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    And as others have said they feel it fell a little short or disappointing

    It's a good movie I just think it could have been better (as previously discussed)


      I bet they will make a sequal with more hops


        Probably, but they don't need to do that. This film was structured beautifully. I don't want a sequel that focuses on game hopping more than telling a good story.


          I thought it was pretty good, definitely room for improvement though. The credits were one of the best things about the film.


            I saw this today with my girls and thought it was completely awesome. It had loads of gaming references that I loved without it just being a movie of game references - the core movie stood on its own regardless of any nods to the classics. Loved the characters (mostly...) and thought it was visually excellent and a load of fun.

            Great to see Q-Bert get some love.

            The only character that didn't sit right with me was the

            Candy King guy. And the reason is that he felt really old fashioned American, like from the 40s or something, and yet gaming is still pretty modern. His character could have been a creation of the late 70s and got away with that but he seemed like he was from completely the wrong time. It's a minor gripe but I just didn't like his character.

            Thought Fix-it Felix Jr was fantastic though.

            And yes, the end credits were lovely.


              Watched this last night and thought it was achingly mediocre. A perfectly average kids film wrapped up in a videogame-flavoured coating. Weak jokes, an over-reliance on slapstick, too much schmaltz and not nearly enough game references. The Bad Guys Anonymous thing was a great idea, but virtually that entire scene was in the trailer.

              Just uninteresting. Good if you have kids and watch it with them I guess, they'll probably enjoy the multiple montages set to stuff like Counting Crows.

              The end credits were perhaps the best part.


                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                I saw this today with my girls and thought it was completely awesome. It had loads of gaming references that I loved without it just being a movie of game references - the core movie stood on its own regardless of any nods to the classics. Loved the characters (mostly...) and thought it was visually excellent and a load of fun.

                Great to see Q-Bert get some love.

                The only character that didn't sit right with me was the

                Candy King guy. And the reason is that he felt really old fashioned American, like from the 40s or something, and yet gaming is still pretty modern. His character could have been a creation of the late 70s and got away with that but he seemed like he was from completely the wrong time. It's a minor gripe but I just didn't like his character.

                Thought Fix-it Felix Jr was fantastic though.

                And yes, the end credits were lovely.
                That character was actually inspired by the Mad Hatter from Alice in wonderland, so I imagine he was suppose to feel like he was from an earlier time. He was of course

                a character who had virtually created himself another identity and was nothing like what the people who originally developed sugar rush actually intended him to be

                . So it makes sense that he was out of place.

                Also a neat little detail, did you notice the characters of sugar rush only had 4 fingers while, other characters, such as Ralph and felix had 5?. One of the things I really liked about the film was those little details like that, don't know why, just thought it made it even more fun.

                As you say, it's also a love letter to game fans. It's aimed at people like us so that helped a lot.
                Last edited by rmoxon; 18-02-2013, 11:38.


                  It felt much less of a love letter to game fans, and much more of a generic kids films with videogame-themed window dressing to me.

                  I felt kinda cheated by the way they had Sonic on the poster and he literally appeared in the movie for 1 second in the background.


                    The entire film was about video games and they did a fantastic job with it.

                    Just because Sonic didn't have 40 minutes of screen time does not mean it was not about video games.

                    You obviously expected it to be more in your face with its references so you missed a lot of them.


                      Ah, no room for opinion as usual. Yes you're right, I must've missed all the references and I'm absolutely wrong about the film.

                      Originally posted by rmoxon
                      Just because Sonic didn't have 40 minutes of screen time does not mean it was not about video games.

                      Yeah cos that's what I said. I said 'this movie isn't about videogames. Because Sonic was in it for 1 second only.'.

                      Jeeeesus lol




                          i personally loved the end credits as well and now saw it in the cinema so helping towards the film industry yeh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          but i welcome a second one as i thought it was generally decent fare, not magical, not the funniest thing ever but decent fare

                          loved the streetfighter bits and roadblasters


                            found something cool on the USA blu ray which should make it on the UK version when its released next month

                            the pause is the best pause ever

                            after 5 seconds it goes to a tv presenter called chris hardwick (The talking dead) who goes through all the secrets, easter eggs, hidden messages of the movie and characters (gamers guide to wreck it ralph)

                            nice touch - lots of stuff I hadn't seen plus its been running for 20 minutes as my kids eat their breakfast and nothing has repeated itself so loads there
                            Last edited by buster_broon; 11-05-2013, 09:07.


                              Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                              Also a neat little detail, did you notice the characters of sugar rush only had 4 fingers while, other characters, such as Ralph and felix had 5?. One of the things I really liked about the film was those little details like that, don't know why, just thought it made it even more fun.
                              Funny, you'd have thought it would have been the other way around seeing as Sugar Rush was meant to look like a Japanese game. They always tend to give their characters the right amount of digits.

                              I watched this again the other day during a sicky day off and still really enjoyed it. I think they hit the right line between fan-service and pleasing the mainstream.


                                Having AKB48 doing the Sugar Rush song for the end was something I really liked.

