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What Films Have You Watched This Week - The Sequel.

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    I watched Star Trek 2. Very good!


      Sometimes a film comes on that you just know is going to be awful, yet you still sit and watch it. You know the type, it made no money, it got panned, no one you know has seen or recommended it. Well I just watched That's my boy. Now, at his best I thought Adam Sandler was brilliant, I'd still happily sit and watch Happy Gilmore any day of the week. This though, I should really join the hate on it......................but I really liked it! As long as I'm entertained I don't care if it's hated!


        Trailer Park Boys Countdown to Liquor Day.

        Not quite up to the standard of the series (with 7 series it's going up against some top hilarity) but it certainly had it's funny moments. Pick of the bunch would be Randy's new hairstyle and persona once he gets the complement from Julian.

        'Randy thinks he's all tough now he's got his new hairstyle!!!'

        he he xD

        The film didn't need a soundtrack imo. I like the Trailer Park Boys series for this reason, as it just kind of lets the stupidity of some of the comments hang in the air.

        I think TPB and Eastbound and Down have been two of America and Canadas greatest comedies over the last ten years by miles.


          Ponyo - I was very tired when I watched it and although it was slightly bonkers at times I felt it lacked the spark and excitement of better Ghibli films.


            Monsters Club. Japanese film that mixes a bit of social commentary, terrorism, familial loss and ghosts! Looks and sounds beautiful and it suits my current attention span by being 71 mins long


              I never hold back when mention of John Carter comes around of how I tried to watch it on a flight and it was so bad I turned it off and watched something else. Well tonight it was about the only 10 o'clock film on sky I hadn't seen, so I thought "**** it, let's try again, maybe it was just because I was jetlagged it seemed so bad?". Well this time I managed to watch the entire thing, and it's not **** at all. It's so far beyond **** that simply calling it **** doesn't do justice to just how utterly and completely mega-**** it really is. Just awful. I seriously hope the two lead actors pack it in and go work in a shop somewhere rather than put anyone through watching them on screen again.


                Well, stop beating around the bush, did you like it or not?!


                  Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                  I never hold back when mention of The Spirit comes around of how I tried to watch it on a flight and it was so bad I turned it off and watched something else. Well tonight it was about the only 10 o'clock film on sky I hadn't seen, so I thought "**** it, let's try again, maybe it was just because I was jetlagged it seemed so bad?". Well this time I managed to watch the entire thing, and it's not **** at all. It's so far beyond **** that simply calling it **** doesn't do justice to just how utterly and completely mega-**** it really is. Just awful. I seriously hope the two lead actors pack it in and go work in a shop somewhere rather than put anyone through watching them on screen again.
                  Borrowed your paragraph and changed movie title You should make this a template for terrible movies


                    Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                    I never hold back when mention of John Carter comes around of how I tried to watch it on a flight and it was so bad I turned it off and watched something else. Well tonight it was about the only 10 o'clock film on sky I hadn't seen, so I thought "**** it, let's try again, maybe it was just because I was jetlagged it seemed so bad?". Well this time I managed to watch the entire thing, and it's not **** at all. It's so far beyond **** that simply calling it **** doesn't do justice to just how utterly and completely mega-**** it really is. Just awful. I seriously hope the two lead actors pack it in and go work in a shop somewhere rather than put anyone through watching them on screen again.
                    Agreed think i got 25 mins into that, before hitting stop

                    Battleship was another one; around 30 painful minutes, was all i could endure

                    Seriously, is there any quality control from these studios? Dont they gauge audience reaction from test screenings?
                    Last edited by dvdx2; 30-05-2013, 17:07.


                      It's odd that some people on this forum seem to dislike John Carter so much when it was a film that was pretty well received upon release (in fact review wise it faired very well upon its theatrical release). I can only assume its some psychological thing becuase the film was considered a flop by Disney and people don't want to give it a proper chance. It is a shame that people don't realise that just because not many people saw it does not mean it is rubbish, as its actually a very good film.

                      Battleship is awful though, one of the worst films I have seen in years actually. It was just a load of noisey explosions and bad acting. I imagine the hate for that film is universal and not just on this forum.
                      Last edited by rmoxon; 30-05-2013, 19:51.


                        Battleship is the biggest piece of high budget trash I've seen ever. Even Brooklyn Deckers awesome rack couldn't save it. Think how poor a film must be for that to happen!


                          Originally posted by rmoxon View Post
                          It's odd that some people on this forum seem to dislike John Carter so much when it was a film that was pretty well received upon release (in fact review wise it faired very well upon its theatrical release). I can only assume its some psychological thing becuase the film was considered a flop by Disney and people don't want to give it a proper chance. It is a shame that people don't realise that just because not many people saw it does not mean it is rubbish, as its actually a very good film.
                          To be fair on Ikobo, he did give it a chance. He watched it again because a plane's little screen doesn't do any film any favours.

                          His opinion isn't based on the fact other people hadn't seen it, but because he had, twice!

                          I've still not seen it, but will do eventually. I want to make my own mind up.


                            If you say so.

                            He probably wouldn't even realise he was doing it anyway. Like I said its psychological.
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 30-05-2013, 21:02.


                              So you know what I'm thinking better than I do? You really need to think out these replies better before posting.



                                If, as you say, I know what you are thinking better than you do, then I am obviously thinking clearly enough for the both of us.

