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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    Just watched Avengers again, my first viewing since it was on at the cinema. Really is a great film, if all the Marvel stuff was up to this standard i'd be a lot more welcoming of the many sub films that led to this one. They're not though, but hopefully this will be the start of something better with them.


      Watched killer joe and a lonely place to die; both decent enough


        I saw Ted yesterday and enjoyed it.

        It's not the funniest thing I've ever seen, but had me mildly amused throughout.

        The bit I laughed most at was the various names of the marajuana batches.


          I Robot

          Doesn't quite grasp the concept of what Asimov was trying to say, and of course it has the 'Will Smith' affect attached to it as well, but it is still an enjoyable film. I have to say though the Bluray was once considered demo material, not so sure about that now.


            Sometimes when it comes to blu rays I buy, I can be really forgetful about watching them. Realised today that despite it sitting on the shelf for absolutely months, i'd never unsealed and watched Senna. Not only that, but until today i'd never seen it at all. It only needs a one word review, amazing.


              Originally posted by ikobo View Post
              Sometimes when it comes to blu rays I buy, I can be really forgetful about watching them. Realised today that despite it sitting on the shelf for absolutely months, i'd never unsealed and watched Senna. Not only that, but until today i'd never seen it at all. It only needs a one word review, amazing.

              The standard response to SENNA tbh...

              The extended version is even better, you get more lead up to the imola weekend and its various tragedies, and more reflection after its events.

              If you are a big fan of the man and the documentary, then the extended cut is a must watch.

              The ending tune it awsome too:



                Nothing else to add that hasn't already been said, other than an utterly brilliant film gets an equally utterly brilliant Bluray. Faultless in every way.


                  YES to Skyfall being great! But NO to it being faultless I'm afraid, it's dowright stupid at times but then again I just watched The World is Not Enough and that has Denise Richards as a Nuclear expert and Goldie...


                    Just watched the new Red dawn movie and to be honest its alright, just dumb action but the biggest question is...........


                    Its certainly not better than the original and there is definately less russians so really what was the point


                      Originally posted by crazytaxinext View Post
                      YES to Skyfall being great! But NO to it being faultless I'm afraid, it's dowright stupid at times but then again I just watched The World is Not Enough and that has Denise Richards as a Nuclear expert and Goldie...
                      Sorry I meant the Bluray was faultless, yes Skyfall has its flaws, but still excellent.


                        I'm not really interested in F1 (it doesn't have the drawbridge jump like Skalextric), but I've heard great things about Senna, so I've borrowed it from a friend.

                        I saw Aliens last week. Has anyone heard of it?

                        I watched it twice - Director's cut and with the commentary. Things I learned included:
                        The Second Director tried to start a mutiny as he wanted to direct.

                        It was shot in Britain at Pinewood and an abandoned power station.

                        Bishop and Burke drove to work together but Burke hated talking and read his newspaper.

                        The power loader had Weaver standing on the toes of a bodybuilder who operated the arms.

                        There was a lot more model work than I realised.

                        Burke was going to be found at the end and Ripley gives him a grenade and that causes the dropship to crash when the queen gets on.

                        Bill Paxton got the part after seeing Cameron at an airport dropping off a parcel. When Cameron said he was writing a sequel to Alien, Paxton said "Write me a good part" in jest...


                          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                          Burke was going to be found at the end and Ripley gives him a grenade
                          That bit was in the book


                            Cell Count, straight to DVD horror affair about an operation that cures "the disease". They don't tell you it's cancer, but it is. The test subjects start to develop ill effects and they soon realise something more sinister is afoot. The effects weren't too bad, some of the scene's and issues caused by the surgery were amusing but the film doesn't end leaving you with little idea of what was really happening.

                            In The Mouth of Madness. Finally getting round to completing all the glory years Carpenter flicks, there always seems to be just one more. Sam Neill plays an insurance investigator who get's caught up in a search for a missing horror writer who's books have more than just a cult following. This is an effects tour de force, great visual tricks & beasts, pretty fun.


                              Yesterday I watched the kings speech which I thought was really good. Also watched the women in black, pretty well done but didn't quite do it for me. Worth a watch though.


                                Finally saw Avengers Assemble last week. It was entertaining, but nearly a week later I would struggle so what it was about and or what my favourite bit was. It just sort of washed over me then was gone.
                                Dredd on Saturday was good fun, it was an old fashioned action film and had more of an impression on me than Avengers. I thinkI preferred as it it had some peril, I never for a second felt that about Avengers.

