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Star Wars Episode 7

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    Yeah, they should've kept a few of the stories but considering all of this needs to tie in with Ep7 it's understandable. So far they've been doing a good job IMO. I hope the story of Aftermath is any good. It's ultimately the plot points that interest me, but this time I'm ready to read them directly from a book and not rely on a synopsis.

    I'm not a big reader so I'm not picky but I read the first page of Aftermath, which available online, and it is a dreadful use of language:

    The Emperor is dead. What happens next? Get a sneak peek in this excerpt from Chuck Wendig's highly-anticipated book.

    Ditching the EU didn't bother me as I never read any of it, so I had no attachment. It was mostly fluff anyway but the way it broadened the universe made Star Wars even more interesting. I've spend a few hours here and there reading Wookiepedia and most (99%) of the info there is from the EU. The games are also amazing.
    Last edited by danholo; 09-09-2015, 16:27.


      I just learned that the sound on those BB-8 Spheros doesn't come from the unit itself. It comes from the phone companion app. May not seem like a big deal and maybe it isn't but, for some reason, it knocked my interest right down.


        Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
        I just learned that the sound on those BB-8 Spheros doesn't come from the unit itself. It comes from the phone companion app. May not seem like a big deal and maybe it isn't but, for some reason, it knocked my interest right down.
        They are daft fun, though - someone I know has one and it really brought the office to a standstill.

        Not sure I'd pay for one given the >?100 pricetag, but definitely a fun little thing.


          With J.J. Abrams “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” now about three months out, the rumor mill keeps churning and the newest one today has gotten many excited. Both Schmoes Know and Heroic Hollywood are reporting that the new film will feature a post-credits stinger and teaser for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” due out […]

          Rumour is that Ep7 will introduce post credit sequences into Star Wars


            Originally posted by Superman Falls View Post

            Rumour is that Ep7 will introduce post credit sequences into Star Wars
            I thought even Marvel were scrapping those? I'd heard the American association of cinemas (whatever they're called) had appealed to them to make them "mid-credit" sequences instead.


              I don't see a need for them with SW, though I'd definitely be on board with the sequences being mandatory as mid-credits. It benefits no-one having to stay all the way through and must be the bane of cinema staffs jobs


                Anthony Daniels decides that popularity ain't all it's cracked up to be and he'd prefer to be disliked by every Star Wars fan instead:


                  I haven't met many people who were in Star Wars but no-one has ever said anything positive about Daniels. He's very critical of most the cast and any comments about Hamill, Fisher etc and their careers are very pot/kettle considering they have more distinguished careers than he does. I could fully expect him to be dropped out of future films at some point as he's just pure negative PR.


                    To be fair, he's right to be smug.

                    Luke Skywalker has aged a lot, but C3-PO doesn't look a day older!


                      Jesus he is such a bitch ass mutha funster isnt he? This is one of the few cases where I wish they didnt go for real sh1t and turn his ass into an unemployed syn-thespian CGI add in!


                        Somewhat related, a mashup my friends made:


                          New poster


                            A jumble of stuff. I'm sure they could have fit six or seven more characters in that top right hand corner, just up from Gort.

                            Edit: One thing that stood out from Expendables 3 last night - Harrison Ford looks like he barely knows where he is these days. Shaky and twitchy and feels older than his age.
                            Last edited by Dogg Thang; 18-10-2015, 17:36.


                              Death Star 3!


                                Seems this poster has been widely misreported as a Struzan poster to the point where Lucasfilm have had to clarify that it isn't.

