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The 100 Movie Rules Game

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    Rule #88: No matter how nerdy you are, if you are the least nerdy in your peer group, you will pull the hottest girl at school/work, perhaps even an exchange student.

    I hope this rule hasn't been mentioned already.

    Rule #89: If you were a martial arts superstar in any other country before entering Hollywood, there is a 99.5% chance your films will now feature crap action but you will earn at least a thousand times more money! Woo hoo!


      Rule #90 - If you are black and a baddie, your character will not make it into Act 2.


        Rule #91

        When a group of good guys eventually arrive at the evil overlord's lair do NOT attempt to all attack him at once. Rather the party leader (the smallest, weakest, most talentless of the group) must turn to the others and say:

        No. I must face <insert name of overlord here> alone

        No reason will be given and it's best not to ask, but fear not because the evil overlord will instruct his minions to back off so that he can face your hero one on one. At this point victory is guaranteed.


          #92 - once you've killed the kingpin/gangleader/army general/space warlord in 1 on 1 manly combat all their previous minions will automatically fall into line and declare you the new head honcho.

          Not rip you limb from limb for killing their meal ticket.


            #93 - never have pre-marital sex on Friday the 13th


              #94 - evil armies or gangs are alway more snappily dressed than the good guys. Evil loves a smart dressed man.


                #95 - If you're the bad guy you'll immediately confess when in police interrogation and go in to all sorts of detail about how you committed the crime.


                  #96 - Trapped for the night in a haunted house? Split up to cover more ground! It's not like you have all night to explore and potentially checking the whole house in less than an hour completely mitigates the risk of wandering alone in a house possessed by a killer.


                    #97 - All underground caves will have an alternative exit to the one that just got blocked.


                      #98. Never assume all 'African American' actors in a movie speak ghetto/street lingo... even worse is when a Caucaissian goes all ghetto fabulous...



                        Rule #99- Dignity cannot be retained when starring in a kids film


                          Rule 100 - In a bar fight... the monkey always wins.


                            Rule 101 - when knocked down in a fight the gun/knife/pipe is always a few millimeters away from your outstretched arm when you first go to reach it.

