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Star Wars Episode 7

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    It's Force Friday today which means Disney has released for preorder a mountain of merchandise in a single day. Be warned, it's already given away a load of spoiler info by the looks


      A guy I kinda sorta know queued up for some Star Tat at midnight.

      There's reports that most the stock WORDWIDE has been sold?!


        Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
        A guy I kinda sorta know queued up for some Star Tat at midnight.
        Get what you were after, Chimp? I've been blanking the whole build-up and only just found out the lead is called Finn, like out of Adventure Time - lol!!


          I know it's probably heresy to say, but I'm really not that fussed about Star Wars.

          There, I said it.

          I hardly had any SW toys as a kid, the films were okay and I was that bothered about the prequels.
          I'm not that bothered by these new sequels either, sorry.


            I certainly don't get the fuss over the toys. We could well have another Phantom Menace on our hands here and I'm saying this as someone who still has a TON of Episode 1 figures. Have we learned nothing?


              Have you seen there's a 12-hour unboxing marathon going on?!

              Why Disney is hosting an 18-hour toy unboxing marathon - and what has made the unboxing phenomenon so popular?

              "Disney is hosting an 18-hour marathon Star Wars toy unboxing.Toys tied in to the forthcoming release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the latest instalment of the science-fiction juggernaut, are being unwrapped and demonstrated on YouTube.
              Amateurs have posted unboxing videos onto Google's service almost since its inception.
              However, Disney's action highlights how the activity is being adopted by the companies that make and sell the goods.
              Clips of toys being unpackaged and played with have proven to be particularly popular."


                Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                I know it's probably heresy to say, but I'm really not that fussed about Star Wars.

                There, I said it.

                I hardly had any SW toys as a kid, the films were okay and I was that bothered about the prequels.
                I'm not that bothered by these new sequels either, sorry.
                Me neither, tbh, although I really enjoyed Empire. Was quite disturbed so see clips of grown men crying tears of nostalgic joy when Han Solo reappeared in the trailer.

                Edit: I think this kind of behaviour is perfectly normal when it comes to the new Transformers game, though.
                Last edited by Golgo; 04-09-2015, 10:40.


                  I had all the toys. I grew up on Star Wars. I even had Yak Face. But...I'm not getting all misty-eyed over this. I'm curious and it's fun but I'm 40 now...and 41 on the day it comes out(!) I feel more like Obi Wan than Luke now!!!!

                  But Transformers...they were always meh to me..."look, a robot that transforms into a cassette player...that can't even play cassettes!!"


                    I'm 41 on the day it comes out too!


                      Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                      I had all the toys. I grew up on Star Wars. I even had Yak Face. But...I'm not getting all misty-eyed over this. I'm curious and it's fun but I'm 40 now...and 41 on the day it comes out(!) I feel more like Obi Wan than Luke now!!!!

                      But Transformers...they were always meh to me..."look, a robot that transforms into a cassette player...that can't even play cassettes!!"
                      I think you'll find it was, in 80s parlance, not a cassette player but a 'boombox' ... / ahem.

                      Anyway, I too think Transformers are daft. Never figured how alien robots got into the mimicking of household goods from a different planet. But the game looks epic.


                        Too old for Transformers to be anything to me and too old for anything Star Wars besides the films. We did have a kid at secondary school that played with star wars toys but that's because he was... well back then we said he was backward. There's probably a proper medical term for it nowadays but with hindsight I think he just wanted to play with them and didn't care what people thought of him, unlike the rest of us who feared being laughed at.


                          how did Simon Pegg worm his way into this. First Star Trek, now Star wars...jezz


                            Will he be the only actor to have been in Star Wars, Trek and Doctor Who then?


                              A national treasure. Like Stephen Fry and Jim 'Nick Nick' Davidson.


                                Deep Roy beat Pegg to that accolade but it's certainly an exclusive club

