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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    It most certainly is. Class film.

    Hand of Death was very solid too. Classic mid-70s revenge flick with Jackie, Sammo and Flash Legs among others.


      You seen this?


        No! That's pretty impressive. If it comes off. HJL themed ventures don't fill me with hope after the utter failure of the makers of The Anonymous King to complete their film. Gits.


          Did he hunt them down and kill them? That's the HJL technique!


            Just Seen Batman: Assualt on Arkham. To be honest, this is more about the Suicide Squad than Batman, hes hardly in the bloody thing until the last 15 mins or so. ITs not bad, a bit more sweary/violent than previous outings which is fine by me. The banter between the squad could've been smarter. The plot is run of the mill comic book stuff, nothing complex or amazing about it but its a decent ride all the same. WB keep churning out these movies and people seem to like them, nothing they've put out so far can match the quality of one of their series though. The payoffs they had at the end of each season were always so great, you cant really get that in the 1.5 hour movie.


              I watched Dune (1984) for the first time yesterday and critics were far too harsh on it, I think it's pretty good. The practical special effects for a 30 year old film were amazing at times, they managed to capture the scale of worms hundreds of meters long very well. The story can be a little hard to follow which is its big problem... 4/5


                I agree. I love the aerial shot of the worm eating the harvester.

                I have it on HD-DVD back home and have seen it maybe 3-4 times so far. Besides, it's all we have until someone decides to do it again. I think someone is...

                Currently watching The Internet's Own Boy, doc about Aaron Swartz of Reddit fame.


                  The Worlds End (this worlds end?) Simon Pegg film anyway.

                  ****. Same jokes, not funny at all. How they thought they could get away with this for three films is beyond me - people were already complaining about the reused jokes in hot fuzz.


                    Interestingly, I watched "This is the End", which stars your avatar, Kit and was originally called "The End of the World" until Simon Pegg wrote to writer, Seth Rogen, to change it because of the similarity to his film's title.

                    It stars a load of people where you say "Oh, he's that guy from that thing, y'know, what's his face."

                    James Franco
                    Jonah Hill
                    Seth Rogen
                    Jay Baruchel
                    Danny McBride
                    Craig Robinson
                    Michael Cera
                    Emma Watson

                    Jay Baruchel visits Seth Rogen in LA, but reluctantly ends up at a party at James Franco's house.

                    He pops out to get cigarettes and get some space from the false celebs at the party, only for The Rapture to happen and the end of the world begin.

                    They race back to the party and hole themselves up to try to survive with only some booze, a Milky Way and a copy of Penthouse in their rations.

                    I really chuckled at this ridiculous version of reality and the way these hopeless celebs handled the apocalypse.

                    Worth a watch if you like any of the guys I listed.


                      I like most of the guys listed so I'll definitely check it out.

                      Gonna watch Br?no with the missus today. That should be fun

                      Interview with Harrison Ford


                        Originally posted by randombs View Post
                        I like most of the guys listed so I'll definitely check it out.

                        Gonna watch Br?no with the missus today. That should be fun

                        Interview with Harrison Ford
                        The bit with the clairvoyant kills me every of the funniest things ever put to film.


                          I watched Bad Grampa, expectations were rock bottom. It's based on the grampa character from jackass and rips off the style Borat used of connecting hidden camera pranks to one another by weaving them and a poor plot together forming a movie. I was surprised and I literally laughed out loud the entire way through. Absolute garbage of a film, but funny ad **** non the less. The last prank in the kiddie beauty contest is the best.


                            Its cheap laughs, but damn if it ain't funny...

                            The stupid sight of him falling into a mssive wedding cake/champagne pile always brings a smile to my face.


                              Sharknado 2
                              Still awful, but I think I enjoyed it a tiny bit more than the first


                                can someone watch sharktopus vs pteracuda to save me wasting 80 minutes of my life

