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Mad Max: Fury Road

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    I was nonplussed about it before I saw the trailer ahead of Age of Ultron. I need to see this on a big screen.


      5* review on Empire too:

      "Inevitably the leanness of the early films has been lost, but without question Fury Road remains the work of a visionary. Miller has put all the money, all the perverse and poetic flights of his imagination, on the screen. The scope is more operatic, the attitude still punk rock. It’s almost as if a petrol-head David Lynch has been given license to despoil the homogenised blueprint of the modern blockbuster. Racing into a gigantic, surreal sandstorm, the pursuit is assaulted by forks of lightning, tornadoes and scarlet fireballs, an echo of the nuclear holocaust that has left the world mad.
      Fury Road is a defiantly, at times deliriously, cinematic experience. Utilising 3,500 storyboards, 480 hours of raw footage, multiple frame rates, handhelds, swooping cranes, crash zooms, a blithe disregard for the personal safety of a garrison of stuntmen and the tangible bulk of real metal being hurled about at ridiculous speeds, he has created a symphony of destruction. I-Max will melt your brain.


      Imagine a movie where Tom Hardy is the point of calm. Max’s re-enfranchisement is a triumph of barking-mad imagination, jaw-dropping action, crackpot humour, and acting in the face of a hurricane."


        i'm a big mad max fan (especially no 2) - must admit this looks great


          FFS everyone is losing their jizz over this, aren't they!? Tomorrow night can't come soon enough!


            Originally posted by Asura View Post
            I admit, I went from expecting terrible things to suddenly wanting to see it, given the trailer.

            That being said, I know the story is in for a ****storm online if it isn't handled very well -

            it's about Max transporting a group of women who he has freed from a biker gang, who intend to rape them to produce a new generation before their gang dies out.
            I don't think it's going to be an issue. George Miller has written some really strong female characters, even going so far as consulting feminist and author of "The Vagina Monologues", Eve Ensler, to help him craft it.
            Forget that (probably) self-important Suffragette movie coming out later this year, Mad Max: Fury Road is the flick that women (and men) will hopefully flock to. I’d almost go so far as calling it …

            His relationship with Chalize Theron's character is handled well too, it seems, even focussing on her as much as Max:
            We are apparently in quite a sentimental age. Nostalgia for old TV shows and old film franchises has never been stronger -- particularly among younger viewers who didn't even grow up with the stuff, who yet seem determined to reach backward into older generations' pasts to find entertainment about which [...]

            "The relationship between Max and Furiosa is never a romance, but rather two warriors who instantly recognize in one another something of themselves — not just their will to survive at any cost, but that spark of madness and tragedy from years of loss and regrets, and a consuming need to make amends and sooth the pain of their guilt.

            Furiosa is the heart and soul of the film, and its true lead. She has as much screen time as Max, perhaps more, and her arc is the driving force behind it all."


              I watched them drive the vehicles through Sydney yesterday for the premier and they looked brilliant!


                Wow, that sounds brilliant!

                The motley cars and characters of Mad Max menaced central Sydney this morning, taking over one of the city's main freeways.


                  T-minus five hours!!!1


                    It was spectacular to be honest. Some of the vehicles are just fricking crazy.


                      It blew my dick off. I think that could be the best film I've seen in the cinema, certainly in IMAX anyway.

                      I'll be watching it again, and again.


                        Saw it last night and loved it, seriously awesome. Put Age of Ultron to shame. I'll go watch it again and buy the blu ray on day one.


                          Riiiight you bitches, I'm booked to watch this in a few hours. Well feedback tomorrow, can't wait😸


                            gonna watch this on monday it better be good you movie buffers!!


                              Roll on tomorrow! Still hyped for this!

                              The last issue of Starburst had a nice retrospective on Mad Max. There's a preview of the new film, look back at the previous films, interview with the warrior woman from MM2 with some of her rare behind-the-scenes photos, a side-by-side look at the careers of Gibson and Hardy, a review of a selection of MM clones like "Hell Comes to Frogtown", creepy cars feature and the influence of MM on video games.



                                **** me, stop reading this and go watch it on the biggest loudest screen possible. Its the most visually arresting thrill ride to come out in a loooooooooooong time and it has been missed. This is how you do a mutha funking reboot.

