically. Though not high it's interesting that the RT user score is much higher at 62%. It'd be nice if eventual word of mouth helped this out on DVD/Blu Ray as it really isn't that bad a film. The kids in the cinema loved it and my missus still wants to go see it ("Reynolds in his underkecks?!") and I'd have no problem seeing it again.

                  I've got my fingers crossed though, comic book wise there's only really Captain Americe left now this year and I really hope that one hit's a homerun.


                    Originally posted by Matt View Post
                    You seem to have made a few posts recently basically calling the "public" stupid. Sorry man, but of course the general public will take notice of reviews and use that as a basis of what to see and what to avoid. That's the point of reviews, and just because Metro is not a specialist film magazine and is "free on the bus" does not make that reviewer's opinion any less valid than, say, yours. In fact, as it's presumably their paid job, I'd of said their opinion is more valid. They should be an expert in cinema and have a great understanding of it. Not that I've read any of Metro's reviews, lol, they could be done by a moron, but hopefully not

                    This movie has been given bad press across the board. 21% on Rotten Tomatoes last I heard. So it seems it deserves to bomb.

                    First Class has a much higher score on RT, though I didn't rate that high myself I seem to be in the minority as everyone I know who has seen it really enjoyed it.

                    I think CTN may be correct and there's an apathy about superhero movies. In fact, this summer, all big budget action movies released so far have been superhero movies. I can only think of Fast 5 as being something different, and that wasn't a huge SFX budget movie and I think it may have done better business than Thor. I think the audience can stomach one, maybe 2 big superhero films every summer, but this year there are what, 4? Hopefully they'll die down in numbers, though next summer is looking busy

                    We're also getting third string characters. I mean, everyone knows who Superman, Spiderman and Batman are, but Green Lantern? That's pushing things. Trying to franchise the **** out of every possible character isn't smart and would always backfire. We need a return to more traditional action movies imo.

                    $52m opening and that drop off, it may not even get to $100m domestic. That's gonna hurt.
                    Well ok its not stupidity, its probabaly more likley naievity,I know alot about films, I watch alot of films, I read alot about films, I know alot of people dont though, so they probabaly just dont even consider the fact that the guy in the Metro is a Moron becuase they dont realise that hes done a bad review.

                    However I have to point out that The metro dont have proper critics reviwing things, I dont know who reviews them but they never seem to have even experienced the thing they are talking about, and they certainly dont seem to be experts on the subject.

                    For example a couple of years ago they reviewed Championship manager and said somthing like "apprently this series is suppose to be the best football managment series around, but it isnt, its boring and pants."

                    Now they didnt seem to realise that the original Championship manager series is now called Football Manager... and they also didnt seem to know how to write a review.

                    Basicaly all their reviews read like that really.

                    BTW Green Lantern is a pretty popular character. For example out of all the recent DC animated movies I think hes the only Superhero that has been the main character in more than one, Infact I think hes starred in 3 if you count the justice league one, as he was really the main character in it. Though yeah hes not as well known as the other ones you mentioned, but hes not a third string character, hes an important character in the DC universe.
                    Last edited by rmoxon; 20-06-2011, 12:06.


                      GL is a big DC character, well, Hal Jordan is. theres been like loads of other earth based GL characters too. GL features heavily in DC comics and animation but thats it. He's not big in video games, he's not been in animation as long as his colleagues, and he's only just had his first blockbuster movie released. He's not been in Joe Bloggs mindset that long so I agree with Matt in that he's third string. A bit like Daredevil really . ..


                        I don't think DC has much choice with it's films though. They don't have as many 1st tier superheroes as Marvel does, instead having the more appealing line up of bad guys. Warners is apparently being aggressive in using the DC line up as a replacement for Harry Potter, I'd like to see them stick to their guns and do a GL sequel that really delivers on what the first one puts in place, done right it could be amazing. No doubt we'll get yet another reboot instead


                          Actually man I'd not say Marval has a huge number of first tier superheroes. I'm talking those Joe Public knows by name through pop culture. You have Spiderman, the Hulk, and that may be it. Second tier would of been Thor,Capt America, those kind of dudes. What Marval has done is elevate their lower string so they're household names - Iron Man for example. Many Xmen characters are well known now as well.

                          I think DC may have more top tier names - Supernan, Batman and Wonder Woman maybe??


                            What about the Flash? he use to have his own TV show.

                            Hasnt Captain America always been pretty well known?

                            I dont know , I mean, how do you define a household name anyway, the only households that will know about any superheroes are the ones that have actualy experienced them in some way... so without trying to be facetious technicaly they are all household names now.

                            I'm not really sure why it matters anyway thoough, becuase if the films good then it will be good, so I dont know why they shouldnt attempt to make moviea about lesser known characters as well (and by lesser known I actualy mean ones that are alot lesser known than the green lantern).
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 20-06-2011, 14:56.


                              I think Blade did well, not because it was a superhero movie but because it was a good film. Ghost Rider was pants because it was a ****e movie. They're both Marvel 3rd/4th string characters. Being a household name is no guarantee of success, Hulk is a massive name but this has not been reflected box office wise.

                              Captain America will do well, mainly because its been set as a classic WW2 action flick and partly because of Bin Laden has bought the patriots out of a lot of yanks. I bet there'll be a lot of repeated viewing based on that fact alone.

                              The Flash doesnt have a good villan line up or interesting enough story to do well on the big screen IMO.


                                Originally posted by bash View Post
                                The Flash doesnt have a good villan line up or interesting enough story to do well on the big screen IMO.
                                Yeah, probabaly, plus most people who dont read comics probabaly just think all he does is run about really fast. So no one would probabaly go see a film straring him.

                                However i mentioned him just becuase I think most people have heard of him.

