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Game of Thrones / House of Dragon

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    More like the lack of willpower to feel the need to have to watch it as soon as it's on!

    Suggest you avoid this thread for fear of major spoilers until you're up to date.


      I have been telling everyone i know who watches GOT to get it watched asap because the amount of people spoiling it is insane.

      Amazing episode though.


        Originally posted by DavidH View Post
        More like the lack of willpower to feel the need to have to watch it as soon as it's on!

        Suggest you avoid this thread for fear of major spoilers until you're up to date.
        Will do. Cheers.


          Originally posted by NeoDragoN View Post
          I have been telling everyone i know who watches GOT to get it watched asap because the amount of people spoiling it is insane.

          Amazing episode though.
          Yes. Almost the whole of page 3 of The London edition of the Metro today was dedicated to screengrabs and spoilers.


            I saw that in the metro too... Probably one of the most thoughtless media acts ive seen for a while. How the hell did they think that was okay??? Absolute madness. Massively frustrating!
            ----Member since April 2002



              Daily Mail put up a spoiler on the same day it aired, complete with screengrabs (clearly from the US version since it hadn't been shown on Sky yet). SPOILER - look at the stupid people.


                The Daily Mail is a hideous rag written by kernts, for kernts.

                I started to watch season 3, but the drip, drip of weekliness was too much to stand. So I'm going to watch them en masse at the end, like I did with the first two seasons. The level of spoilerificness on show, however, is poor form. I'm fortunate enough to have read the first 3 books, so the spoilers came as no surprise, but once Feast of Crows starts to be filmed I'm knackered. It's near impossible to avoid spoilers. Kernts in the papers, dwads on social media sites - I'm bound to hit spoilers despite my efforts.


                  Same with Metro. You couldn't help but see as it was on p3 as soon as you opened it.
                  They printed an article the next day asking if it really was a spoiler as 'it has already aired' WTF??
                  It was only aired on Sky here and how many people must watch is on Sky+ etc?
                  I'm just glad I had watched it


                    No sympathy here sorry peeps - all I can say is - read the bloody books! Feast of Crows has been out for what, 100 years?


                      No - that's how long it took GRRM to write it.


                        Was good episode, spoilers became too risky so I caught up at the weekend but to be honest the media fuss is stupid. In another show, sure, but in Game of Thrones I wasn't shocked at all by events,

                        that arc had been spinning its wheels for ages and as soon as events started moving in one direction it seemed likely something was due to happen. Dead weight cut if anything


                          Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                          The Daily Mail is a hideous rag written by kernts, for kernts.

                          I started to watch season 3, but the drip, drip of weekliness was too much to stand. So I'm going to watch them en masse at the end, like I did with the first two seasons. The level of spoilerificness on show, however, is poor form. I'm fortunate enough to have read the first 3 books, so the spoilers came as no surprise, but once Feast of Crows starts to be filmed I'm knackered. It's near impossible to avoid spoilers. Kernts in the papers, dwads on social media sites - I'm bound to hit spoilers despite my efforts.
                          I've done quite well. I unsubscribe from friends' updates who I know will be watching, and I don't read any ****ty news papers.

                          Yahoo were acting like c*nts at the start, but you can easily click in the news items and say "No more news items about GoT/HBO, thanks".

                          I already knew what was going to happen last week because some asshole book reader spoiled it a couple of years ago whilst I was blowing up over S1. Apart from that, I lived through series two and three completely spoiler free.

                          I've been watching one episode per evening, culminating when I watch episode 10 tonight. It's much nicer than one a week, and more digestible than the one-day marathon I was planning.


                            Finally got round to watching the last two episodes of season 3. I'd avoided spoils and to say I was left in shock after episode 9 would be an understatement.

                            Was a very interesting move on the writers part too as it feels like a large part of the story just imploded in on itself.


                              Just watched all three seasons this week. A cracking series, no doubt.


                                It certainly it, has a few slow weeks but when it's on form it can't be beaten, roll on season four next March I guess.

