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MCU: The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron

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    I agree with Lebowski. Ultron cursed the Avengers for cutting off his network connection.
    I'm sure he backed himself up somewhere for sequel purposes like Optimus Prime.

    To be honest, all the stuff in Avengers 2 was perfectly believable after watching Fast 7 with it's flying cars and a pretty hacker who made a device the size of a matchbox that could simultaneously hack into every mobile phone and camera in the whole world!


      Is the Ultron stuff what they meant by the discussion they had about Jarvis later in the film?

      Hopefully it won't be ages till it gets a home release, I'm getting the sense I'll get more out of the film in a rewatch


        Saw this today and generally really enjoyed it. Found it patchy and the setup of Ultron seemed messy and poorly paced. It bugged me a lot that Stark seemed to have lost the character development that happened in Iron Man 3 and we open the movie with an army to replace the one he blew up in 3.

        But once it got going and I got past that, I really enjoyed it. It did seem like there were too many threads and some things, being honest, I didn't care about at all. But then we got to see

        Hawkeye's family

        and I liked that a lot and then other stuff happened and they got all concerned with actually saving lives and I thought that worked really well. Some great sequences although some stood out as existing just to have the sequence in the movie, such as the Hulkbuster scene from the trailers which didn't seem all that smart.

        Bored with Sam Jackson.

        Loved most of the new characters and, in spite of the lips, thought Uktron was great once he got going. And I loved that, at the end (spoilers obviously)

        we saw a new team form. Although it seems so weird that Marvel are putting out so many new movies when none of these characters are getting one.

        So yeah, patchy but I really liked it.


          Saw it just now. It was alright. Girlfriend liked it more than me.


            Originally posted by Brad View Post
            Saw it just now. It was alright. Girlfriend liked it more than me.


            Is that true?

            You have a girlfriend?! :O


              Anoraks Assembled last night. My bird and I went to see this at Odeon Metrocentre. I stealthily wore my Avengers t-shirt under a green jumper. Shameful enough to be that sad, and cowardly enough not to advertise it. We paid extra for the Gallery deal. I say extra - it wasn't really. For a grand total of 38 quid between us, we saw the film, had massive seats with huge arm rests, and unlimited scrannage. In the event we had three portions of triple-sauce jumbo nachos between us, two popcorns, and three drinks. Saved a fair bit really.

              Past the trailers (a mixed bag) we settled down to watch the main feature. We both loved it. Reading through this thread this morning, which I'd mostly avoided since release day to avoid having my mind warped by Whingers, I have to say that I do agree with a lot of the criticisms. It IS too flabby. The characterisation continuity issues ARE confusing. Ultron ISN'T enough of a badass.

              I get the sense that in an ensemble piece like this, Whedon is in a lose-lose situation. He needs to flesh out some character moments to avoid the film being one long action sequence. However, there's too much going on, and too many people, to provide real heart. On the flipside, he needs action - and lots of it - because it's what people expect. This is the Avengers. People want whuppings, in exciting and inventive ways. So, I think he's maybe trying to find an impossible balance. What I will concede is that he doesn't do action as well as the Russos. Too many of his sequences are too flashy and disorientating. My partner said that during some of them, the camerawork was too fast and erratic, and she couldn't make out what was going on. I kinda agree with her. It's my pet hate. On the whole, though, the action style of this fell on the right side of the divide of toleration, whereas something like Man of Steel pissed me off big time. The best action sequence for me in this was the attack on the truck and train. Everything was nicely framed, paced, and the use of Quicksilver's powers neat and inventive. I suppose I liked it so much because it was closest in style to a scene from Winter Soldier. It was a running battle involving real-world objects - a bit like the highway scene in WS.

              Concerning Stark's army - my lass leant over and whispered to me 'I thought he wasn't going to build any more?' - unless I missed something, I do agree with this criticism. The only riposte I can think of is, in the Age of Ultron comic (which is totally different to this film) there's a big Hoo-har about scientists like Stark and Pym being unable to resist ploughing ahead with their quest for improvement. In spite of Ultron ending the world, Stark and Pym pretty much admit that, even if they went back in time to warn their past selves of the consequences of their actions, they'd carry on regardless, stubbornly thinking that they could make adjustments to avoid such an outcome. It's an explanation for Stark building the legion and wanting an iron shield, but piss poor that I've had to rely on comic knowledge to make this clear.

              I do agree that Ultron isn't threatening enough. I can't explain that. He's just a bit soft and not menacing. A bit camp, all told.

              HOWEVER, it was great entertainment and I enjoyed it lots and lots. The Hulkbuster scene was win. The scene in the arms dealer's depot was nicely handled. I liked the emphasis on the lesser characters. I'm looking forward to seeing it again. 8/10.
              Last edited by prinnysquad; 04-05-2015, 09:46. Reason: Typos arl owa


                One thing both myself and my lass noticed - what was the deal with the blonde woman running around with no bra?

                She came onscreen when they were getting on the liferaft-things and we both turned to look at each other at the same time. There were at least 3 really obvious shots of her cleavage.
                Last edited by Asura; 04-05-2015, 18:38.


                  Was a 3.5 for me, didn't feel Ultron had any decent motive and some of his dialogue was, well, silly. Spader was good but on a few occasions came across comedic at the wrong times. Some of the action set pieces were great mind. Bettany looked really gay.


                    Gay as in homosexual or gay as in happy?

                    Ultron finding a motive in a fraction of a second didn't quite ring true for me. How or why he came out so psychotic was something I missed which made it all the more weird that they would then

                    attempt something so similar later in the movie.

                    Asura, I also spotted that blonde extra. She popped up in a few places. Not sure we're supposed to notice the extras like that.


                      Was one shot of her through a window?

                      I noticed a cleavagey-lass staring out of a window in that last sequence. Chest was very noticeable.


                        Yep, that's the one.


                          I won't lie, I noticed her breasts from the very first trailer. I was hoping to have a longer look, but alas not.


                            WADvengers - Age of Knockers


                              Carol Danvers?


                                Saw this tonight.

                                Loved it from start to finish!

                                One thing I've always loved about Whedon's work is his scenes where there is no cutting. It just flows from once character to the next. It's been in Buffy, Firefly, Serenity and Avengers Assemble. I was really happy when the opening action scene was one of these.

                                Also, I'm glad he didn't

                                do to Hawkers what he did to Wash in Serenity after showing his happy, normal life. It would have been cheap to have killed him off

