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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    You can't even think clearly enough for yourself rmoxon, which is why you have to edit practically every post you make on this forum. I don't like the film, just like other people here, you're just going to have to live with that.


      Sure. Keep telling yourself that.
      Last edited by rmoxon; 30-05-2013, 22:17. Reason: BECAUSE I HAVE TO EDIT PRACTICALLY EVERY POST I MAKE ON THIS FORUM!!!


        I really kind of wanted to like John Carter, there was the backing to it to be a decent sci-fi action romp but it was truly awful. If you put a gun to my head and made me choose I'd pick Battleship over it, it was that much of a chore.


          See, it's just weird.

          I would like for once someone on here to give reasons why they think it was a bad film instead of seemingly just saying it is because they think they should.

          Someone explain why, give examples of a plot hole (because compared to many blockbusters there really aren't any), bad dialogue (it has a solid script that seems to have been adapted well from the Novel), poor direction (it's a good looking and well paced film), anything please. The fact is that it's a film that was solid in all areas and people calling it "awful" is just weird.

          Upon release I remember seeing one bad review for the film out of many great ones (though there have been a few more since from people who again don't seem to want to give the film a chance) and it was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen in my life. The guy called the film claustrophobic, Im not sure how a film that takes place mostly outside and features loads of wide angled shots be claustrophobic? And why would that be a bad thing anyway? Could he not breathe as he watched it? Maybe you lot know seeing as you hated the film so much.

          The fact that the film only seemed to start getting any negative cmments about it at all once people realised it wasn't going to make money proved my point that its psychological really. I know a couple of people who said that they ha heard it was "awful" when in fact it turned out they hadn't heard it was also at all, just that it wasn't going to make money and the news was making a big deal about it.

          Same thing happened with Waterworld years ago, that didn't get quite as good an initial reception as John Carter, reviews were mixed, but many people did just decide it was a terrible film becuase of all the exposure it received from being called a flop on the news.
          Last edited by rmoxon; 31-05-2013, 05:44.


            For me none of the action sequences held any impact so they didn't elevate the narrative sections, and even then it's a very dull looking film. Despite its origins I also found the story to be simple but also very dull, I know most blockbusters aren't thinking pieces but JC was so straight aimed the whole plot was visible after the opener. If anything it at least needed to be a bit shorter and with more spectacle. Then there's the acting, there's some shocking turns in it and at times it's excruiating to sit through. Not with everyone in it but most critically with the films lead. John Carter is like the film definition of death by a thousand paper cuts, there's no single killer flaw just a thousand weaknesses that make the whole film hard to sit through.


              See that description is not one of the film I watched.

              The film I watched was a massive spectacle, that looked fantastic and had a deep enough plot to build a franchise upon. After watching the film I was in full agreement with all the reviewers that said if it became a seires then it had the potential to become this generations star wars(it was certainly a lot better film than any of the prequels in that series).

              What you're describing sounds more like Battleship than John Carter. Battleship had a paper thin plot and lacked spectacle to boot. John Carter was the oposite. It did many things right and did not get much wrong.

              Its up there with the Star Trek movies as one of the better recent sci fi films.
              Last edited by rmoxon; 31-05-2013, 06:48.


                Next you'll be telling us that Avitar wasn't an over simplified retched cheese fest with a god awful regurgitated story shadowed in the veil of some snazzy computer graphics.

                Oh .....wait.


                  Les Miserables - really enjoyed it. Russell Crowe's singing tone though/Oh Good Lord up on high, no; A strained voice you can hear/ like dumping **** fuelled by beer.

                  X-Men First Class - enjoyable romp.

                  Battle:LA - weird. I 'get' the idea of it being a war film with aliens, rather than a sci-fi film with action. I 'get' the idea of focusing on a squad in a greater battle.

                  But the whole thing left me a bit cold ( because there wasn't enough character development to care about such a small group) and frustrated (I wanted to see larger scale whuppage, to get more of an idea about the size and nature of the threat). It was entertaining enough, but I just didn't care enough to invest in the premise.


                    I enjoyed battleship

                    If you went there expecting something awesome which in turn is all taken from a hasbro board game then you are just idiots

                    I loved the little touches like the pegs for example

                    As for John carter I enjoyed it

                    Sure it's not the best and its all about a guy who is dense well dense bones and if you pit him against the likes of iron man or the avengers ensemble then its never going to win

                    Both films are alright and I wold watch them again plus one has warships :drool:

                    And John mention one more bd thing about avatar and I will be dragging those hair extensions out with my fists


                      Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                      Les Miserables
                      Did you think you could slip that past us?

                      So, your musical-loving missus is dominating the telly, then?

                      I bet if I visited the movies thread of, the friendly musicals forum and reviews, I wouldn't find a review by PrinnySquadette of Deadly Shaolin Monk Bastards.

                      I'd better see some updates to the Chivalrous Inn by the end of the weekend, or a vengeance-fuelled bloodbath may take place!


                        Originally posted by Baseley09 View Post
                        Next you'll be telling us that Avitar wasn't an over simplified retched cheese fest with a god awful regurgitated story shadowed in the veil of some snazzy computer graphics.

                        Oh .....wait.
                        If you believe that then you know nothing about cinema and should not be allowed to talk about films......

                        ......and yes Im serious.


                          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                          See that description is not one of the film I watched.

                          The film I watched was a massive spectacle, that looked fantastic and had a deep enough plot to build a franchise upon. After watching the film I was in full agreement with all the reviewers that said if it became a seires then it had the potential to become this generations star wars(it was certainly a lot better film than any of the prequels in that series).

                          What you're describing sounds more like Battleship than John Carter. Battleship had a paper thin plot and lacked spectacle to boot. John Carter was the oposite. It did many things right and did not get much wrong.

                          Its up there with the Star Trek movies as one of the better recent sci fi films.
                          Where you taking drugs at the time?


                            Watched Fast Five last night. It was amusing and spectacular but utterly stupid at the same time. The dragging of the safe around Rio really took the biscuit. Who the hell gets paid to write this ****?


                              This forum seems to be packed with people that only seem to watch hollywood b'busters & marvel movies.

                              Heres one for you moxey a movie called 'import/export'. Be interesting to hear your views on something that doesn't fall into the above categories....


                                Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                                This forum seems to be packed with people that only seem to watch hollywood b'busters & marvel movies.
                                Are yer havin a laugh? QualityChimp, shinobi, Vanpeebles and I watch Asian stuff that no wagons on here have ever heard of, let alone seen. Add to that folk like Press Start To Begin and Finsbury, and you have a decent corps of martial arts movie badasses.

                                Watching a blockbuster or Superhero flick is truly a rare occurrence for the men of The Chivalrous Inn.

